Saturday, December 8, 2012



2021 Christmas Tree 016 (465x800)
To many when they look at my tree they will see a tree like many others, one jammed packed with ornaments.

These are not just any ornaments, but these are memories hanging on my tree.

2021 Christmas Tree 018 (600x800)

Every year as I hang each ornament I have what I call my annual Christmas cry. Not because I am sad, but because I am so thankful to have had so many wonderful Christmas memories to hold onto year after year.

2021 Christmas Tree 019 (600x800)

I love a beautifully appointed, coordinated tree, but for this girl the beauty in her tree is found in its memories.

On My Tree You Will See…………

My youngest son’s very first pair of glasses. A sweet satin ball with his picture placed front and center adorned with beads and sequins that were placed by his little hands.
Christmas tree 2011 035 (800x600)
Christmas tree 2011 033 (800x600)
My youngest son’s first pair of shoes,  first ornament(dated 1977), and  his very first pair of glasses. 

My oldest son’s soccer buttons, and an ornament that was made out of a juice can top with red painted macaroni and glitter. It is crumbling, but it is still placed proudly on my tree.

Christmas tree 2011 041 (800x465)
A family picture of years gone by.

Christmas tree 2011 037 (600x800)
A sterling soldier that was my oldest son’s. When I gave him and his new wife his box of ornaments for their first tree, he handed the soldier back to me, and said, “ No, Mama this one belongs on the family tree!”

2021 Christmas Tree 023 (600x800)

Yes, I cried because this was always his favorite ornament while he was growing up. The sweet face in the silver snow flake is his daughter. Believe me she is sweet beyond words.

Christmas tree 2011 034 (800x600)
In the far right is a picture of her Mommy and Daddy giving me the thumbs up for the gift I gave them that year.

Christmas tree 2011 040 (800x600)

A Styrofoam sequin gilded ornament made by my middle son. The other side shows a fish representing the symbol for Christianity. He knew even as a little boy how important Christ was in our home. 

2021 Christmas Tree 024 (800x544)
There are pictures of him his very first year of Little League, a soccer button, and the little cherub with the kissable cheeks his youngest son. I think God gave him such kissable cheeks because he is a total love-bug, he gives the best hugs! The beautiful couple is his Mommy and Daddy!
Christmas tree 2011 007 (600x800)
My middle son gets rocking horses for his ornaments so I have this one on the tree representing his ornament. 

The cutie in the star is his oldest, and he is definitely a star in his Grammy’s heart……

So when you look at my tree just remember it is near and dear to my heart. That is why it is not a Christmas Tree, but it is called………….


2021 Christmas Tree 020 (600x800)
Remember to make your own special memories this year!!


I will be joining Melissa at the Inspired room linky party HERE!!



  1. oh i know this christmas cry! i know it well. i had a good one yesterday as i assembled a wall of family pics. there will be more assembling and tears today. it's all good!!

    love to you.


  2. Oh my goodness I love this tree! The first year we put up a tree without our kids, I got out a box of their ornaments and began to cry... it was so sad to me not to have them there decorating the tree with us. I handed my son's 'baby's first Christmas ornament with his sweet little picture on it to my husband and he started to cry. So there we were, sitting on the sofa, crying over every ornament! Finally we put the lid on the box...and went out dinner!
    Now each ornament holds such joy!!! This year my son is engaged and he will get all of ornaments as a Christmas gift (a family tradition).

    Your tree is delightful! How sweet to have glasses and baby shoes and soccer buttons in the tree!!!
    Beautiful post, Kathy Sue! Beautiful tree!

  3. I loved reading about your memory tree, Kathysue. It brings back many memories of our tree growing up. You can imagine how many ornaments we had in our family of 12 children. Thanks for sharing all the stories. I'm glad the sterling soldier is on your tree :)

  4. The best and the most gorgeous tree is the one that holds so many memories! Mine is this kind too and I will post it next week with many close up as you did..but your tree is simply gorgeous, this makes me want to go with it and the memories of C'mas past since 1975, the year we married. Each of your ornies are beautiful and what they mean, I too shed a tier or two looking at the girls baby pics and the grands and the ornaments my little girls did in ceramics when they were small. Boy, if it could talk, right? The baby shoes, the glasses, just memorable! My heart has warmed today from visiting your beautiful tree post. Happy holidays.

  5. I used to want a "designer" tree where everything matched.

    Now I am so blessed to have a mis-matched collection of priceless memories.
    The felt ornaments I made our first Christmas.
    The mobile figures from our baby's first mobile.
    The ornaments our daughter made in kindergarten representing each of us.
    Ornaments from friends no longer heres.

    My own memory tree.

  6. love the idea of first glasses, first shoes.......
    beautiful kathysue

  7. Kathysue, what a great post! We kept all of the kids ornaments in a box and use them on the "fun" tree, in the gameroom each year. You're's so nice to go back and reflect on all of the wonderful memories!

  8. You sound so much like me! It takes me forever to decorate my tree because I look at all the ornaments and the memories just make me a little sad. Such good times, I wish I could bring it all back!

    Your tree is lovely! Happy Holidays!


  9. I got teary eyed reading about the meaning behind your beautiful Kathysue. I still get choked up over seeing the things my kids made over the years, envisioning those chubby little hands at work, hearts full of pride and determination. I treasure those things more than anything and now so understand when my parents said " the handmade gifts are the best we could receive" and I used to think they were just saying that, I soooo get it now. Thanks for a beautiful reminder to keep these cherished things close to us during the holidays as a symbol of those we love.

  10. How wonderful to have such a memorable tree! Each one of the ornaments is a treasure!
    Thank you for sharing this precious piece of your life with all of us.

  11. This is darling. I don't know why I got out of the habit of putting those darling handmade ones on display. This makes me feel like I am missing out- thanks for the reminder Kathy Sue- yours is the most beautiful tree!

  12. Oh my goodness. I think you gave me a good Christmas cry too. I loved seeing the close-up of your tree and hearing the stories behind them. Nothing, and I mean NOTHING will ever beat a Memory Tree. Now you can understand how completely sad this makes me when I think about all of my treasured ornaments we lost. :( How beautiful and priceless they are. Thanks for sharing this very personal part of your life with us. And I just adore the gift tags. xxxooo

  13. Your tree is the most beautiful tree in the world!!!
    I love it and YOU
    Merry Chistmas Kathysue

  14. Such wonderful memories. Thank you, Kathysue, for sharing a glimpse at all your treasures (I mean your family of course) and all your lovely family ornaments.
    XO, Victoria

  15. What a wonderful tree! These sentimental ones are the best filled with all the sweet little memories.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  16. Just lovely!Your tree is the most beautiful tree in the world!
    Hughs Vicky

  17. Don't cry because it's over smile because it happened

  18. That's such a lovely idea Kathysue, you've inspired me. I love the idea of a tree having such history and meaning. I'm off to find mementos for ours now.


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue