Sunday, August 21, 2011

A Great Idea for YOU DIY’ers Straight From NYC!!!

Tina from The Enchanted Home blog did a whirlwind visit to the New York Gift show this week. While visiting her blog, and living vicariously through her trip I was taken with one of the displays by a new vendor.

It is not something that will work in my home, but I thought it was so fun and clever I wanted to share it with my readers also.

As many of you know I am not a very good DIYer, but so many of you are and I just know one of you will take this idea and run with it………

Isn’t this a fun idea?! This giant shadow box is approximately 4'X5'!! It would fill in an entire wall in a kitchen dinette……

For those of you that love the all white/rustic look this one is made just for you………….

This would be so fun in a wine tasting room or a wine country home……….

One more for you viewing pleasure………….

I would like to thank the very generous blogger, Tina for allowing me to use these images from her post!!

I just love blog land!! It is so full of like-minded, generous people!!

“Enjoy the Process!” Of:

Finding a new idea and sharing it with others!!
