Thursday, December 20, 2012

Hoiday Dressing- Add A Little Sparkle

Remember the catalogs we use to get in the mail, and we would pour through the pages picking out things  that we would want Santa to bring us?

I still do that, but now I do it over at Pinterest. I love pinning outfits that I would enjoy wearing during the Holidays.


This time of year more than any other time of year it is a good time to wear a little *sparkle*. 

I have been pinning some outfits that I would wear to fancy Holiday party, semi-fancy, or even casual gathering at my home.

tumblr_lxj3mrRFIq1qgawlzo1_500 glitter sparkle
I think it is fun to pick outfits that I would feel comfy in even if I never plan on buying any of them. If they have a little *sparkle*, that is even better.

Shall we start with the more casual side of sparkly?…….

*Casually Sparkly*

I must admit I am not that enamored with the jacket, but love the sequins with the ivory blouse underneath with dark wash jeans. Very cute and comfy for a casual setting.

If you add a cute pair of sparkly shoes to an outfit, no matter how casual the outfit is, it will become semi-fancy!!

I am loving these metallic gold loafers, casual yet they give a nod to… “I am fancy.”

ADORABLE!! Sparkles, and polka-dots, be still my heart!

Such a pretty scarf. A tailored white blouse and dark wash jeans would look just a little fancier with this bit of sparkle around your neck.

Add this gold belt with a  bow at your waist, and you will become a fancy girl!!! 

I can see all winter white with this belt and these cute ballet flats. Now wouldn’t that be a comfy outfit to entertain in?

Here is a darling all white outfit, casual and sparkly!!

*A Touch More Fancy*……..

Cashmere and sequins, a girl can never go wrong with this combination.

I would wear this with a black chiffon blouse, simple black shoes, and a bit more sparkle with some fabulous earrings.

Velvet tuxedo pants are amazing. I would keep my sparkle on my wrist and possible simple diamond studs on my ears. Understated, but still elegant.

Such a beautiful rose gold skirt by Calvin Klein!

*A Dressy Affair*

Beautiful color with just a hint of sparkle, so lovely.

A great looking, and comfortable hostess outfit. The sparkle here is in the earrings and bracelet.

Gorgeous color and sparkle.

Oh My!! This just makes me giggle!!

I could keep going on and on, but let me show you some outfits that I know I would wear for sure…..


*Casual Sparkle*
I am in love with this plaid sequined skirt. I am not sure it would be long enough for me, but if it was just above the knee I would own this skirt. 

Luckily I have short legs so it just might be long enough on me. I love it with the chambray shirt, and I think it works well with both sweaters. This is so ME!!!

Here is the link to the skirt if you are interested in it!! Just click on the under the image.

*AT Home With Sparkle*

I would totally wear this little sparkly sweater with dark wash jeans at home for entertaining.

So there you have it, but if you are still craving more sparkle……

more sparkles

I have two boards that will show you some sparkly options for your holiday dressing….


“Enjoy The Process!” Of:
Adding some…..


  1. Oh these are all so pretty. I have been on the hunt for a pretty sequined top and havn't found it yet, still looking for just the right one. May not happen before Christmas, but oh well, I can add a scarf, that will work. Love all these ideas and you would look fabulous in any of them. Hugs, Marty

  2. velvet, lace, sparkle, silk = SOLD!

  3. Love all of these looks. I actually liked the first pic the best, jacket and all. LOL I think after so many years of very formal Marine Corps Balls and Holiday Parties with all of the glitz, I like the more casual approach with just a touch of shimmer. Great post. xxoo

  4. I'd go with the cashmere and sequins! Wonderful pics for the holidays.

  5. Although I'm not normally a glittery type person, I do so like some of these. You have made me realize just how BLAH my seasonal attire is. Guess I better hunt some bling quick before its too late.

  6. This is just the BEST ever!!! I have the Calvin skirt in gunmetal grey (E-Bay!!) Honestly, I wear "some" sparkle every day...I just cannot fathom anyone NOT liking sparkle. I'm a glitz girl and wear it happily. THANKS for this fab blog!! franki

  7. i love sequins. i do. i have a cute gold michael kors shell and a favorite black sequin dress which is pretty timeless.

    that scarf is gorgeous!!!

    sparkle, girl, sparkle.


  8. Lots of holiday glitter!! My favorite is the navy coat with the burnished gold pants - understate chic!! Wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas Kathysue!!

  9. Stunning - I want them all. Now I feel compelled to add some sparkle to my Christmas outfit. Lovely images, Kathysue, and your house is looking gorgeous.

  10. Love all the sparkle, Kathysue! I wish I were a fancy girl! lol And thanks for featuring my little trees on your sidebar! Have a wonderful Christmas!...hugs...Debbie


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue