Monday, January 23, 2012

I Need Mine To Be Pretty!!

Do you ever find yourself wanting to do something, or at least kind of wanting to do something, and you can talk yourself out of doing it because of all the made up reasons that will give you an excuse to not do what really needs to be done?

(Oh My! In my dreams!)

For instance, like organizing your closet, but you convince yourself what is the point because your closet is too small, you don’t have matching hangers, pretty shoes boxes, or other containers to make it look like the image you have in your head.

Before you know it you have totally talked yourself out of doing anything productive, and feel like the loser of the day!!!

Now how would I even be able to relate to such a thought process?? Have you heard of the saying, “Been there done that!?”  Yes, indeed, I too have had these thought processes more than once, or twice in my life. In fact I would venture to say I am a master at this type of thinking from time to time.

I am a perfectionist at heart, and I once read that we perfectionist are the worst procrastinators. We feel if we don’t have everything we need to do the job perfectly we can not do it.

My one saving grace is I am  a relatively positive person so I will allow myself  a few days of this type of thinking and then I say, “Enough of this, now get in there and get something accomplished!” I then start to work with what I do have, I start being thankful I even have a closet, and clothing to put in it !! I start looking at this task  as another way of being a creative,  designing woman!

Sometimes it is hard to admit the ugly truth, but I want to share this with you all because I can’t imagine that I am  the only one who does this, or at least I hope I am not alone in this process!

Whew!! I am glad I got that out of the way! Now let’s get on with the reason for writing this post………

I had a little set back in the process of cleaning, and purging my closet due to a knee injury, but I am almost all better, and ready to get back to my closet.

While not being able to actively work on my closet I did a little more analyzing of myself (I know this surprises you all, that I was analyzing myself.) 

The one question that always crops up is, “why doesn’t my closet STAY this organized once I get it done?”

There are some obvious answers like:

  • I am being lazy, and undisciplined.
  • I have too much stuff.
  • I don’t have a place for everything.
  • I don’t have the proper types of storage for items.

While thinking about this in depth I discovered one more reason that might contribute to my closet not staying organized.........

I have to have visually pleasing elements around me. Even in my closet it needs to look PRETTY to me.

Last year I took the first step of making it pretty by having hubby paint it a  color of blue that I love to look at. I purchased some pretty boxes to store things in along with some garment bags to hold special occasion clothing, and sweaters. The problem is  I also have some not so pretty elements in my closet.

 I have some large plastic storage bins to hold out of season clothing, and some plastic shoe boxes. I know that sometimes it has to be practical, but I started to think of ways that I could make things look a little more pretty, or pleasing to my eye.

Before we start looking at some of attractive/pretty ways of storing items in our closets we all need to come to terms with what is our, organizational style type? I made these  types up, so there is no scientific data to confirm what I have claimed here just merely my own observations in my life.

The Stacker: One who likes things out in the open in stacks so they can find them, or not forget about them. They tend to add to their stacks happily until the stack falls over, and then their stacks becomes a mess!( You know who you are!)

The Thrower: This person will throw things in an open container more readily than they would if they had to open a box, and place an item inside the container. 
This is not a bad thing as long as the item actually belongs in the container. Where the problem can occur is when they just throw anything, and everything into any container just to get it out of sight.(Sound familiar?)

The Do it later: This person is a combination of a thrower, and a stacker, the problem with this person is they will store different categories of items in their stacks, or container.  They swoosh up messes, and just stash them. Out of sight out of mind is their motto.

Everything in its place person: This is the person that we all wish we were like. They will have the proper place, space, and container for everything in their life. ( I could almost hate them if I did not admire them so much!)

The reason it is important for us to understand our organizing style is that when we go to purchase a container, or organizing tool we  know  we will truly use it. Otherwise it will  be the pretty covered basket that is hidden underneath the stack, or jumbled mess of clothing, or shoes. We had good intentions when we bought it, but we are bound to fail because it did not fit our organizing style.

It would be pointless to buy a closed container for a stacker, or a thrower. They would just wind up stacking, or throwing things on top of the container. An everything in its place person will thrive using a closed container. They will take the time to open the container, and place items neatly inside,closing the lid behind them.

We can have different styles of organizing for different items, for instance you could love your sweaters neatly stacked, but you like your shoes in containers, yet your scarves will be thrown in an open container, but you know this about yourself so you will purchase the right container for the different articles in your closet.  If we do this I think it will be much easier for us to keep our closets orderly.

Now that we have an idea or our organizing styles lets look at some pretty/attractive ways to organize our closets…….

I wanted to show you this closet first because it is done on a budget, and in a small area. Yet it is still attractive, and functional at the same time. There are so many ideas that anyone with any size of closet could use.

By taking an old picture frame and painting it a pretty color it becomes a wonderful framework to hang jewelry. If you are going to hang your jewelry on a wall, why not frame it like artwork?!

Did you figure out what organizing style you prefer for the different items in your closet? I know I have figured myself out pretty well.

Since the purging process is all done, and everything is back inside of my closet, I now need to figure out which containers I want to get to make it look just  a little more pleasing to my eye. 

Hopefully this will help me keep it in order for the next year.  To be continued………

“Enjoy the Process!” Of:

Cleaning and Decorating your closets!


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  1. I admit it.....I'm the "stacker" you discussed. It's the worst one to be. My stacks fell over just yesterday! Oh well, at least it forces me to reorganize! (cuz I'm also the procrastinator:)

  2. I admit it.....I'm the "stacker" you discussed. It's the worst one to be. My stacks fell over just yesterday! Oh well, at least it forces me to reorganize! (cuz I'm also the procrastinator:)

  3. Wow. lots of great photos. I am a combined closet person. sometimes stacker, sometimes totally organized and when I am in a hurry, I toss it aside... I might be in spired. I would love the first closet.

  4. This is just the perfect thing for me to see. I am sorting, too, and trying to figure out pleasant storage solutions. I am a perfectionist so it is NEVER easy to do exactly what I want to do. Now I know WHY I put off doing some jobs though! I don't have everything I need and I'm too lazy to go get it!;>) xo Diana

  5. My closet is mostly organized, but I do crave a "pretty" closet, not just a functional, organized one. Loving all the inspiration in this post.

  6. I can so relate to, "I want mine to be pretty!"
    I always put aesthetics first, but being a perfectionist Virgo, I usually make it function well too.
    I have to admit that it took me most of my life to figure it out, but I did a few years ago!!
    I finally have the closet of my dreams and it is not even a walk in closet, but rather a standard size builder grade one.
    I am proof it can be done. My closet makes me happy every day!
    Looking forward to your new accoutrements!

  7. Wow! I definitely love all of these closets and ideas. It is all so amazing. You are going to have one pretty closet very soon Kathysue. I'm sure of it!

  8. I forgot to mention I'm not a stacker or thrower. I HAVE to have everything organized. Always. It's a fault since I'm almost to the extreme. I gues you could call me a neat freak.

  9. Well, if nothing else, I think I will clean my closet tomorrow!

  10. Kathysue,
    You know how I am about my closets. I believe that organized, pretty closets are for the homeowner's happiness. That happiness equals every morning being greeted by a beautiful space. You must look at my post today. My daugther's closet was always organized, but it wasn't pretty just being painted white, so I wallpapered it and hung a chandelier and is fabulous! I can't stop walking into her room just to look at the cloest. LOL. xoxo.

  11. I'm an 'everything in its place' type of organizer, regardless of what I'm storing. Please don't hate me, Kathysue!
    Great post!
    ~ Wendi ~

  12. Some excellent ideas and ones that are really helpful. Thank you!

  13. I am a stacker and thrower... (hanging head in shame!). I am working on it though and trying to be better. I purged everything when we moved here to Charleston. I mean EVERYTHING! In the last two years, I have become a bit more organized! I get better each year!

  14. this post has given me a few good ideas!!

  15. Hi Kathysue! Coming up for air before the house comes to life and the workers show up....I so miss my blogland rounds. Great post.....I am a stacker but do like things organized, any cures for stackers? LOL.....I love all the ideas for storing clever, I am all for having a well laid our organized closet where everything has a place, and I am determined to make mine something I get excited to walk into every morning. Love all this inspiration! This is VERY inspirational!

  16. It seems whenever I love something, pin something, read something, you have something to do with it! I love what you are doing and how you put things together. Keep it up!

  17. Oh my Kathysue, you've really hit a nerve here! Unfortunately, much of the time, I'm a do it later kind of person. I hate to admit it, but it's true.

    You are so right about figuring that part out before you start organizing.

    Great post!

  18. Oh gosh I hate to admit it, but I am a thrower....For the life of me I cant keep it organized.

  19. I must admit that I like everything to be in its place and am fairly good keeping up once I am organized. My husband throws, stacks, you name it. Drives me CRAZY and my tendancies drive him crazy when he cannot find his running shorts, etc......imagine that....they aren't on the floor when he goes looking for them?!?!

  20. I'm tackling my closet, a few minutes here and a few minutes there. Gradually I'm seeing progress! So much inspiration here, thanks!


  21. Hi, I'm new to your blog. This is a great post. I never knew I was a "do it later" person, but seeing the pictures really hit home for me. Hmm, now how can I convert to an "everything in its place" person. Is there any hope?

  22. what a timely topic kathysue. my immediate to do list holds my closet and i have been avoiding it as i need to carve out days!
    your samples along with a serious pondering of "closet issues" has renewed my interest in tackling this mess.
    you are brilliant my friend, thank you!

  23. SO many great images and ideas! I'm definitely a do it later person. It's harder now that I have a child who likes to "help fold" It's cute that he's mimicking me folding and putting stuff away but it doesn't get me very far in terms of organization! By the way, I think I actually got rid of too many clothes in my closet purge. It's fine because I can always buy a couple new things here and there, but my husband couldn't believe I have fewer clothes than him now!

  24. At this point I'm an everything in its place person, only because I have just unpacked my stuff into a new walk in robe and everything does have its place. But it won't be like that for long I can assure you, and then I'll be a chucker by the end of the month.

  25. just hit a nerve! I clean out my closet and 3 months later it is a mess...I must be the "person in a hurry...lazy" type!!! At my age, not sure if I can change :)


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue