Wednesday, March 7, 2012

He STILL........



Today I am celebrating my love for the man I married 42 years ago. I have been in love with him for over 46 years.
How can time go by so fast? I remember the first time I saw him. I was drawn to his beautiful smile, and twinkly blue eyes. I later found out this gorgeous young man had a voice like an angel. One more thing that drew me in.
What I fell in love with was the man he was inside. A man that loved God, his family, and me.
He still…

1. Tells me he loves me daily.

2. He still looks at me with those blue eyes, and there is a  special twinkle that only belongs to me.

3. He tells me I am beautiful to him, even when I am not dressed up, or have my make-up on.(Now that has to be love!)

4. Puts me first above himself.

5. Loves me unconditionally.

6. Takes care of me.

7. Makes me feel cherished, and adored.

8. Cries with me when we hear a love song, or see a movie that is a love story.

9. Makes me feel I am his everything.

10. Tells me he still can’t believe I married him.

11. Makes me feel safe, secure, and cared for.

12. Makes me want to spend the rest of my life with him.

Yes, this is the man that I have had the privilege to call my husband for 42 years. I am still over the top in love with him.  I am a very blessed woman indeed.



  1. Happy Anniversary, Kathysue! Wonderful to hear the beautiful stories.
    Happy Wednesday.

  2. Happy Anniversary!!! I'm a sucker for a good love story and yours clearly is a lasting one. I hope you have a wonderful day planned.

    Kat :)

  3. What a touching post, Kathysue! I'm so happy for you... not many are blessed with the chance to spend their lives with their perfect mate. Happy Anniversary!
    ~ Wendi ~ xo

  4. Congratulations and Happy Anniversary Kathysue. What a sweet tribute to your marriage.
    Love the sweet photo. You haven't changed and still are as pretty as ever.


  5. Awwww! And I'm sure he is just as handsome now as he was then! Happy Birthday Mr. Good Life of Design!!

    KathySue, the two of you look so nice in the picture!

  6. So sweet, Kathysue! Happy, happy anniversary to you and Mr. Good Life!...hugs...Debbie

  7. Kathysue I also got married on March 7,1970..Of course my hubs died almost 13 years ago..but will tell you he was the love of my heart and life..I just cleaned off my old cake topper ha ha!! and after all these years my wedding veil still fits ha ha!! oh and the shoes..Happy Anniversary to you and hubs..I'll lift my coffee cup to you both..Hugs and smiles Gloria

  8. What a beautiful tribute to The Man in your life and your marriage! Happy Anniversary to both of you!


  9. This almost made me beautiful it is to see a couple after being married for 42 years share this kind of love and devotion to each other. That is truly pricless, Kathysue and you are BOTH very lucky. Congratulations...wishing you many many more years of wedded bliss:) Cheers!

  10. Oh Kathysue, Happy Anniversary to you and Doug. You are two very special people that always show by your actions and words what LOVE is. I hope you have a very special day and many, many more anniversaries. Love you tons. Hugs, Marty

  11. P S. You were such a beautiful bride and you are even more beautiful today. Hugs, Marty

  12. happy anniversary to the gorgeous honeymooners. what a loving tribute, kathysue. how blessed!


  13. Congratulations on your 42 years of wedded bliss...You don't hear many of these stories anymore..You two surely have something very special..and are very blessed to have each other...

    I too will be married 42 years in June..(I got married when I was 2)...!!..I have known my hubby since the 2nd grade, and every day with him is a great adventure..

    Thank you for telling us your beautiful love story!

  14. ohhhh, i have chills running down my back......your story is so beautiful kathysue, but then again, so are you my friend
    blessings for 42 more years

  15. Happy Anniversary!!! How blessed you are!

  16. Happy anniversary. 42 years! Today is my hubby's birthday, too. May you have many more years together.

  17. Happy anniversary Kathysue. I know how lucky you are I had a bloke like that for 41 years. xx

  18. kathysue, that was precious. loved seeing your wedding photos - you both are beautiful! happiest of anniversaries! donna

  19. Wow - that's something. You are very fortunate to have found your soulmate and the love of your life. Not many do. Happy Anniversary.

  20. Kathysue- What a wonderful man you have married. And I have a feeling that he would have a very similar list for you.

    Happy, Happy is good to be so loved. 42 years? Where have our young lives gone? xo Diana

    ps. Pop by my blog tomorrow- I painted a TV today! xo Diana

  21. ps. You were a gorgeous couple~

  22. Happy Anniversary! What a sweet tribute.....I have been married 6 years and I feel all the things you say....I hope we make it to 43 feeling the same....what a treasure.

  23. Yes you are, my dear, very blessed indeed. You two are a smashing couple...and to have such a wonderful relationship for 46 years is truly beautiful. I hope you have at least another 46 years together.
    XOXO Victoria

  24. Happy Anniversary to you and Doug. Your marriage and devotion to each other is inspiring. May you have 42 more years together. Love, Delores

  25. Kathysue - I have been fortunate enough to stay in your lovely home and witness first hand the love between you and your sweetie. I love that there are still love stories and marriages that were meant to last a lifetime. What a beautiful bride and groom you too made - and you are just as beautiful today! Congrats on 42 years...sending you love-filled blessings for many, many more! Hugs, Barb

  26. Congratulations on being married 42 years. It is certainly something to be proud of. Happy Anniversary to both of you!

  27. I remember how cute you both were together way back then and you still look the same. Congratulations. I know that love and it comes but once. Enjoy and appreciate every single moment.

  28. Happy Anniversary. What a wonderful life you have had together.

  29. Happy Anniversary! What a sweet post! So wonderful!

  30. What a beautiful sentiment! Sure hope your husband reads your blog!

    Karen T.

  31. Happy Anniversary, Kathysue! Your husband sounds like a sweet and wonderful man, you are very blessed indeed. And you both make a beautiful couple!


  32. Oh Kathysue, how sweet this is!
    I have seen with my own eyes the truths you speak of.
    You two are blessed beyond belief, it is a beautiful sight!
    Have a wonderful time revisiting Carmel.
    Check out Tancredi & Morgan in the mouth of the valley if you have never been there, you will love it!
    Are you staying at The Highlands Inn?

  33. Thank you all so much for leaving me such sweet comments to read, You have made my day even more special!! xo Kathysue

  34. This is so sweet! Congratulations on your anniversary. It sounds like you both are very lucky to have each other.

  35. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY to you and your honey!! 42 years of joy and hopefully many more to come. Enjoy your trip and try to remember to bring back some photos for us! Linda

  36. Oh Kathysue...that is so sweet and wonderful. I hope you have a wonderful anniversary celebration. Your the best and deserve it. XO, Mona


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue