Sunday, March 4, 2012

Do You Like The Color GREEN?!


In January I declared my own personal color choice for 2012, Kelly Green.

As time marches on it appears that Green is a lot of peoples color of the year.

It is on several major design magazine covers and I got my Wisteria catalog the other day and fell in love with the cover.

I was so attracted to the green pots on the console. The freshness of the shot really caught my eye.

I love this wonderful warm green, and the shapes are so interesting. I really like the short squatty pot with the handles, and the bowl!

I don’t think there is any color combination that is as fresh as green and white. I am in love with the over sized fern prints.

There is another color combination that I actually love with the freshness of green and white. 

 Add a touch of blue and white to green and you add a soothing touch to the freshness of the green and white combination.

Wisteria has some wonderful items in their new catalog. I highly recommend taking a peek at their Spring Catalog.

Do you like to add a touch of green in your home? How about blue and white with a touch of green? Is this a color combination you can see yourself use, or is it a color you would only like a touch of in your home?

“Enjoy the Process” Of:

Exploring the color GREEN!



  1. Yes, I agree with you, I love green and white in decor, can't be any fresher than this. I had a post before with green dishes. Enjoy your Sunday.

  2. Hi Kathysue

    Green is a wonderful, peaceful colour and I loved the little table you found for your bathroom.
    My first apartment was green and I still have fond memories of it. It was a classic.

    Have a great Sunday


  3. Oh Kathysue! I could sit in these rooms all day and just feast my eyes. Stunning. I have blue, green and white on my back porch and deck. Every spring I try to add something new. Not sure what it will be this year but I'm working on it! (I'd love to order up that bunch of green pots but I'm sure that would break the bank.) Happy Sunday. Wonderful post.

  4. I agree green and white is so fresh, and a touch of green is a beautiful way to add a bit of spring into your home. I love green in all its many shades...and apparently its an "it" color right now...I am seeing it everywhere!

  5. I love green in my home. I don't use the brighter colors of green so much but I love the soft slubbed greens...the asparagus greens...the olives here and there. I had a blue and white period in my life for many, many years and then gifted my daughter with most of my blue and white pieces. At that point I started bringing more green in.

    I have very green eyes and when I wear green people ALWAYS comment on my eyes! So, I have a lot of green in my wardrobe, too..and black~

    Have a wonderful Sunday- xo Diana

  6. I love green and it never seems to tire to eye. Green and white ~ wonderful!

  7. Green forces me to break into song! Love it, have always loved it, and these greens are gorgeous. I can't get around olive green either. Love.
    Happy Sunday, Kathysue.

  8. Yay Green! My favorite color...every shade of green. Thanks for the inspirational photos.

  9. Hi Kathysue...

    Oooh...I love green! What beautiful...inspirational photos! I love the vignette with the green pots...very pretty! Green is a "living" color...very upbeat and postive! Thanks for sharing today!

    I just wanted to come by to say hello, dear lady! I hope that my note is finding you and your family doing well! Have a super sweet Sunday!

    Love ya,

  10. I've been a green fan for many years, and I think it was as a reaction to my Mother's preoccupation with blue! I've never been a big blue or blue/white person and don't really have any in my house...
    In the green family, I like best the soft almost neutrals or some lime/avacado. No, the kelly green of recent just isn't for me!

  11. I love the combination of the green, blue and white...

  12. Despite my black thumb, I love the color green and Wisteria's new catalog certainly does this color justice!

  13. I would use green in a clients home. It is a beautiful color. In my own home I have touches of green in pillows and pictures, but I am a blue girl!

  14. Hey Kathysue-I too am a green loving girl especially Kelly-I use tons of green in my house along with cherry red the pinky cherry and yellow I have all my patterns that coordinate and I move things around all the time I appreciate blue but it just isn'y my thing blue is so sad to me for some reason-also I love my home at christmas with all the greens and cherry tones also love your pins so so much your terriffic

  15. Yes! I love green. I used to not like it b/c I grew up with the hunter green carpet in our house. But Kelly green is a different story. Love all your inspiration!

  16. my post today is all about green... love it!

  17. our son's favorite color is lime green which is why i used it as an accent in the newly finished lower level and love its freshness and vitality. green is getting big i think!


  18. GREAT PICS:) I really like your much nice inspiration:)
    I wish you a lovely week.

    LOVE Maria at

  19. Yes, it's my new favourite colour combo and I'm trying hard to resist changing everything in my house to it. Lovely and fresh and bright and optimistic. Love it.


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue