Saturday, January 28, 2012

Random Ideas To Try On A Saturday!

I often see ideas where people have made their own concoctions for cleaning supplies, liquid hand soaps etc. and I just pass by and usually mumble, “I doubt if that will really work.”

I have succumbed to trying one idea that actually made sense to me. I made my own fabric deodorizer, aka Febreze…….

You take your favorite fabric softener (mine is Snuggles blue sparkle), add  two tablespoons to the bottle and two tablespoons of baking soda (a natural neutralizer.) Fill the bottle with hot water, shake and Voila!!! I made some and sprayed my sheets, and furniture now my house smells like clean laundry. Upside is it is only about $.15 to make instead of almost $6.00 a bottle of Febreze.

Who knows what concoction I will try next? I have my eye on the carpet cleaning solution!

This next idea is so easy and practical. When I saw it I actually thought, “ I wish the wrapping paper manufactures would do this so we would not lose the first roll on the paper roll due to the tape peeling off the paper.

Another use for a toilet paper roll!

For those of you who have children I thought this was a great idea. Fold and place t-shirts vertically so you can see each shirt without having to remove a stack.

This next idea is one of those ideas that I have my doubts that it might work, but I have to try it, just because I am curious…….

This is an outdoor light fixture hanging underneath an outdoor umbrella. It is made out of a hula-hoop and two strands of icicile lights. 

The hula-hoop is painted and the lights could be wired on or they suggested duct tape. I think that might show and look a bit tacky. I wouldn’t have this up all the time but if I were having a party I think this would be so pretty at night.

This is a handy chart to have. it would help when it came time to figuring out how far apart the shelves in your pantry needed to be placed.

I love this idea and I think I need to have my hubby make one of these.

For all of you DIYer’s I think this would be so fun to do. This could really make a plain lampshade more special. it would look great in a child's room.

We all have had left over pieces of wrapping paper. I always feel guilty when I discard a piece that is too small for a gift. This would be a way of utilizing those left over pieces……..

This last idea is something I ordered and actually have used and love it.......

Spice jar clips ordered from amazon, just click on the link under the picture and you can go to amazon if  you would like to order them too. I highly recommend these!

Just another random post for a Saturday. I hope you all are having a wonderful weekend. Now don’t forget to try the homemade Febreze, it really works!

“Enjoy the Process!” Of :

Trying some clever new ideas!



  1. Hi Kathysue

    I love all your wonderful ideas and in particular the spice rack holder.

    Thank you and may your weekend be superb

  2. Some really great ideas here, Kathysue. The only one I am using right now is the one with wrapping paper and toilet paper rolls. Wonder what that says about ME?;>)

    Love the Frebreeze knock off. I always wondered if the product itself has a water base.

    What a fun, random post! Love this kind~ xo Diana

  3. Wow! Such clever ideas, Kathysue! I'll definitely be trying the fabric refresher and the the wrapping paper bows!
    Have a happy Saturday!
    ~ Wendi ~

  4. Kathysue so many terrific ideas, thank you for sharing!!

    Psst I have a Valentines Giveaway I think you will love!!

    Art by Karena

  5. Some super ideas! Love the tape dispenser...I just might try to make one.

  6. Kathysue, these are amazing ideas. I love when you do posts like these! The tape dispenser is brilliant! I also love the gift paper bows...adorable!

  7. you are amazing kathysue what brilliant ideas! my favorite being the "febreeze" , cannot wait to try this. hate to spend so much for the stuff and get angry that they never sell refill jugs only more bottles to throw away. voila, solved!

  8. I have never heard of your recipe for making your own Febreze - something I definetly try!! I love the wrapping paper & empty toilet paper rolls - that is brilliant! My mother in law always stored her electrical cords in them.
    Always love reading your blog.

  9. I love ALL these ideas, especially the Febreze idea. Will try all of them. I've changed to vinegar/water for windows/counter tops/anything disinfectant. Learned that from a cooking school in Tuscany. That's all they used in the kitchen. Takes away cooking smells too. I do one tablespoon vinegar to 12 oz. of water. I love your blog, Kathy. Toy Carli

  10. Oh my gosh I would die for that pantry. I don't have one at all. Isn't organization a wonderful thing?

  11. That is my dream pantry! Oh my! My heart went pitter patter!

  12. Great ideas, Kathysue. I am rounding up toilet paper rolls. Love the spice idea too!

  13. Great ideas, Kathysue! I need to find some time to organize. Love the DIY Febreeze idea! Happy Sunday!...hugs...Debbie

  14. Kathysue I'm going to order the spice rack holder from Amazon. Thank you for sharing the details.

  15. Great ideas Kathysue! I especially love the tape dispenser. No more hunting in the junk drawer for that particular roll of tape! Happy Sunday to you!

  16. So many great ideas, Kathysue! Now I just need to find the time to try some of them. My gift wrap could really use some organization. Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

  17. Some really interesting ideas! I especially like the tape dispenser and think I might just have to make one. I am definitely going to try the Fabreze mixture...that really sounds great.
    You have just been passed along an award. Please stop by. No obligations, it's just to show you how much I appreciate all the work you put into your wonderful blog.

  18. Lots of great ideas Kathysue. I'm definitely going to try the Febreeze. XO, Mona

  19. These are all really clever ideas. How do people come up with this stuff. I only wish I was as creative.

  20. Kathysue, you have so many great ideas. I am going to try the fabric softener spray

  21. OK...some of those are just brilliant! The t shirts stacked, the fabric softener mixture.....I love how creative people can be!


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue