Sunday, April 29, 2012

Answered Prayers

I am feeling very grateful today, just maybe a little more grateful than normal.

Sometimes it is hard to let go and let God, as the saying goes. 
Answers don’t always come to us when we think we need them, or in the manner we are seeking, but He always answers our prayers.

 I am learning even if the answer is not what I think it should be, he knows best, and I have to rely on his omnipotence.

This time God has so graciously seen fit to fulfill a need.

I am so  thankful for his hand in my life, and in the lives of the one’s I love.

So today my heart is a little fuller, and my gratitude is over flowing.


  1. Lovely post Kathysue. I saw your quote about the teacher being quiet during a test last night on Pinterest. I'm a firm believer in "if it's meant to be it will happen." Evidently whatever you are grateful for was meant to be. Enjoy your Sunday.

  2. Wonderful blog entry -- hope all is well with you and yours. Love the poster about the teacher being quiet during the test, touches me as a teacher but more so as I go through the test. It's been a long and seemingly never ending one.

  3. God is so good! So glad you are having moments for gratitude. Love you, KS!

  4. So happy that all is well with you! :-) Hugs to you, my friend!...Debbie

  5. Such a lovely answer to prayer is a real reason to rejoice.

  6. Kathy thinking of you and your family ; hoping all is okay!! God does listen and answer in his own wise way!

    The 2012 Artist Series featuring Designer and Paper Artist Anita Rivera...on my site, please stop by! Her work is amazing!

    Art by Karena

  7. Oh Kathysue, I am so grateful to have you as such a special and dear friend, you always inspire. I am thrilled your prayer has been answered. God Bless. Hugs, Marty

  8. It is such a joy when we feel His interaction in our lives and the answers to our prayers. So happy for what you are experiencing today! xo Sherri

  9. sometime it takes becoming more seasoned in life to understand His will and to have faith.
    sounds as if you passed the test

  10. I am sending lots of hugs.
    XO Victoria

  11. Sounds like you need a little prayer, so I'm tossing one up. I am grateful as well, we literally had a beautiful God knock, and it was right in the nick of time. Miss You, I've been running around like a crazy person.

  12. gorgeous post, kathysue. the more we can remind others to seek and find gratitude, the more we are being His hands and feet. life is too fragile, too fleeting to let bitterness creep in, but we need encouragement from each other to see the sweet.

    love to you.


  13. I hope that all is well with you, Kathysue. It is hard to let go and let God -especially if you are like me and like to be in control of life itself. God bless you- I am glad your prayers were answered. xo Diana

  14. I'm so glad to hear things are well with you! His timing is always perfect, never too early or too late. And sometimes in life, the greatest blessings of all are unanswered prayers that save us from heartache that we cannot fathom. We just need to trust Him, I've learned over the last few years that the control that I once enjoyed having over things in my life is actually exhausting. LOL.

    I hope you had a lovely weekend and thank you for your lovely post! :)

  15. Hello Kathysue

    I am happy to hear your prayers have been answered. Thank you God


  16. I am so happy for you my friend!!!!
    May your blessings continue....
    Al my love,

  17. He is sooo good!! My heart has been filled with gratitude this passed week as my studies came to an end. God really carried me through and I am grateful every day. I am so thankful for all of the prayers from fantastic friends like you Kathysue! That in itself was such a blessing to me. Big hugs to you, I am happy to be back reading and commenting on my fav blogs!

    Nancy xo

  18. Thanks for the well timed message! Needed to hear this today. Guess what? You won the Paris In Love book giveaway!! I emailed you, just need your shipping info. If you could email me with it @ debbyleesteele@gmail it would be wonderful! xo

  19. What a beautiful post, Kathysue. Such a great reminder for all of us. I do believe that there are a lot of unanswered prayers because what we think we want many not be the right time. It's only later that we realized that everything worked out for a reason. So thrilled to hear your heart is full and overflowing. xo

  20. Beautiful post. So glad to hear your prayers are being answered and hoping all is well with you. ~Delores

  21. You are such a sweetie...this is a beautiful post and it really made me stop and think about how lucky I am in many ways......

  22. Amen! I have just started following your blog. It is beautiful and I just knew that the lady writing it was beautiful, too... I was right.


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue