Saturday, February 5, 2011

I AM The Goldilocks Of “Green!”

How can someone that had a career choosing colors for clients for over thirty years not get it right the first time?

 It had to do with being fixated on the word, “Bright!”

It also had to do with choosing a color that went well with all of the fabrics being used.
I know from experience my greens have to have a little bit of yellow and a little bit of blue base to them. But yellow base greens are what looked best with the  fabrics. So, I tried yellow base greens against my better judgement!!

When I finally went with my instincts and chose a medium value green with a base of blue and yellow I found my green, read on…………

Color #1
primer 002 (600x800)
 Goldilocks said, "Noooooo! It’s way to bright!!"

Color #2
PAINT 003 (800x600)
Martha Stewart's Callabash
"Too Dark, Too Bright, Still too much yellow base!!!"

Color #3
PAINT 003 (600x800) 
Martha Stewart's Lemon grass

"Aaaaah!!! Just Right!!!"

BLUE TAPE 005 (600x800)
How does he love me let me count the ways…….. He paints the room not once, not twice but three times to make his, “Goldilocks of Green,” Happy as can be.

And they lived happily ever after.

To Be Continued……..

Happy Weekend!!


Those of you who guessed Green YOU were so RIGHT!!!!!