Tuesday, April 10, 2012

PARIS Here I Come!!!


Yes!! I am going to go to Paris!! We are going to be going in the Fall and we get to spend two weeks in this amazing city.

We have rented an apartment from Paris Perfect. Our apartment is a two bedroom, two bath with living room, dining room, kitchen. It has two balconies where we can sit and view the Eiffel Tower.

I still can’t believe we have this wonderful opportunity, but thanks to my sweet husbands wonderful planning it is going to happen!

Here is a look at the apartment we have rented……..

The view from our balcony.

The Parlor

The Dining Room and balcony.

The modern/updated kitchen

Bedroom #1

Bedroom #2, sorry for the blurry image.

The apartment is beautifully appointed.

It has so much character.

To say I am excited is an understatement. In the upcoming months I will be researching places to go, what to wear, where to eat, what to buy while am visiting.

This will be my very first trip to Paris. I know many of you have been before and some of you many times, so if  you have an recommendations on what I should do while in Paris, please email me or leave a comment so that others can read what you have to say.
It is going to be a fun and exciting journey!!



  1. You know I am more than excited for you, and wish I was going along. I am so glad you have good friends going with you to share this experience. I know it will be a trip of a lifetime for you and Doug. And good for us, we have the Paris expert as our friend! :)

  2. OMG, OMG, OMG! Can you hear me screaming? I'm so happy for you! I have lots of recommendations too.
    Your apartment looks amazing. I am so excited and happy for you two. ~Delores

  3. how awesome it this!! The apartment looks amazing! I can't wait for the post about your trip planning and while you are there!

  4. how awesome it this!! The apartment looks amazing! I can't wait for the post about your trip planning and while you are there!

  5. You KNOW I am excited about your trip! I will be living vicariously this fall...sigh! I need to go back! Need a translator? lol...hugs...Debbie

  6. So wonderful. My thought for you, and I did this both times, get a nice journal and write in it every single day. I did it and today I can open that book and experience it all over again, what we ate in detail, family member we visited, on and on, include everything and even if you're dead tired, do it every night or every morning. It's so worth it. You can sleep when you get home. Don't buy so much here in terms of clothes, buy it there. It's so exciting to bring it home and wear it here. Bring scarves, jackets, sweaters, accessories and wear much the same pants, shoes, and shirts. I'm so happy for you. Read up on everything and you'll know exactly where to go and what to do.

  7. Oh Kathysue, this is just unreal. I am thrilled for you and Doug and know that Deb has already filled you in with tons of advice. I can't wait to see all the pics so I can pretend I was there too. Fabulous. Hugs, Marty

  8. *** HOLY GUACAMOLE, girlfriend!!!

    *** What F*A*B*U*L*O*U*S news!!!!!!!! I'm SO GLAD I can fiiiinally be back visiting you... (computer's been soooo BAAAD... just got it FIXED!!!).

    You will LOVE, LOVE, L*O*V*E your trip, & I'm SOOO GLAD you have lotsa time to PLAN & talk to others about the MOST fab (besides "the obvious"), things to see and do... God bless your Sweetie!!!

    I can't share anything w/ you cuz first of all, it's been soooo long since we were last there and (2) I have a terrible memory for names of places/restaurants, etc that we've happily experienced!. I C*A*N guarantee that you will NOT be disappointed in any way, with anything!!!! (You MUST tho, take a drive thru the outskirts of Paris, well into the countryside... OMG it is ... well... just INCREDIBLE!!!

    And OH HEAVENS!!! Can't BELIEEEEEVE where you are staying!!! I'M sooo excited for Y*O*U I can hardly STAND it!!!!!!!!!! (Insert ANOTHER "WOW" here!!!).......

    CONGRATS Sweets, and big hugs,
    Linda (you know, "in AZ *)

  9. WOW!!!! SO happy for you. One look at that gorgeous apt. and I am having my doubts as to whether or not you will return home:) You are in for a mega treat, and I just know you are going to fall in love with the city as I did the first time I went. I swear half my heart was left in that city........I feel so alive when I am there. What a beautiful time to go in the fall....very excited for you!!!!!!!!!!

  10. WOW!!!! SO happy for you. One look at that gorgeous apt. and I am having my doubts as to whether or not you will return home:) You are in for a mega treat, and I just know you are going to fall in love with the city as I did the first time I went. I swear half my heart was left in that city........I feel so alive when I am there. What a beautiful time to go in the fall....very excited for you!!!!!!!!!!

  11. First of all.....that apartment is incredible! Holy cow......you will have the BEST time ever. Can't wait to read about all of your planning!!!!!

  12. How exciting and I love the apartment. We rented one in 2010 on the Isle Saint Louis (island next to Notre Dame) - not quite as spiffy as yours but a wonderful experience. Museum pass is a great value!


  13. Oh, Kathysue, you lucky girl. The apartment looks incredible. I've never been to Paris either, and my husband and I are also planning a trip there in September!

  14. You're really going to have the full Paris experience there! You must be so excited. Knowing what an organizer you are I'm sure you'll plan a fabulous itinerary for your trip.

  15. Ask me if I am jealous. YES! But I am so happy that you get to go, and everything here looks amazing!
    Happy Wednesday.

  16. I just want to ditto Linda's excitement! Could not have said it better! And, to say that apartment is beautifully appointed is quite the understatement, so gorgeous!

  17. That apt. Is over the top!!!!
    How will you ever leave?
    I am beyond thrilled for you Kathysue!!!!!!

  18. I'm so excited for you, Kathysue! Your apartment is gorgeous. You have such a wonderful hubby!

  19. please please keep us posted every step of the way! i would love to have a source for a great place to stay on my first visit which will be happening in the next year for our 25th.

    woohoooooo, kathysue!!!

    smiles to you.


  20. woo hoo! I'm so happy for you! That is awesome! Paris is on my bucket list so I'll be eagerly anticipating reading about your adventure!

  21. WOW! that is some apartment!! we are only staying in Paris for 2 nights at the Hotel Luxembourg and the rest of the trip will be in London. We are actually taking a private photography tour with an expert photographer to get the best pics of the sights. So I hope to have some good pics or the blog.

  22. How lucky are you?! Our apartment was at the foot of the Eiffel Tower when we lived there and I had to pinch myself every day I walked to work. Have to recommend the restaurant Au Bon Acceuil in the 7th - truly a neighborhood gem.

  23. Congratulations!!!...so thrilled and happy for you! Love, love that apartment...amazing view and gorgeous interiors...I am showing my hubby this right away!..May I stow away in your luggage?

  24. I just returned from an 8 day (not long enough) London/Paris trip! AWESOME!!! We had a sunset dinner at the Effiel Tower followed with a cruise on the Seine River! I hope the exchange rate is better for you than it was for us. :( . A must see is the Sacre-Coeur, highest point in Paris, PLUS, the artist are there painting and selling their art! Also, watch for pick-pockets, they are very active!!!!!! We were not hit, but, approached! Can't wait to go again! Hope you have a great time and a safe trip!!!

  25. Wow, Wow, Wow!!! We have been to this beautiful city several times. You are going to love your location.
    Take black clothing. I wore pastels and looked like a "sore thumb". Good walking shoes.

  26. I'm so, so happy for you!! What an exciting thing :)

  27. Awesome news, Kathysue! The apartment looks fabulous, but just being in Paris for two weeks is what is truly fabulous. You are going to LOVE it. I have lots of recommendations. I'll be in touch.
    ~ Sarah

  28. I so want to go back to Paris!! Oh my Oh my!! And 2 weeks is perfect - I am a bit jealous actually!!
    I wonder if you will want to come home because that apartment is quite lovely!!

  29. That apartment is amazingly beautiful, Kathysue. I can see why you are thrilled. It looks like you could almost reach out and touch the Eiffel Tower. The last time I was in Paris was 1963 (yes, I am that old), so I have no recommendations for you, but I know there are a number of Francophiles who follow your blog and I am sure they will give you lots of good tips.

    Keep us posted as your plans progress. I for one will enjoying vicariously going on this trip with you.

    XO Victoria

  30. You lucky dog you! I wish I were going with ya... Have a good time!

  31. You will have the best time ever... and what an incredibly gorgeous apartment... Kathysue, it will come around so quickly now... have fun savouring the thought... xv

  32. Kathysue, wonderful news! I love Paris. I think Rick Steves has THE best guidebook....how to get in and out of places quickly, as well as some of the often overlooked attractions. I have used his quidebooks every time - a current one, because things can change. We stay in the Rue Cler area near the Eiffel Tower, but never in an apartment - wow!yours looks gorgeous! Linda

  33. So excited for you! My husband and I went as a babymoon before we had our daughter 5 years ago, it is amazing. Have a great time, eat a ton of croissants, hot chocolate, drink wine, more wine, eat at cafes.. oh have a crepe. Hmm, maybe I was a little too pregnant last tie since all I remember is the food:)


  34. ...you will love it!...but beware...you will leave a piece of your heart there forever...i know a piece of mine is still there...many many years later...blessings laney

  35. Hello Kathysue

    I am thrilled for you to be going to Paris. I know you will be researching the city and I echo the writer who stated to travel lightly, one can always buy and it is so much fun to have items as souvenirs.

    How exciting and no doubt you are counting the days


  36. OMG....I'd want to live in that apartment forever!!!
    Have fun, enjoy every second!


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue