Monday, January 3, 2011

Organization Giveaway!!

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Today is my one year Blogaversary!!! I am so excited to have arrived at this date with so many wonderful readers and so much inspiration from all of YOU.

Since it is the season for making New Year's Resolutions, and for most of us it begins with cleaning out our closets, I thought a fun give away would be something to do with organization!!

What better store to help us get  organized than “The Container Store.”

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To celebrate this important day (at least in my life) I will be giving the winner of the drawing a $75 gift certificate at the container store.

To enter please leave a comment and let me know that you are a follower or have just become a follower.

Not a requirement to be entered in the drawing, but if you have the time, I would love to hear what you as a reader would enjoy seeing more of on my blog - or any other improvements you think I could make to ensure that your visits here are more enjoyable.

That is it!!! Just leave a comment and become a follower!!!
(Drawing will take place one week from today, so on Monday the 10th!)
Good Luck to you all!!

Thank you to all of you who have supported me throughout this past year. It has been a whole new experience for me and one that I never would have ventured into without the encouragement from the people that I love. You all know who you are!!

So without further ado………

Let the Giveaway begin!!

Enjoy the Process” Of:

The possibility of getting a $75 gift card from The Container Store!

My Very First Blog Post!
January 3, 2010

In the beginning there was a blog, or at least the start of a blog. I am starting this journey with a little trepidation but also with excitement.

I have been following blogs for over a year now and have been entertained and informed and inspired.

I can only hope that my blog will do that for those that read it. We are starting a new year, and I for one am looking forward to a better and more productive year.

I am a true believer in Life is what you make it, it is all about choices. In decorating my own home I have found choices in ones home can truly affect how one feels about life.

I have so enjoyed my journey in Design and I hope this blog will continue to be a creative outlet for me and a fun read for those that choose to follow it.

I plan to "Enjoy The Process" and I hope you do too.


Little did I know then just how much I would be:
" Enjoying The Process!!"


  1. Congratulations Kathy Sue on a wonderful achievement & a fabulous blog. I am always inspired by your writing & have learnt alot from you. I think your blog is perfect just the way it is & Im looking forward to reading about your adventures for 2011.

  2. Well congratulations my girl! Looking forward to more of the same for the rest of this year with hugs xoxo ~ J

  3. Congrats, Kathysue! I can't believe it's been a year! What fun! And change anything? Why? It's perfect...just like you, my friend! :-) Happy Blogaversary!...hugs...Debbie

  4. Happy Blogiversary!! I love your posts! I have been a follower for a while now!

  5. I love your whole room photos and your great inspirational ideas that you share! Please keep it up! Happy New Year!

  6. Congratulations on your one year anniversary! I have loved following along on your journey! I can't believe I wasn't an official follower already, but I am now!

  7. Happy Blogiversary! I am a follower of your blog and I love all of the great ideas that your share with us.

  8. Happy blogiversary! I love the Container Store so count me in! I just found your blog recently and became a follower immediately. I look forward to what you share with us this year.

  9. Happy blogiversary! I'm your newest follower. Can't wait to see what you bring in the new year.

  10. Congratulations Kathysue! I am so happy you decided to jump into the blogosphere (how is that spelled, anyway!).

  11. Kathysue--Congrats and Happy Anniversary. I am a huge fan of you and your blog....I think you know that!

  12. Congrats on your first year - it really is a milestone! I am a follower and have enjoyed your site, and have also passed it onto my sister. Love what you have done so far ..would really like to see your take and insight on older homes.. smaller bathrooms and kitchens i.e. and what can be done to give them pizazz!!
    Best Wishes for the New Year!!

  13. Congratulations Kathysue!! I've been a happy follower for a while now and I love your blog, don't change a thing! Thanks for the opportunity to win the gift card, what a great idea! I wish you all the best in 2011, and I'm looking forward to another year of wonderful posts on your blog!

    Kat :)

    P.S. I say go for it with the photography class!

  14. Congratulations Kathysue on your 1 year Anniversary of blogging your FABULOUS BLOG!!!! I just recently "found you" and am not only obsessed with your gorgeous decorating style, but your inspirational "words of wisdon"....I love how you started this brand new year off with the importance of God & your family FIRST ~ It put a LOT of things in perspective for me :) As far as your DECORATING.....PLEASE DON'T CHANGE A THING AND PLEASE KEEP POSTING PHOTOS'S FROM YOUR AMAZING HOME!!!!!!

  15. I am now an 'official' follower though I visit your blog nearly everyday and find it always informative. It feels like I dropped by for a cup of coffee or I'm attending a small workshop in a cozy environ. I appreciate your enthusiasm and your good eye for detail and atmosphere.

  16. When I am blog hopping I like to see blogs that have more photos on than just the one post. That way I can see more of what the blog is about. If it just has one post and no side photos it is too much trouble to keep going back to each post to see more of the blog. Let people get to know what you are about and the great designs you have.Congrats ! Kathy

  17. Hi Kathysue. Congrats on your one year milestone! Way to go! I enjoy your blog and have been a follower for a long time...I think since you started. I love the Container Store. I got some great pull out drawers a couple of years ago that make a huge difference in my kitchen storage. Love 'em! Linda

  18. I still can't believe it's been a year already. Of course I'm a follower (I would follow you anywhere tee hee). I wouldn't change a thing about your blog. Your posts are always so fun and inspirational. Congrats on your anniversary! Hugs, Kat

  19. Awesome giveaway! My birthday is on the 11th so this would be a WONDERFUL gift!

  20. Congratulations!!! Please don't change a thing...your blog is PERFECT! And, of course I'm a follower. Thank you for all your wonderful knowledge and inspiration.

  21. Congratulations Kathysue! You know I'm a follower, so sign me up for that wonderful giveaway. One of my new year's resolutions is to get organized!
    Keep up the good work--your blog is the BEST! xoxo Delores

  22. Happy Anniversary! New gfc follower!

  23. I love your blog! I "Enjoy the Process of" READING it each day!

    Lisa Mintz

  24. I'm a gfc follower. Congrats!!!

    hewella1 at gmail dot com

  25. Congratulations, Kathysue! Your blog is always inspiring and you have such a positive attitude, not only in your posts but in the great comments that you leave on everyone's blog. Happy 2011 - wishing all the best for you and your family this year.

  26. Congrats to you dear Kathysue!! We have so enjoyed following you in your journey on this fabulous blog. Of course, I am a follower & I would love some help with my new year organizing :) Happy Blogaversary!!
    Nancy xo

  27. Kathysue: You sweet woman! I would love to win, but reading your blog is enough of a gift.
    Mary Ann
    PS. I talked about the Container Store in my Gift Wrapping you know I love that store.

  28. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!! What an accomplishment! Of course I AM a follwer and can't thank you enough for all your HELP and inspiration to me as a newby blogger!!!! I would LOVE to win this as I ahve ALOT to organize better!!!!!!!!!!!! I have been looking at containers on various spaces today so this is JUST in time:):):) XO, Pinky PS, thank you so much for nOT making this complicated! So many give aways have 4 or 5 things you have to do to enter!!!! AAUUGGHH!!!!!

  29. Thanks Kathysue, for the giving us your blog...and for this giveaway!

  30. Congratulations on one year. I'm a recent follower and look forward to your posts in the future. Great New Years Giveaway!

  31. Congratulations!!! I thought I was a follower since I have you delivered to my email :) but I was not! Anyway, thank you for all of your inspiration and for all of the nice things you have said to me over the months since I started blogging.

  32. Happy blogaversary! I am a follower and would love to see more features about organizing for home/small offices. Anything about taming the paper monster is welcome.

  33. Happy Anniversary, I am a new follower (and a brand spankin new blogger), I look forward to reading your wonderful posts. I've heard about the Container store, but have not checked them out yet, but will do soon!
    Don't you just love organization? It makes me feel all fresh and new...hmmm... looking around my office, maybe I'd better get at it too!

  34. Congratulations! Just look at all of these friends you have made in the past year. I can't imagine anything that you could do that would make me enjoy visiting here any more. I always love your thoughts and images but your enthusiastic spirit is the very best. Keep on bloggin girl!

  35. I am a gfc follower 325,thats me! I need help with organization. I have ADD so I am always fighting to be tidy and organized.

  36. Congrats on one year!!! I have enjoyed following you, and I wouldn't change a thing about your blog!!!

  37. Happy blogaversary, Kathysue. I hadn't signed up for this yet. I was waiting to get lower on the list. Great giveaway and congrats. I started the end of January so almost one year. Yes we have been on this journey together!

  38. Kathysue, Congratulations on your one year!! I knew you would be great at this, you have a way about you that makes people love you and you know so much about decorating a home. I would'nt change a thing either! I love the inspirational pictures from other sources as well as pictures of your gorgeous home that you so lovingly have put together.

  39. I've loved following you this year. Thanks for all the great posts!!

  40. Happy blogaversary Happy blogaversary Happy blogaversary....*takes deep breath and sings out loud* HAPPY BLOGAVERSARY!!! Ahem I'm a follower from way back in the stone ages *winks* I love everything you do Kathysue! So just keep em coming! Vanna

  41. Congratulations on your blogging anniversary! I have really enjoyed following your adventure!
    Regards, Joanna

  42. Oh my, I just moved and this would be a grand prize for me to win! I am a follower and subscribe via email too.

    Thanks for the opportunity to win!

  43. what a fab giveaway! Thank you so much. :) Happy Blogoversary

    Lauren51990 AT aol DOT com

  44. I have a feeling that 2011 is your year Kathysue! Here's to your success and to me hoping I win the giveaway!!!!


  45. OK>...hit the wrong button and ended up leaving my comment on your post from yesterday. Just count me twice!! Congrats, my friend!

  46. My dear Kathysue - Don't enter me in the drawing because I'm a close friend, but even close friends don't always take the time to express adequately their admiration and respect for your talent and God-given gift of decorating. The fact that you take so many hours out of your day to make a difference in so many lives leaves me in awe. I am an extremely busy district level administrator in a large school district. I barely have time to wade through my professional reading, much less any decorator magazines. However, we entertain a lot in our home and serve as the fellowship hall for our "start up" church, so I want a home that looks attractive and welcoming. You have made that possible and I love you for sharing your expertise! Keep those blogs coming. My whole office looks forward to reading them!

  47. I am a new follower! I was reading a bit on your archived posts and my house is cluttered ,drab and messy.
    I think I could really put this blogaversary gc to good use.
    or, I could move, trash all my old stuff and start over.
    I enjoyed all I have read ,so far.
    thank you!tattgiff at centurytel dot net

    tattgiff at centurytel dot net

  48. I am a new follower! Forgot to say that in my original comment! :) anyhow- love your blog..and would LOVE that container store $$! looking around my home lately and getting the organizing bug bad!!

  49. Wow, amazing how fast a year goes!!!
    We need to celebrate!!
    Of course you know how I feel about you and your blog :) In a word... PERFECT.
    Don't change a thing!!!
    All of us clearly enjoy the process of reading Good Life of Design and following Miss Kathysue!!!
    Love you,

  50. I would love to win this giveaway- what a perfect way to start the new year!
    And I'm your newest follower.

  51. Hi Kathysue! I thought I was already following . . so glad I just did. You are fantastic and congrats on your one year. What an accomplishment. Nice to be getting to know you!

  52. Happy, happy one year Kathysue! It's such a pleasure to know you ( and thank you too for your support! :) xoxo

  53. Happy New Year! I'm a fairly new follower and love your pantry post!

  54. Oh, happy happy blogiversary!!! I have loved visiting your blog and look forward to many many more inspiring posts!

    xo Elizabeth
    ps: I have a label maker too....and it is a fun toy/tool!

  55. Great giveaway!!! I could definitely need containers..., small ones for packing lunches (for my husband) too, haha!! So thanks!!!!

    And..., thanks so much for posting the featured button -soooo kind of you. You want it to go to that particular post though..., copy in the blog post address below:

    Replacing the address that just goes to the main page of the blog. If you need help, let me know and I send you the entire code.

  56. I love that I stumbled across your blog! I am a new follower! Great blog!

  57. Congrat's on the year, mine is coming up too!!!
    I love the container store. Where I used to work they opened up a 2 story accross the street, I haven't been in cuz I'm scared I would want everything.
    I think you blog is very neat and organized and ofcourse I follow you!

  58. I'm a follower, ;-) and with 4 kids, I could use some organization.

  59. i am a follower and I love the container store! I wish that we had one here in Nashville.

  60. I am a new blogger and just found you. Can't wait to read more....

  61. Congrats dear! Awesome Blog! keep it up! thanks for share

  62. Congratulations! I'm definitely one of your followers. Love my visits to Good Life of Design. Awesome blog and awesome giveaway!
    ~ Sarah

  63. Congrats on your 1 year anniversary. I am a new follower. I am having a great time reading and catching up on your blog! Love it!

  64. Congrats on this milestone Kathysue! Can't wait to see what 2011 holds in store for you!

  65. Congrats Kathysue! Thank you for hosting this giveaway and what a wonderful way to celebrate your blogaversary!~

  66. Congratulations on a wonderful year! and what a wonderful giveaway. You can get lost in that store for hours! I love it!

  67. I'm a new what I see so far! Nothing makes me happier than an organized home that is also beautiful! Can't wait to read your older posts.

    Love, love, love The Container Store!

    Joy (

  68. Congratulations, Kathysue! Happy 1 Year! Blogland is awesome, isn't it? Such a wonderful community. What a great give-away, thank you so much. I could definitely use some help from the Container Store for my office:)

  69. I am now following. Going to check out your kitchen redo. We did one this summer.

  70. Found you through a comment you left over at The Lettered Cottage - started following you even before the requirement was advised! Love what you're doing with your home! So, I'm commenting and following and loving it!

  71. Congrats to you! And what a sweet giveaway! I am in the middle of cleaning and organizing so this would be great for me! I'm a new follower and I am having a giveaway this week! So I hope you'll stop by to enter! I like a blog that mixes things up and does lots of different posts! Hugs! ♥

  72. Thanks for the giveaway! I'm a new follower and I'd love some Container Store goodies!

    eemoody77 at gmail dot com

  73. Congrats on your blogaversary, Kathy Sue. Of course I have been a follower since you started blogging. I do enjoy decor and design very much and seeing your home which is part of them....Christine

  74. i'm a new follower here...
    congrats on your one year anniversary..i can't wait to go back and read your posts!
    ...and i do love the container store!!

  75. Congratulations on your anniversary. I am new to the blog world, but when I clicked on your blog via Eddie Ross, I could not stop reading. You are terrific and inspiring. You have inspired me to tackle the garage/laundry room this past weekend. I'm still in the process, but thanks to you have created a bit of momentum. When I loose site I will come to your blog and recharge my batteries. Looking forward to a Purge Year!

  76. I am so excited to have just found your blog. Congratulations on your anniversary!
    - Beckie


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue