Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Blessings to All Of YOU!!

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As most of you know my Thanksgiving day arrangement is in a 4ft.6in. wood box. We stained it dark walnut, and I stenciled one end of the box with the word Blessing. What is hard to see in the pictures is a black strap bracket at each corner, top and bottom. It is a really nice touch and adds to the rustic feel.

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I used fresh rosemary to add a touch of green on the plates. The fragrance is wonderful.

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As you can see from this picture I used fresh, pumpkins, limes and artichokes, mixed with greenery from the park and curly willow.

Thanksgiving table 2011 017 (600x800)

I  chose to use pewter candlesticks this year with simple cream pillar candles.

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Thanksgiving table 2011 019 (800x600)

Thanksgiving table 2011 020 (800x600)

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We all have more blessings than we can even number. I am so thankful to have my wonderful family and friends. God has been very gracious to me and I am truly thankful to him.

I hope that each and every one of you have a blessed Thanksgiving, and that you can eat all you want without one ounce of weight gain!!! Now, that would truly be a blessing wouldn't it?

“Enjoy the Process!” Of:

Counting your blessings!!



  1. Love your table setting particularly the centerpiece, Kathysue! It's gorgeous.

    Wishing you and your family a wonderful and joyous Thanksgiving!


  2. Love your beautiful table Kathysue!! Wishing you and your family a wonderful holiday!!

  3. You are amazing!! Good for fabulous! I love how you had this vision and set out to achieve it and achieve it you is so beautiful, love the colors.
    Wishing you a very happy Thanksgiving.

  4. It's every bit as gorgeous as I anticipated! It was fun following along with the process all the way back from your inspiration photos!

    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  5. kathysue
    your table is stunning!!!!!
    oh my, i love that arrangement and the scale of the box, what a beautiful table. nice to join in via blogland
    have a wonderfully blessed thanksgiving dear friend

  6. A fabulous table set by a fabulous lady! Happy Thanksgiving, Kathysue!


  7. I love it! Thanks you so much for sharing. Hope your Thanksgiving is as wonderful as your decorations are.
    Your new friend, Marty

  8. Kathysue, your table is fabulous. I adore the simplicity and the colors, but the long box filled with fall elements is totally awesome. Great look!
    Happy Thanksgiving! ~ Sarah

  9. And blessings to you, Kathysue. May your family gathering warm your hearts all year. I have exactly 40 min before everyone arrives, a quick candlelight shower, then let the celebration begin!

  10. Your centerpiece turned out just fabulous, Kathysue. I love the place settings with sprigs of rosemary, adding an intoxicating fragrance to the table. I hope you are having a wonderful time with friends and family.

  11. *** I absolutely LOVVVVE your table AND the space in general... it's soooo pretty, fresh, warm and welcoming, Kathysue... You really hit a "home run" this year!!!... It truly is SIMPLY WONDERFUL!!!

    We just returned from a long, but absolutely wonnnderful, Thanksgiving Day~~~ Yes, there's SOOO much to be thankful for!!!

    Big T'giving hugs,

    Linda in AZ *

  12. Sending you hugs
    and blessings for
    a Happy Thanksgiving!
    How lucky are those
    who got to sit around
    that gorgeous table : )

    xx Suzanne

  13. Kathysue,
    Your centerpiece turned out beautifully. I love the mix of natural elements and the candle globes! Can't wait to see what you come up with for Christmas.

  14. Kathysue,
    Your centerpiece is just beautiful. I love the mix of natural elements and the candle hurricanes. Can't wait to see what you come up with for Christmas.

  15. Just gorgeous! You could take out the pumpkins and replace with something "christmasy" and use it for the next month.

  16. Kathysue, Your table was beautiful! Love how you mixed natural elements into the center piece. Just simple beautiful!

  17. This is really beautiful, Kathysue. I fell in love with the same inspiration photo that you shared in your earlier post... you have taken this center-piece to another level...

  18. Your centerpiece turned out great! Love your whole table and how lovely it all looks reflected in the mirrors. Glad you had a relaxed Thanksgiving with your family.
    How soon till you get your tree?

  19. Very pretty, Kathysue! Love the color scheme and the white pumpkins. Hope it was a wonderful Thanksgiving.

  20. Love the centerpiece!!! It's just stunning. Nice work!


  21. Your table was so pretty. Great line up of gifts.

  22. Kathysue - the best part about all of these pics is that I have been in your lovely home and can still feel the welcoming warmth and hospitality I felt from the moment I stepped into your home. No pictures can ever quite capture that feel. You, my friend, have created one of the prettiest centerpieces I have seen in a while. I love the combination of rustic elegance. Just what you wanted to create. I hope you had a wonderful gathering of family and loved ones. I know your Christmas decorating has begun in earnest. I will be living vicariously through your Christmas decorating posts. I love you, my friend. Hugs, Barb

  23. I love it,Kathysue! It is just gorgeous! Yvor sweetie did a fabulous job on the box and you filled it to perfection! Love the curly willow and the artichokes! It was fun to see the little peeks of it and then finally get the big reveal! Awesome as usual, ma'am!...hugs...Debbie

  24. I LOVE the way everything turned out Kathysue! You must be thrilled - It is really stunning!

  25. That is the best centerpiece I have even seen!! I am recreating it for Christmas!! Love it!

  26. Kathsue,
    This was amazing, bet everyone just loved it!!! Mine was so last minute with both my husband and son home together for the first time since 2007 all I did was cook!

  27. Sooooo gorgeous!! I love it all!

  28. This was truly one of my favorite things you have done. It was so cool...I loved every single thing. Bravo!!!

  29. Kathysue, we were thinking the same thing!! I love how you filled yours too. I had thought about birch logs with candles on top, but had not thought of the hurricanes. Very pretty, and I love the colors!!


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue