Thursday, October 13, 2011

What I Was Doing This Time Last Year

Another year has come and gone! My how time flies when you are having fun, or in this case when you are getting older.

This time last year I was in Egypt!! I am so thankful that we had the experience of visiting this amazing destination, because now, a visit there would be impossible due to what is going on in our world at this time.

Here is the post that I wrote a year ago today............

As some of you know I have been on a three week vacation to Rome and on a Mediterranean cruise.

 Hubby and I went with two other couples that are long time family friends. While we were on this trip I celebrated my 60th Birthday. Here are just a few pictures of what I did on my 60th.

It all started the night before where Hubby surprised me with a Birthday dinner in the beautiful Murano restaurant on board ship. The dinner was amazing and the company was the best!
Holy Land 2010 744 (800x595)
I am the Birthday girl sitting at the table with the love of my life.

Holy Land 2010 746 (800x600)
A special Birthday cake. Yum chocolate, my favorite!!

Holy Land 2010 745 (747x800)
The waiters singing Happy Birthday with all kinds of accents and notes!!!

The next day off to Egypt to see the pyramids!! My son wrote this Happy Birthday note to me……..
I wanted to wish Mom a Happy Birthday! Not sure I'm comfortable with the symmetry of being born on Friday the 13th and visiting the Pyramids, a place renowned for ancient curses and all other manner of spooky stuff on the same day, but to each his...her own. ;) Hope you enjoyed your day and I'll see you guys when you get back. Love you!

That is right I was born on Friday the 13th 60 years ago!!! Love his sense of humor.

Holy Land 2010 823 (800x475)
It was a bit windy but warm and lots of dust in the air. The little numbers on our shirt are our bus numbers. Trust me there were a LOT of buses there!!!

Holy Land 2010 840 (800x312)
This picture not only shows the line-up of buses but the two largest pyramids and the Sphinx. It was truly amazing to be there in person.

Holy Land 2010 834 (800x600)
A close-up of the largest pyramid. Our tour guide told us the pyramid weighs over 11,000 tons. Amazing!

Holy Land 2010 830 (800x600)
This is a great shot of the individual stones and how they stair step upward.

Holy Land 2010 836 (800x315)
Full length of the Sphinx.

Holy Land 2010 842 (800x598)

I had to take a picture of this image.  Yes, even in Egypt they have one of these……….
Holy Land 2010 788 (800x600)

Then we sailed off into the sunset……….
Holy Land 2010 855 (800x596)
………Tired and full of awe. This is a Birthday that this girl will never forget!!


  1. Happy Birthday to you!!! What an amazing trip. The pyramids are something I have always wanted to see. I can't get over the line up of buses! Wow! What a special trip for a lovely lady! Wishing you a wonderful birthday today with some chocolate cake coming your way!

  2. Happy Birthday Kathysue! Your trip last year looks amazing. Lucky you! So, how are you going to top that this year? haha. Have a wonderful day my friend!
    xo Delores

  3. Amazing images, Kathysue!
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Hope that you have a great day.

  4. Happy Birthday! Enjoy a whole day of ease and happiness and gratefulness. Us included, your readers, grateful for your design blog and energy!

  5. Happy Birthday, Kathysue! The pictures are great and I love your son's wonderful sense of humor! And your husband is such a sweet, loving and romantic man. You are such lucky lady! :)

    Wishing you a day filled with love, surprises, smiles and happiness!


  6. Happy, happy birthday my friend!!! Your trip looks amazing, and I hope you get to do something equally special this year (which I know can sometimes be some simple, quiet time with family :)

  7. Happy birthday, Kathysue! What a wonderful experience your trip to Egypt must have been.
    PS - You look AMAZING for 61!
    ~ Wendi ~ xo

  8. Happy birthday, Kathysue. My doggie's birthday is today, too.


  10. Oh, Kathysue... what an incredible trip that must have been! It looks incredible and I'd love to travel to those destinations some day. I also love that we share the same birthday! Wishing you all the best and may all of your wishes come true! xo

  11. Happy, happy birthday, my dear BFF. You are an inspiration to literally hundreds of people around this globe. In addition to your amazing talent, you are a godly woman who loves the Lord, loves your family, and strive to make a difference in the lives of others every single day. I can't wait for you to see, in person, the living room you designed via on-line! I love you - JC

  12. What an amazing way to spend your 60th birthday. I hope this year's celebration is as special in its own way. Happy birthday!

  13. What a wonderful vacation! It is amazing to see these pictures and know you were there.
    Enjoy your birthday this year and thanks for sharing your wonderful pictures!

  14. What an amazing trip with such great memories. Happy Birthday ~ I hope that this day was very special too.

  15. What a fabulous trip that must have been. Lucky girl. And a very happy birthday to you.

  16. Happy Birthday- A wonderful reminder of the past year! I hope you have many more birthdays and maybe even a trip or two! xo Diana

  17. Happy Birthday,
    dear Kathysue!
    Wherever you are
    in the world, you
    bring sunlight that
    is all your own : )
    Lovely memories and
    beautiful pictures!
    xx Suzanne

  18. HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR FRIEND!! I love this post....what a wonderful way to spend a special birthday. Have not been and really really want to go, your pictures are incredible. You look great and sooo happy. Thanks for sharing!

  19. Hi darling, Happy Happy Birthday! I hope you had the best birthday ever.. although I'm wondering how you're going to top a beautiful trip like last years??? hugs ~lynne~

  20. Kathysue, Happy, happy birthday girl! Hope you had a fantastic day with family and friends. What a great experience to be able to go to Egypt.Have a great weekend! P.S. I can not believe you are 60! I would of never guessed. You look great!


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue