Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Are You Ready To Spread A Little ♥LOVE♥ ?

Valentine’s Day is only one week away so if we are going to do anything special now is the time to get it done.

There are so many fun ideas out in blog land that we could incorporate into our homes to make Vday seem more special for the people we love.

I thought I would share a few of the ideas  in the food area  ………

I had to start with this Vday cookie. It caught my eye with its black and white stripes. Just look at the details on this darling cookie. 

No, she does not bake these to Sale, but I sure wish she did. You can click on the link under the picture to see her other baked delights. She really should start a business on Etsy. I would love to buy these!

More colors to choose from!

Shall we take an ordinary white cake, and fill it with love?….

You all know how I love Black and white! How about a little black and white instead of the typical red and white?…..

If you have little one’s that you pack a lunch for them to take to school, just think how surprised they will be when they open up this lunch!

I always have candy canes left from Christmas time. Next year I am going to remember this idea and use them for Vday!

Easy Peasy!! Lemon Squeezy!

Take an ordinary meal and make it special and full of love.

One year when my guys were little I took an ordinary meatloaf, and made it, and the mashed potatoes in the shape of a heart. It was so easy to do, and the kiddos loved it.

For those of you who don’t have time to make something you can order these cuties from William Sonoma.

I will be doing a couple of more post on some fun Vday ideas so keep coming back if you need some inspiration. I am here to help spread the ♥LOVE♥



  1. I will take one of #1,2,3,4,5,6 and two of #7. :) I can't possibly imagine how they got that heart inside that cake. I know its how it was poured into the pan with red-colored cake mix, but beats me how they did it. LOVE it.

  2. Beautiful selection of "lovely" desserts. I really like the black and white cake...

  3. I love all of these deliciously cute ideas!! I think I could easily make the rice krispy heart pops and everyone would love them....seems feasible. Thanks for the great ideas....its those little things that make our loved ones feel like a million bucks!

  4. Love how you're spreading the love a week early! And I'm heading over to Williams Sonoma to order some x's and o's.

  5. They look delicious Kathysue.

    We are attending a Valentine's party and it is "bring a dish". I am still percolating, so I shall return

    Helen xx

  6. Cute ideas! Love those striped cookies!

  7. So sweet all these ideas. Not sure I could be bothered making them, or that I have the skill required but I love looking at these darling images!

  8. Oh goodness me! I hope my cupid brings me one of each!!

  9. So much love here! I especially love the black and white cake, and the adorable sandwiches!
    Than you for sharing, Kathysue.

  10. Yes, there is so much love here and a great reminder to me that I need to get some things together for the ones I love. XO, Mona

  11. yes yes yes, fill my cake with love, please. i love these sweet ideas.



  12. Ok, this post blows my mind. I might be creative in decorating, but NOT so much in cooking. This completely reconfirms my belief that people are astoundingly creative and smart!! I LOVED these ideas (maybe I'll even do one of them :) I think my first choice is the heart cake, although it looks kinda hard!

  13. *** These deliciously "DECADENT" delights are SO DELIGHTFULLY displayed!!!

    NATURALLY, those STRIPED ONES reeeeally catch my eye, and of course, are SOOOOO "Y*O*U", Kathysue!!!...EVERY time I go out shopping lately (for the short, upcoming trip to LA), I see black & white stripes sooo many places, and IMMEDIATELY think of you~~~ (and I bought lotsa CUTE things, too!!!)...

    What an INSPIRING posting~~~ I stay AWAY from making AND eating that yummy "stuff" as much as possible, like most gals, so I'm going to take copies of these to our baker and have HER make a small variety of each for our lil' V Day get-together!!!

    This was SO FUN!!! Thanks, g'friend!

    Linda (in AZ *)

  14. Kathysue, I forgot all about valentines day. I love the idea of making rice crispy treats dipped in chocolate.

  15. Kathysue, these are such great ideas!! They're all so creative! Those cookies are beautiful!!

  16. I just love this post...such great ideas! I think the tomato soup and grilled cheese is my favorite. We ate that dinner a whole lot when I was growing up. I still think it's delicious. I'd buy those cookies too!

  17. these are really lovely!
    i really adore that black and white cake!:D

    Hong Kong property

  18. Cute ideas...love the candy canes and the stripped cookies are amazing.

  19. Yum yum! The little lunch is my fave! Going to do that for my little one! Thanks for sharing.


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue