Saturday, February 5, 2011

I AM The Goldilocks Of “Green!”

How can someone that had a career choosing colors for clients for over thirty years not get it right the first time?

 It had to do with being fixated on the word, “Bright!”

It also had to do with choosing a color that went well with all of the fabrics being used.
I know from experience my greens have to have a little bit of yellow and a little bit of blue base to them. But yellow base greens are what looked best with the  fabrics. So, I tried yellow base greens against my better judgement!!

When I finally went with my instincts and chose a medium value green with a base of blue and yellow I found my green, read on…………

Color #1
primer 002 (600x800)
 Goldilocks said, "Noooooo! It’s way to bright!!"

Color #2
PAINT 003 (800x600)
Martha Stewart's Callabash
"Too Dark, Too Bright, Still too much yellow base!!!"

Color #3
PAINT 003 (600x800) 
Martha Stewart's Lemon grass

"Aaaaah!!! Just Right!!!"

BLUE TAPE 005 (600x800)
How does he love me let me count the ways…….. He paints the room not once, not twice but three times to make his, “Goldilocks of Green,” Happy as can be.

And they lived happily ever after.

To Be Continued……..

Happy Weekend!!


Those of you who guessed Green YOU were so RIGHT!!!!!


  1. "Goldilocks of Green"(with a big smile on my face) I agree your instincts were just right! Lemongrass is going to be beautiful Kathysue. I think your helper deserves a big pat on the back. What a great guy:)

    I cannot wait to see the room all completed.
    Have fun!

  2. Lol, thirty years or thirty days, paint is hard! My husband gave up on me years ago with the paint -- I can change it as much as I want (usually) but I have to paint it. It's how I've become an expert lol again!!

  3. I spent weeks poring over paint chips, before picking the perfect buttery yellow for my kitchen. I rolled it on the walls and went, "Eek, too bright!" I continued to roll on the too bright color thinking maybe it was just in comparison to the primer. Um, no. Back to the paint store. This was towards the end of a much too long kitchen reno. My husband is a saint for not divorcing me.

    Very pretty color! Can't wait to see the room done.

  4. It's so pretty, Kathysue! I am sure you found the right shade this time! And that hubby of yours is a keeper! Happy weekend!...hugs...Debbie

  5. Oh Kathysue, love the final green and can't wait to see the room all done. DH is a jewel. Hugs, Marty

  6. Hang on to that man Kathsue, my husband won't paint a single room even once!

  7. Paint is so tricky...even for the pros. As I remember Sarah Richardson has repainted several times on her programs. Your final color is quite lovely, very soothing and soft.

  8. Well, Goldilocks Of Green...Lemon Grass is perfect. And so is your husband! 3 times!!!
    You are one very lucky Goldilocks...But then he's also one very lucky hubby to have you. Love the color.

  9. What a guy! Your green is "just right!" ~Delores

  10. Love the green Kathysue. I don't know when J suggested we get the paint pros in here at home. He still does the condo, but I see that rapidly changing. LOL

    You are inspiring me to turn the studio into a play room for the kiddo's. A room with bright colors. Fun.

  11. TEEEHEEEE! I know this scenario so well, but just the opposite! MY HUSBAND IS THE GOLDILOCKS OF THE FAMILY!!!!! I cannot tell you how many times that darling beefcake has dragged me to Home Depot exchange this for that; today we went FIVE TIMES! We are in the middle of finally moving into our two room addition!!!! I WISH YOU LUCK and thank you so much for your dear, dear comments today! SMILE ON! Anita

  12. I love a yellow-based green, but then again, I love them all. I can't wait to see the room all together. And a man that would do that for you....priceless.

  13. Hi Kathysue!
    You are not going to believe this, but Lemon Grass is the color of my guest bedroom. I love it. It's been this color for the past five years and I don't plan on changing it.

    Glad your hubs is giving it three coats, you're going to love it.


  14. I love the green you picked! It's a great color! Can't wait to see the finished product.

  15. I agree with many of the previous posters who mentioned how tricky color can be even for pros like you!! And what a good sport your painter was!! Looks like a lovely color - I have something similar in my dining room (also Martha Stewart from her Fine Paints of Europe collection) that I love so much I've done in 2 houses now!

  16. Hahaha!! That's one sweet hubby!! And I agree #3 is JUST right! Instead of "Anne of Green" Gables you're "Kathy who green enables"! hehe! Vanna

  17. Oh Kathysue! You have a good man!!! I can't wait to see the room finished (you too I'll bet) ;) Have a great weekend!

  18. Oh so nice, & what a dream guy that man of yours is, others have been killed for less, LOL!!!

  19. KS, I just read through your most current posts. So much inspiration! I've enjoyed seeing all of these wonderful photos, and I love the green color you picked. laurie


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue