Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Making Some Christmas Progress Around The House

We are making a little bit of progress around our house! Nothing earth shattering, but little bits, and pieces of Christmas are starting to emerge.

We have a good all white base going on the mantel……..

Chritstmas mantel trial 002 (800x422)
The lanterns are in place!! All the white pillar candles are lined up.

The unadorned garland has all  of it's white twinkly lights, and the star is the “STAR” of the mantel!

Doug putting on the lights 2012 003 (800x628)
The tree lights are all aglow, and the tree is waiting for its star!!

Chritstmas mantel trial 005 (800x411)
There it is!! ***THE STAR***!!!

Chritstmas mantel trial 024 (800x600)
***There are more stars to be hung!***

Chritstmas mantel trial 028 (615x800)
Now it is all aglow! Look at how the tree is reflecting in the glass of the picture!! Double star vision!!

Thanks to my Christmas elf my stars are all aglow, and I must say this girl is quite content right now!!!

So much more to do, but we have plenty of time to get the important things done. I am going to hum along and …….
“Enjoy the Process!”


  1. Looking good, Kathy. Love the stars!!!!

  2. Looking so festive! I have to tell you that after reading your Elf On The Shelf experience last year, you inspired me to start the tradition with my kids. The evening after Thanksgiving we watched The Elf On The Shelf movie (and have since watched it 3 times...very short) and started the tradition that night. My children are beyond thrilled with Charlie (our elf) and it is so fun to see their expressions each day. Here's to a wonderful holiday season! xo, Lisa

  3. The star hanging from the recessed lights....awesome! How clever!

  4. Beautiful, all of it! And how did you hang those stars from your recessed lights...very clever!


  5. Great question about those stars hanging from the recessed lights, Kat. I was wondering about it, too.

    Is it going to be a white Christmas at Maison Good Life of Design? :)

    Look forward to seeing more ~

  6. Its kind of contagious...once you start there's no stopping it! Looking great!

  7. Looking festive Kathysue! Love all the stars and the twinkly white lights...so pretty!

  8. LOVE the stars! You are so creative. I feel like a slacker.

  9. Looks wonderful, Kathy! Love those star lights.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  10. Your decorating is looking great! Seeing you hang the stars from the ceiling cans reminds me of when I was much younger and my Mom and Dad hung these large mistletoe balls with lights that somehow got plugged into them. I forgot all about them until I saw your post! That is one long mantel you have there! Lots of room to decorate for sure!

  11. these are some seriously good looking stars, LOVE!
    you have made great progress kathysue, but i see you have a helper!

  12. One of my faorite parts of the holidays is seeing the refletions the tree makes in the windows at night, in the mirror, etc. franki

  13. Oh Kathysue, it is looking so pretty. I love you stars, they are wonderful. Hugs, Marty

  14. How sweet of your husband...The lights look beautiful.

  15. Looks good Kathysue! Love the Christmas tree star!
    I've been slowly decorating too. Just greenery, no lights yet. I'm going to need an elf to help with that! ~Delores

  16. Will you put more deco on the xmas tree except the fairy light? I think it looks so different and simple elegant...I like it.

  17. I like the simple but elegant Christmas tree deco with the star on the top and the fairy lights. Would suggest not puting more on it . Wonderful Kathy Sue.

  18. Seriously, you need to tell us where you got the star lights that are hanging from the recessed lights. Other readers have asked. Please let us know!! I really love that look.

  19. Carol, I have personally emailed the readers that have asked. You don't have an email listed so I will have to tell you here in the comments, sorry!! The lights came from Sears, they are called Vickerman 14" lights and they are on sale right now for $24.99. they look even better in person, just a wonderful glowing light! Good luck!


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue