Tuesday, December 11, 2012

As You Enter My Home You Will SEE.....

 ......Mary and Baby Jesus

During the Christmas season I like to keep my entry hall peaceful.

Entry Hall 2012 006 (574x800)
After all it is the birth of Christ, the greatest gift of LOVE mankind has ever received, that we are celebrating.  

We can get so caught up in the decorating and gift buying we often forget about the meaning behind Christmas.

I want all who enter our home to know that  we are celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ

Entry Hall 2012 009 (389x800)
Yesterday I brought out Mary, and baby Jesus, and placed them in their usual spot.

I had a large ceramic jug with branches from Thanksgiving that I wanted to use.

Entry Hall 2012 012 (600x800)
By placing all white ornaments, and silver pinecones on the branches I kept the peaceful look.

I kept it simple by adding one large white pillar candle.

Entry Hall 2012 001 (559x800)Entry Hall 2012 007
I am wishing you all a blessed Christmas where you will feel peace and love in your homes.

Another story about how I almost lost Mary and Baby Jesus and the lesson it taught me, HERE!

 I am joining Rhoda's Christmas Vignette Linky Party.


  1. Kathysue, so pretty and so perfect. Hugs, Marty

  2. It looks beautiful and peaceful, love your new piece of Mary and baby Jesus..... your right....We do need to remember what this season is all about!

  3. What a meaningful accounting of your finding. Thanks for sharing.

  4. That is just lovely, Kathysue! xo Diana

  5. How simple and classic Kathysue. I like to keep the focus on Christ in the intro to my house too. Gotta keep perspective at this time of the year.
    Merry Christmas.

  6. Beautiful...beautiful....love this post...and the foyer table is perfect!

  7. Jesus is the reason for the season! I need a reminder every hour about now! It's all beautiful. Well done!

  8. Such a beautiful, simple nativity! And I love how it welcomes everyone into your home - the perfect reminder of the reason for the season. I want more nativity/Christ reminders around our home during Christmas time. My mother-in-law made us a Christmas book that goes through each day of December with a Christ-centered scripture and story. It's the perfect way to remind us of the beauty of this holiday.


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue