Thursday, December 13, 2012

My Christmas Wish List

My husband and I don’t usually exchange Christmas gifts. Over the years it has been something that we just don’t do on a normal basis.

We used our resources to purchase gifts for our family and friends.

I am not accustomed to making a Christmas list, but when I read other blogger's list I always enjoy seeing what is out there that they would love to have.

So this year I thought I would try my hand at making a Christmas list…….

As I told you all before our family loves Christmas ornaments and they are very special to us. 

My DIL actually pinned these ornaments I am about to show you, and I thought they were so unique and a perfect gift for someone that loves design.....

 There is a whole collection of these wonderful ornaments depicting Frank Lloyd Wright's designs.

Another design related gift would be this gorgeous book written by Carolyne Roehm.

You have to admit this would look great for Spring/Summer bag! Love the bright pop of bright pink.

On a more practical note…….

I think these monogrammed coasters would be great to have on hand for guest to use.

Speaking of monograms, this monogrammed signet ring is a beauty.

I love anything with letters or numbers on it, so when I saw this next item I thought it would be a great addition to my wardrobe…..

This next items has words on it, and it is in white with black writing…..

Emma Bridgewater makes these darling white dishes with words written on them. I would love to have a few pieces.

Since we are in the dish department how about a pretty glass…….

I am not a drinker, but who says only champagne can go in a flute? These flutes are so festive and anything would taste better in them.

Since we are talking about something to drink out of how about these wonderful vintage French Latte bowls. Aren’t these beautiful? 

I can just feel them in my hands drinking my first cup of coffee in the morning.

This black and white striped blanket would be a welcome sight under the tree all wrapped up for me!!

A strand of Mikomoto pearls would be a dream come true for me. I love beautiful pearls, even more than diamonds.

So there you have it. Of course I do not expect any of these gifts, but I must admit it was pretty fun to make a Christmas list for the first time in decades.

Since this post was about gifts and it is the season of giving and receiving, I thought I would share something I read that resonated with me……….

I think this is something we all need to practice and to teach our children as they grow up.

How about you all, do have something really special on your wish list?
Merry Christmas!


  1. Beautiful post, Kathy! My shop actually used to carry Bridgwater for years! Would love to have them again! love all of your gift ideas!

  2. Oh yes my friend, I too love your Xmas list! I have a little grand 5 who changes her letter according to what tv show she's watching caz of the toy commercials, lol.. I do exhange with hubs, but our presents..or what I get is always dishes, pretty things in porcelain, but mostly something I can't buy for my house with my hubs abladges, lol I usually get him, ties, sweaters, shirts, a perfume, biggies. Happy holidays.

  3. My husband and I don't do too much for each other either.He always gets me some small things: this year it's the John Robshaw book that I am hoping....will be under the tree! Actually, we won't even have a tree this year. No family at all: just the two of us! We tend to keep Christmas quiet and small:I'm just not into going all out either for decorating or presents!

  4. i'm not a latte drinker but never met one of these cups i didn't love!


  5. I like to travel hence I would put all travel books I don't have yet on my wish list.

  6. Love it all but am especially a sucker for those gorgeous monogrammed goodies!!

  7. So many great ideas here! Love the monogrammed coasters and the latte bowls are darling. The floral book looks gorgeous.

  8. I would feel glamorous drinking water out of those Champagne glasses! Great list. I don't have one this year...but my husband and I might give each other a seagrass rug for the living room...not that exciting but we could use it.
    Marry Christmas, Kathysue.

  9. This brought back memories. My husband and I forsake gifts, like you perfering to buy for our family, instead for holiday celebrations we wrote each other poems...they were not what you would consider good poetry but special to us: sometimes funny and sometime touching. I still have them all and they give me so much pleasure.

  10. Great Christmas List!!!
    Actually many years ago MC and I started doing what you do. We "gift" all year! Thus all our projects, etc.
    MC loves it....he no longer has to shop for sweaters!!! ....or receive them!

  11. steve and i also do not exchange gifts, it is a time for others, but......that list is enticing!

    love numbers and letters so several years ago treated myself to the emma bridgewater set, i never tire of it. nor would i ever tire of those stunning fluted glasses, love those!


  12. oooh so many good picks! love that sweater and those white dishes with the black writing. just perfect!


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue