Tuesday, May 10, 2011

My First Rose Bouquet This Spring

We might have odd weather this year, but apparently the roses really liked it!!! I have two rose bushes in my backyard and they just started blooming a few days ago…………………
ROSES may 2011 002 

The fragrance from these ruffled beauties is intoxicating.
ROSES may 2011 005 

ROSES may 2011 016 (600x800)
The Le Creuset pitcher was a gift from my middle son and his wife, and the rose bush was a gift from my oldest son and his wife. I would say looking at this bouquet makes me pretty happy!!!

ROSES may 2011 021 (800x600) 

ROSES may 2011 019 (600x800) 

ROSES may 2011 019 (600x800)
I am not exactly sure what the name of this beauty is, but I think it is French Lace. If someone knows please feel free to tell me in a comment.

I just had to share these beauties with you all!! I hope you enjoyed my first rose bouquet from my yard!!! I wish you could smell the fragrance!!
