Saturday, January 8, 2011

Losing Weight While Blogging!!

Yes , you can lose weight while blogging, just keep reading!!

This post was inspired by Karen@StrictlySimpleStyle. I asked a question of my readers on whether they post their project post, before, during or after the project is done? Karen wrote this to me:

Great topic Kathysue. One of the reasons I started my blog was to give me the push I needed to get some things done. At first I was all gung ho and even lost 10 lbs because of all the energy I was expending. Hmmm, maybe I should get motivated and kill two new year's resolutions at the same time, lose a few lbs. and get some things done around the Strictly Simple Style abode! What do you think, maybe I could write the next great weight loss book based on my experiences. LOL!

I loved this comment so much that I had to write back to her.

I had to explain that before blogging I was the girl that did not even know how to turn on a computer.

Yes, this is true and I know it is hard to believe in this day and age. I visited blogs for over a year before I started my own blog.

Fast forward to my first few weeks of blogging. I was so excited to write post and then to get comments, well we all know how exciting it is to get comments.

I actually lost almost 5lbs the first few weeks.

Then……. I discovered you can eat and blog at the same time. I do NOT recommend this at all.

Needless to say I gained back the five pounds and even more.

With all this being said, You can lose weight while blogging, but not if you are eating and blogging at the same time!!

Maybe we should all tell ourselves for every hour we blog we have to exercise for 15 minutes. That would do one of two things.

We would lose weight or we would blog less!!

Something to think about!! Thanks to my sweet friend Karen, who by the way has a great blog with very interesting and inspiring post. Be sure and visit her blog at:  Tell her I sent you by!!

Susan from Between Naps on the Porch just sent me this post that she did that relates very well to my post today.  It looks as if someone really did find a way to blog and exercise!!!  Too funny!!!

“Enjoy the Process” Of:

Blogging! Whether you lose or gain weight!!!


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(click on above)

The drawing will be Monday for a $75 gift card from the Container Store!!