Friday, January 13, 2012

What Are Your Design Resolutions For 2012?

I did a guest post for Marilyn on her blog MS  Design Maven for the upcoming New Year. She did a series called Silver and Gold Resolutions. There were many designers that participated, in fact enough for a series of four post.

Here is the line-up of designers that participated:

  • Alisa Tarver Berry
  • Gloria De Lourdes Blalock
  • Beth Collier
  • Barbara Jordan Dettweiler
  • Barry Dixon
  • Mary Douglas Drysdale
  • Kathryn Greeley
  • Greet Lefevre
  • John Lyle
  • Mary Helen McCoy
  • Kevin McLaughlin
  • Patricia Hart McMillan
  • Slim Paley
  • Lissy Parker
  • KathySue Perdue
  • Nancy Price
  • Raji Radhakrishnam
  • Joe Ruggiero
  • Gaye Tapp
  • Mona Thompson 
  • Irene Turner
I was very, very honored to be on the same page as any of the above designers. If you have a chance to go over and read the series I think you will be just as inspired  as I was, and even surprised at times, what others would like to do in the New Year as far as their own personal design methods, and those for their clients.
Here is what I wrote:

A brand new year is here, and  it brings promise of new and exciting things in our lives.

I am not one that will usually make the traditional New Years resolutions, but Marilyn has asked me to make a Design resolution, and that seems to be easier for me to make. Plus it is  so much more fun!!

I have told myself that I need to venture out a bit with color. I love cheerful colors that make me smile so I plan on trying to add a bit more of Spring-like cheerful colors to my home.

I also love a traditional style with a twist so I want to  venture into maybe a bit more daring, and whimsical look. I am not quite sure how I am going to do this, but it will be a fun journey, and a new adventure.

As far as my 2012 color choice, it is definitely going to be Kelly or Emerald green. I use a lot of black and white as a base so this wonderful bright and cheerful green will be a wonderful mix.

Too toast in the New Year, and my new braver desire to be more free with my design and my use of Emerald/Kelly green I would have a gorgeous flute with a cranberry pomegranate spritzer.

I make mine a non- alcoholic drink with sparkling water.  For those of you that like to add champagne or Prosecco you can go here for the recipe. It always looks so festive in a pretty Champagne flute.

Of course I would have to be wearing my color for 2012 when I make a new toast to my Design Resolutions for 2012……

It was so fun to write this post for Marilyn's Silver and Gold series. These type of resolutions are much more fun than the type that will cause you work.

Speaking of working resolutions, I am still purging away in my closet, getting close to being done!!  Would you believe I purged 19 pairs of shoes and they are ready to be donated? So far I must admit it is feeling much more functional to me! Send me good purging thoughts, I can use all the help I can get!!

"Enjoy the Process!" Of:

Making design resolutions for 2012



  1. I'm with you Kathysue, I love emerald green...such a lovely color. My design resolution for this year is to create an art studio out a closet for my children. Have a great weekend. xoxo.

  2. *** Ks, I ADORE the HAPPINESS and LIGHTHEARTEDNESS in pic #1... how FUN!!! (And it would be just about IMPOSSIBLE to get even a taaaaad bit "grumpy" if one were to be surrounded by THOSE colors)... Just love it!!! So glad you shared that!!!

    I'm SO into the emerald green w/ leopard since you first showed it~~~ and now I see it alot more of it, since I've been made "aware" of it, and it's DYNOOOOOMITE!!! Very chic!!!

    Can't wait to see how you're going to "do" your NY's resolution~~~ you always succeed, so this will be fun!!!

    Gotta run~~~ Jim's OOT now(hunting), so I'm walking the "girls" in the early evening!!!


  3. What a fun idea! I love your resolutions ... and I love that dress!

  4. I love your idea of adding Kelly green and think it will go beautifully in your already gorgeous home!

  5. Thrilled to have you join me for the first virtual New Year's Design Party at MS Design Maven, Kathysue!

    Your happy, colorful photos were a hit, AND I love the emerald green. I am a green girl!

    Hope it is the start of a long tradiition. Thanks for sharing this today.


  6. I will definitely go and visit the post..sounds like a good one. My resolution is quite simple, decorate my I love emerald green too and it looks so stunning next to a pop of leopard...I think you are onto something great!

  7. Love the Emerald Green vs. The Tangerine Tango. Will definitely be reading the post. Congrats to you on your guest post. You are definitely in good company!


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue