Wednesday, December 26, 2012

The Party Is Over!

The party is over it was a big success. Everyone is healthy, happy and well fed so now it is time for a little of this ……….

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I might even do some of this………

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Or this……..

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I actually might do a little of this too…………..
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So if you see me around blog land you will know that I will look something like this……….

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How about YOU?

What will you be doing today?

Whatever you choose to do I hope that you are………

“Enjoying the Process”



  1. One thing we are doing..Friday we are going to see Les Mis. Can't wait! We saw it on Broadway and a few times "on the road".....can't wait to see Hollywood's version.

  2. I never got dressed today until after 1 p.m. We were under a blizzard warning until just about a half hour ago so it was a good day to stay in. I did a little of this and that and then a whole lot of nothing!

  3. I am right there with you Kathysue! It was a great day to be comfy and cozy at home! Jane

  4. Well...first glad to hear it was a success as was mine, it was a wonderful day. Supposed to go see Le Mis tonight but a nasty storm is keeping us in and surprisingly I don't' mind! I have loved getting into my pjs early, feasting on all the leftovers and watching The Notebook and Its Complicated, two movies that never get was a really relaxing day, oh and I must add..playing nurse to my sick hubby and you know what THAT'S like! Cheers to a great new year!

  5. Merry Christmas, Kathysue, and all best wishes for a Happy New Year, too. I always enjoy reading you. :)

  6. I might be wrapped up like a pretzel while "practicing" my yoga.....

    Hope you're rested and refreshed for the weekend ahead!

  7. another pj day for me here as i try to recover from this respiratory thing. i think i slept 20 hours yesterday!

    smiles to you.


  8. I'll be doing a lot of that too! It's cold here so we are snuggled in by a cozy fire, laptop in hand. ;-)
    Happy New Year! ~ Sarah

  9. KathySue...if you enjoy "Cirque du Soleil"...the movie in 3-D we watched today was just enchanting. franki

  10. Hi Kathysue, I have napped, watched Netflix movies and wasted a ton of time on Pinterest. I am fully enjoying my in between time.

  11. Aw Kathy, today is a church then workout followed by a nutritious (aka no sweets) dinner at Sweet Tomatoes and vowing to never look at a dessert again -- at least until New Year's Eve!
    Happy New Year to you, Doug, and the rest of your clan.


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue