Monday, October 15, 2012


Monday’s are funny little days for me. It is usually filled with a little of this, and a little of that. I don’t put any pressure on myself on Mondays.

I will usually do what I call, “puttzing around the house!” Since it is a random Monday I thought I would do a random post.

A post with a little of this, and a little of that!

I love a good detail in a room, don’t you?……..

What a wonderful gallery wall. Doing the frameless black, and whites in an over-sized scale makes it almost like it is a wallpaper with dimension. Love this detail!!

Check out all the molding detail on the outside of this garage door. I love the dentil molding under the facia board. The columns are a very nice feature especially with the lantern!


I really think I want to get this chambray shirt! I like its uncomplicated style, and I truly think it would be a nice addition to any wardrobe!

Source: via Kathy Sue on Pinterest

I am being very practical, and only wanting some staples for my wardrobe! Don’t you think? Chambray shirt, black turtleneck top. You can’t get any more practical than that!

Something a little less practical………….

Darling vases from Anthropologie. My favorite is, “let them eat cake.”


I love a good idea, don’t you?

Source: via Kathy Sue on Pinterest

For all you young Moms or even Grammies, this will make it easier to check on a sleeping child without waking them up. I sure could have used this with my first born. He would wake up with the turning of the door knob!!! I think he had super-sonic hearing capabilities.

This next idea is ONLY for a book that is totally thrashed, and of no value any longer. I am not advocating tearing a  perfectly good book apart to do this…….

If you happen to have a book that is falling apart, how about using the spine to make a lovely book mark!

Next we have some things

3 without

Bobbi Brown Brick shimmer in Rose! I have used this for years and I am never without it or……..

I use this after I finish styling my hair, just a few spritz and my hair is shining and smells wonderful. Try it, I promise you will thank me later!!

That is it for my randomness for today!! I hope you have a wonderful week doing whatever you decide to do or not do!!!


  1. Great this and reading and some good ideas.

  2. Alright, Sister separated at birth....that garage is something that I would need to copy. I have not found a black turtleneck that I have coveted for 2o years. I keep buying, and trying...Ann Taylor was the last successful score. I love BB makeup.

  3. I'm very practical also...Love the idea of using book bindings as markers.

  4. Mondays are hectic for me as I try not to do much except have fun on the weekends! But I love a random post and this is great. I like the outfits you picked out, the chambray shirt and black turtleneck are perfect for a relaxed day. Add a scarf and dress it up a bit. Is the product from Bobbi Brown a blush or bronzer? I am looking for something to perk up my pale skin in the winter months. Oh, and I love the pic of the garage...can you imagine what the house looks like!


  5. So funny just bought that eat cake vase for a friends birthday! I LOVE tha gallery wall with the oversized black and white is AMAZING!!!!!!!!!! You gave me a great idea for one day!


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue