Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Three Out and Three In!


Sometimes it is the small things in life that can bring us so much pleasure. If you read my post yesterday I talked about having a little fever, Spring Fever that is!!

I made a couple of very small changes starting in my kitchen. I removed a total of three items and just moving those three items out I feel better inside.

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I removed a cutting board that was on the left of the window, it had a green and white striped pitcher in front of it. To the right of the window, I had a vintage green bowl of fruit that now resides in the refrigerator.
I took away three things and I added three things…..

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Three vintage medicine bottles that I purchased from Terri’s Prop shop sale last week. I love bottles, and I was so glad to be able to find these and use them, in what feels to me , like the perfect spot!

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I also did a little bit of dead-heading of some of my flowers out front. There is nothing like a breath of fresh air!!

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Not a big change, but still a change, and a fresh one at that!!

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I hope today finds you all well and content.

I am, “Enjoying the Process!”


  1. Hello KathySue

    Your kitchen is beautiful.

    I love your purchases from sweet Terri's shop.

  2. I'll bet you find yourself looking at those bottles every time you walk in the kitchen-I know that's what happens when I make a change in my house.

  3. Your kitchen is amazing!! What great colors. I'm painting my kitchen in Sweden this color next, and adding black and white floor tiles. Can't wait.

  4. love those vintage bottles -- dreamy!

  5. Great job... the small things are the best things. Thanks for sharing and have a wonderful Wednesday

  6. love the hue of those bottles, and love the ceiling detail!


  7. Love the color of the bottles and its amazing to me how little subtle things can make a difference!

  8. you kitchen is so charming, cheerful and so pretty! love those bottles on the window too. Thanks for stopping by my blog ... I'm following you now!
    Also- thank you for the advice about word verification... I will try to figure out how to get rid of it. Thanks again!

  9. Great idea! Take out three things and bring in three new things! Love your bottles. So sorry I missed Terri's sale. Starting to feel like I missed some great treasures and would have loved to see you as well. Darn it!
    Hey, I love how you put the little ferns in the bottles.
    Simple and sweet.

  10. I love when natural light filters through glass objects...this is a perfect place for these lovely bottles.

  11. *** It's all like a "BREATH of FRESH AIR" in your kitchen, KathySue... (and since I L*O*V*E the OUTDOORS, this is simply "MY cup o' tea" here!!!)...

    I TRY to REMEMBER that "it's all in the details", and Y*O*U for SURE, have proven that YOU know it well & practice itbeauuuutifully!!!

    The darling bottles, & their YUMMY COLORS, remind me of the ocean~~~ and am sure they do for you too, right???

    Lovely + fresh +clean= "PERFECT"!!!

    Linda (in AZ *)

  12. Love the fresh, crisp feeling of your kitchen. I once had green cabinets and just loved them. Love your little bottles, too! xo Diana

  13. I love your kitchen...It is so fresh and happy!!!

  14. I love it!! So funny, we are on the same wavelength! And you know what? Your kitchen reminds me of a house I had many houses ago (I showed it before on my blog). Same green cabinets, white tile! LOVE it! So pretty!

  15. I really, really love your chandelier and how it looks in the space!

    Karen T.

  16. Kathysue, Your kitchen is so charming. Love the green and white. It should of been in house Beautiful. If I am not mistaken they showed green decor.

  17. Ahhh your kitchen is simply stunning!!! I love it all. The green is such a gorgeous shade.
    Nancy xo

  18. The bottles are so pretty! Love the fresh spring color! I'm always changing things out, too.


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue