Thursday, August 30, 2012

The Freshest Color Of Them All

When I say the word, “FRESH,” what color do you automatically think of?

I know it will be subjective, but I personally think of the color, “GREEN!”

Just think of the crisp crunch when you bite into a juicy green apple…..


Now add an accent color, white to the mix and it becomes even fresher………

There are so many ways to add green to our homes. You don’t have to paint a wall, or buy a green piece of furniture. 
You can take a simple glass bottle and add some freshness to any room……..

Another simple, and inexpensive way to add some fresh green to your  home is with plants. 

Every room should have something living in the form of greenery.

Even in my own home where I already have green and white in my kitchen I still added a touch of greenery with herbs on my kitchen counter………

There are so many clever ways to add green to our homes. 
I have a dedicated board on my Pinterest page just for green. Take a click over there if you would like to see more.

Another place you can see a touch of green and white today is over at Emily Clark’s blog. 
Emily is doing a series of post where she ask ten design bloggers to send her a picture.

Todays post is all about, “What is the last thing you ordered for your home on line?”

I have already given you a hint that mine is green and white, but you will have to go over there to see the great deal of the century I ordered on line…….
Emily A. Clark


  1. Hi Kathysue -
    I adore green. Actually, I LOVE green! As a gardener, I love seeing it inside the home. So versatile: masculine or or name it. Even my garden is mostly green :-)

  2. Green has been my go-to color for years- I have it in my home and in my wardrobe. I find it fresh and soothing. Great post, Kathysue- xo Diana

  3. well i am thoroughly teased so i will pop over there!



  4. Hi,
    I adore the look of live greens in the home. For the time being, since I kill every living plant brought in our home, I will enjoy the green of my "vista" view from the back windows of our home.......

  5. OK, you have my interest up. Just wanted to say "hi" before clicking over to see what you've added. Thanks for the recent visits. I appreciate your thoughtful comments.
    Have a great holiday weekend........Sarah

  6. Such an uplifiting pretty color and now I have to think of it as your signature color!

  7. I "never dreamed" 5 years ago I would be a "fan" of "limey green"..just painted the insides of my kitchen DOES freshen it all!! franki

  8. Kathysue, I always enjoy your green post. Very pretty.

  9. Kathysue, I am not a green person, but you use it in such a fresh and appealing way. I think it is YOU! Also, thought you might want to pop over to my blog and see my fall wardrobe capsule as inspired by yours. Just much more drab than your selection though. But its ME.

  10. I love green but i have nothing green in my house except flower pots, but then I live in Seattle and just have to look outside the window!

  11. I love green too, Kathysue, and I have always loved your dining room. Headed over now to see what you have bought!
    Have a great weekend.

  12. Well, I consider green a neutral, as it is the predominant color of nature. I'm a muted, soft greeny kind of girl. It goes with my favorite corals and gold tones that are everywhere in my house. I had to pin the tented room. I'm in love with it.

  13. I adore green. I have it on my deck and back porch. My daughter paired it with gray in her home and it turned out lovely. I popped over to Emily's and saw your rug. Brilliant purchase!


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue