Tuesday, April 24, 2012

How To Use Trends Without Looking Too Trendy


We all love to add a new trend to our homes once-in-awhile. How  can we add something that is trendy without looking like we jumped on the trend train in full force, and over did it?

Use the trend with restraint!

 Today I would like to talk about one particular trend that is being seen in home interiors as well as fashion is, bright pops of color. 

The reason I am choosing this trend, is because all of us can add this easily to our existing designs in our homes.

Personally I am glad to see the design world getting away from the all white/neutral interiors.

 As serene as a neutral color scheme  can be, a bright pop of color is always welcomed in our world. 

The above image shows a neutral room with a pop of green. The room comes alive!

(Pops of color are brought in with pillows, and sunflowers.)

Yesterday as I was reading one of my favorite blogs, Isabella & Max Rooms, by the lovely Janell. In her post she showed how a pop of color can totally change the look of a room.

Janell is a wonderful designer, and DIY'er. She has the ability to do makeovers that always improve the look, and feel of her home on a budget in such creative ways.

This particular vignette is on her sideboard in her dining area. Notice the wall behind the sideboard, she stenciled that herself. That alone gave this room a Wow! factor, but she takes it a step further by adding a bit of color……….. 

bird cage 1
I love the pop of turquoise used here. Notice the touches of Spring, a bird cage, and two little brass birds that echo the brass in the hardware on the console table. 

This already looks great, but Janell is a creative spirit, and took it a step further…………….

bird cage after 1
A bright pop of a coral/pink is added to the birdcage. Now this vignette becomes elevated to a whole other level.

?What can we all learn from this?

By adding one contrasting, or complimentary color in small, restrained doses, our homes can look fresh and current.

How can we apply this technique in our own homes?

1. Take a look around your home, and think of the
    color families you have in your rooms.
2. Choose an existing color you already have in your
    home, and look at some of the brighter values of
    that color.

3. Choose a new accent color,  and make it brighter
    than you would usually use in your home.

4. Select an element you can apply the color. Don't
    forget the use of bright flowers or fruit. Bright 
    natural elements in any room will bring life to a

Have fun with it and remember just a pop of color will not only brighten your room, but I think it just might put a smile on your face!



  1. Great post Kathysue! And great tips about adding a pop of color!

  2. Wow, I'm honored to have my little project included in your post today Kathysue! Thank you, Janell

  3. I like a pop of color here and there in a house, Kathysue! I think it is fresh and "wakes" us up a bit. I have mostly neutrals but pop it up with color according to the season. I don't do the ULTRA brights because they don't rest easy on my eyes but I do use a brighter color than I normally would.

    I popped over and visited Isabella and Max...did not know her before. Thanks for the link. xo Diana

  4. Fantastic advice and well said. I love this post!

  5. Come to think of it..you are absolutely right, there is pops of color everywhere!! I like to play it a little safer and get my pops through flowers, but you definitely have me thinking about venturing out a little and adding a little object here or there with a shock of color. Love the first picture!

  6. Great post, Kathysue. Very good and practical advice. Linda

  7. Such smart tips. I never like those houses that I see where you instantly know the owner reads every design blog out there and tries to follow everybody's everything :) Restraint is definitely key.

  8. Right on Kathysue!!! Well said...moderation is the key to everything!

  9. Hi Kathysue-
    I've seen your face so many times on other blogs with comments and I finally ran across your blog!
    I love this post and I agree with it 100%.
    Janell has done a great job and I love that she added this pop of color!
    Her taupe background is perfect with these colors and allows for making changes easily! Wow, I can't believe she did the stenciling! Marvelous work!

  10. The bright yellow popped out at me in your picture. Since our re-model that is exactly the color Diane wants to use for some accents but guess what? That bright of a yellow isn't "Trendy" right now. She's planning to go to a paint your own ceramics place here in town and do our own. Guess that's the problem with trends, they have to fit your needs and style.

  11. i love you as a design teacher because you put it in plain english and illustrate your point magnificently!

    smiles and sunshine to you, sweet friend.


  12. Kathysue, great post. I always buy larger pieces that wont go out of style and fill in with trendy pieces that don't cost a lot.

  13. All these look very nice. We have white walls and doors but an ice green picture rail. It works because the room is high.

  14. now i wish i had a belgian styled home as i love your suggestions!
    isabella and max is sheer brilliance, adore that room
    have a great week kathysue!

  15. What great practical advice. I love your photos. Thanks for including Willow Decor.
    xx Gina

  16. ** TERRIFIC, INFORMATIVE and "oh-SUCH-pretty-pics"!!!

    Totally agree w/ you, and you can even take it a step further ("farther"?) by adopting this thinking to one's wardrobe/personal style... don'tcha think, girlfriend?

    Thankds again, this was SUPER!

    Linda in AZ *

  17. My favorite look is a neutral palette with a pop of color even if it is in flowers...gorgeous images!!

  18. Love the first photo, Kathysue! You have me looking a my colors with fresh eyes! Happy week!...hugs...Debbie

  19. I love the last image and I am going to paint the pocket door in my kitchen a fun color now.
    I have been wanting to change it but I love the look of just painting it a bold color. Thank you or the fabulous inspiration Kathysue!!!!

  20. You are so right about the pops...makes everything fresh. I always think neutral rooms are soothing and sophisticated but color adds life.

  21. Great post, Kathy Sue. I totally agree with you.


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue