Monday, December 12, 2011

Random Christmas things to do!!

Sometimes I find it easier to write when I am writing about a  particular subject, or at least have a theme in mind. Today I am going to do what I will call a random Christmas post.

I don’t know about you,but  I find my mind goes from gift buying, too wrapping, baking, and then back to decorating. 

I just love it when my mind spins.

I am at that point in all of my Holiday planning, and getting ready where I am tweaking, and tying up last minute details and truly enjoying it all.

With that in mind I am going to show some ideas that will involve a little of this, and a little of that. Are you ready for the ride on my random sleigh?  Here we go………..

I love, love this and it is definitely going to stay in my memory bank. Believe it or not,I am already thinking about my decorating for next Christmas. In fact I will write a post about it. I need to do that so I won’t forget!!

Did you know that you could have custom calligraphy gift tags made?! Me either!! I love this idea!!!

Mr. Goodwill Hunting did an impressive makeover on an old wing back chair, by painting it black,genius!! What I love the most about this chair is how he tucked the plaid throw under the cushion and then he embellished the front with a man’s suspender!! I love love this, it is so handsome!! Can’t you just see this in a library or den!!?

Mason jars with Epsom salts that look all frosty and snowy!!

Pretty darn cute, I must say!!


If you have teenagers, or older children they always love to get money. What a fun presentation!

With all the cold weather and cooking and baking that we all do this time of year,this would be a welcomed gift by any hostess or Mom!!

I LOVE this!! What a fun way to drink anything. I know any kiddo would love this!!!

Fun stocking stuffer!

Design your own watch! This is great for older kids!

Okay! that is enough randomness for a Monday! I need to get going on some random things of my own!!
Happy Happy Monday to you all!

“Enjoy the Process!” Of:

All the random things you get to do this time of year!
