Monday, January 3, 2011

Organization Giveaway!!

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Today is my one year Blogaversary!!! I am so excited to have arrived at this date with so many wonderful readers and so much inspiration from all of YOU.

Since it is the season for making New Year's Resolutions, and for most of us it begins with cleaning out our closets, I thought a fun give away would be something to do with organization!!

What better store to help us get  organized than “The Container Store.”

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To celebrate this important day (at least in my life) I will be giving the winner of the drawing a $75 gift certificate at the container store.

To enter please leave a comment and let me know that you are a follower or have just become a follower.

Not a requirement to be entered in the drawing, but if you have the time, I would love to hear what you as a reader would enjoy seeing more of on my blog - or any other improvements you think I could make to ensure that your visits here are more enjoyable.

That is it!!! Just leave a comment and become a follower!!!
(Drawing will take place one week from today, so on Monday the 10th!)
Good Luck to you all!!

Thank you to all of you who have supported me throughout this past year. It has been a whole new experience for me and one that I never would have ventured into without the encouragement from the people that I love. You all know who you are!!

So without further ado………

Let the Giveaway begin!!

Enjoy the Process” Of:

The possibility of getting a $75 gift card from The Container Store!

My Very First Blog Post!
January 3, 2010

In the beginning there was a blog, or at least the start of a blog. I am starting this journey with a little trepidation but also with excitement.

I have been following blogs for over a year now and have been entertained and informed and inspired.

I can only hope that my blog will do that for those that read it. We are starting a new year, and I for one am looking forward to a better and more productive year.

I am a true believer in Life is what you make it, it is all about choices. In decorating my own home I have found choices in ones home can truly affect how one feels about life.

I have so enjoyed my journey in Design and I hope this blog will continue to be a creative outlet for me and a fun read for those that choose to follow it.

I plan to "Enjoy The Process" and I hope you do too.


Little did I know then just how much I would be:
" Enjoying The Process!!"