Thursday, November 1, 2012

A Blast From Thanksgiving Tables Past!


It is that time of year again!! Halloween is officially over, and now we need to start looking forward to the official Holiday season!!

First on the agenda:


It is time for us to start planning our meal, and our centerpieces for our tables.

Most of us will have our own family’s favorite traditional meal with maybe a few new additions. But, the table!now that is another story!! 

We will all want to do something new and different from what we have done in years past.

Let me show you a few of my past years table settings………..
Thanksgiving Table 2008 038 (800x600)_thumb[3]
This particular year I chose to do my take on a cornucopia. It is hard to tell from this image, but the mirror spans 6ft. so it is a very long arrangement on my 9 ft.table.

The tablecloth is a natural linen with a monogram on one of the tips. I mixed my dishes with white ironstone and black transferware. 

This is the first year I got to use my vintage Bakelite knives.

The next year I went a little more simple and softer in the color pallete……..

Tday 2010 048 (800x600)_thumb[3]
I was inspired by a Martha Stewart table that I had admired. 

I went on the hunt for the tablecloth and lucked out and found this Ralph Lauren Paisley on clearance at Homegoods.

As you can see I kept it simple, fresh and inviting.
Last years table took a far right turn into a little more rustic.......


Thanksgiving table 2011 019 (800x600)_thumb[7]
This tablescape started with the tablecloth that I found. Again, on clearance the year before at none other than Homegoods!

Knowing that I would be using dark brown, and an artichoke green I went from there. 

I had my hubby build me a 5ft. long wooden box. I had seen something similar on another blog and loved the idea.

I stenciled the word Blessings on the side of the box in black lettering. 

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I decided to fill mine with natural produce, and foliage from our park that is behind our home.

I used pewter candlesticks, and glass globes.

Thanksgiving table 2011 020 (800x600)_thumb[6]
You will notice I used brown ribbon to tie a piece of rosemary around the napkin, this also held the silverware in place. 

I am not big on little bows(I prefer my bows to be big and floppy, using double faced satin or velvet) so I just tied a simple knot.

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 I used vintage umber Fostoria glasses that I scored at Goodwill several years ago.

Thanksgiving table 2011 011 (800x600)_thumb[15]
I hope this little blast from Thanksgiving Past has inspired you all!!

Now for the big question……. 
What will I do this year??

I Have No Idea!!
     I am joining Barb at the Everyday Home for a Thanksgiving Linky party HERE!


  1. Kathysue I love every single look for your Holiday Tablescapes! Hmmmm..who could build me a box similar to yours, even 4 ft would do!

    Art by Karena
    2012 Artists Series

  2. Thanks for sharing your wonderful tablescapes inspire me for Christmas!!
    Vicky xx

  3. oh how i loved last years table!

    lucky family to have you and your loving care. can't wait for 2013!

  4. Really, just lovely!! I use rosemary and sometimes thyme tied with twine string (cabin) around my napkins. franki p.s. Hurry and think (and post) 2012... :)

  5. Kathy Sue, I love seeing 3 years of Thanksgiving tables with lots of inspiration. It also shows trends and the progression of our decorating styles too! I love the bounty of our 2009 centerpiece, the gorgeous simplicity of your 2010 table and the upscale and organic feel of your 2011 table. All so perfectly done!
    I can't wait to see what you do for 2012!

  6. Can't wait to see what you come up with for this year! ;)

  7. I especially love 2010. You have me guessing what you'll come up with this year?

  8. i am guessing it will have a french twist!

    alas, my sister will be hosting this year so i will focus on some sides. but xmas eve is right around the corner so i need to get planning like you.



  9. I love seeing your three different Thanksgiving tables.
    I'm sure you will come up with a new, unique table for 2012! Perhaps a French theme, honoring your recent trip to France?
    We are spending Thanksgiving in the Wine Country with the entire family and many friends. SIL is roasting a pig and Ashley is preparing many French dishes as well as a few Welsh favorites. They want to throw away the traditional dishes of the past. I'm just going along with it all. No idea what the table will look like yet! Happy November to you! ~Delores

  10. I so enjoy seeing what you do every year and the past three have been absolutely glorious. Can't wait to see what you come up with. I'm sure it will be dazzling.

  11. Kathysue I think I like last year's the best of the pretty! I must not have been reading your blog before that becuase I don't remember the first 2...didn't know what I was missing!

    Can't wait to see what you come up with this year.

  12. I can't wait to see what you come up with for this year. I love the way you put the rosemary in the ribbon. I love floppy bows too. :o)

  13. Oh I so love all of your tables and you will do something fabulous again this year I am sure. You are amazing. I love your new photo and I sooooooooooooo love you dear friend. Hugs, marty

  14. It's hard to say which table I like more. You are so creative and I am curious how it will look 2012. As many expected a French theme....what will you have in mind? Good luck.

  15. So hard to decide which table is the
    best. I like all of them and it is good to have the opportunity to change it every year. I'm so curious what you will do for 2012 as many expected a French theme....good luck

  16. Kathysue....your tables always look beautiful and I'm sure this year will be no different. Cant wait to see it!

  17. Hi Kathy Sue. Each one of your tables is beautiful! There's no way that I could pick a favorite. Thank you so much for linking up to the Better Late Than Never Thanksgiving bloghop!

  18. Such pretty tables. I'm having trouble picking my favorite. But I think that rosemary may have put last year's over the top, in my opinion.

    Thank you so much for sharing and for inspiring me.

    Atta Girl Amy

  19. I love having all of them on one post, pretty! I can't choose a favorite! You are amazing! Hope you are having a great week!...hugs...Debbie


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue