Friday, September 9, 2011

Another Color Palette From Mother Nature

Shall we take another look at Mother Nature for some lovely Fall color combinations. If you remember from my last post I am trying to find some fun combinations that don’t include all of the typical Fall/Autumn colors of gold, brown and rust or orange.

Just look at this lovely Fall image……..

Are you ready to see Fall colors through different eyes?

This post is for all  you turquoise and aqua lovers. We are going to darken it up a bit, add a splash of gold,and maybe a touch of brown in the form of espresso or tobacco to get a perfect Fall look for your home……….

In the above image the teal comes in the form of the grass cloth and velvet seat cushion of the chair. Gold is in the form of the metals used in this lovely vignette.
For those of you that a little braver, how about  a little darker and brighter teals and gold?………..

I think an arrangement of simple wheat or even sunflowers would really complete this dining room for a fall look, don’t you?

Do you have any furniture pieces that could take on a whole new look with a coat of paint? How about a touch of dark teal for your project with soft gold chairs?…….

I think this color combination would be so perfect for a beach house. By just making your favorite colors in a darker value you can have a whole new look for your home.

I know we have all seen a French provincial coffee table like the one above. It has been given a whole new life as a bench and it is now wearing a nice deep coat of teal paint.

Teal grasscloth is so stunning!

Keep open to new color combinations and cozy up with some dark teal and gold………

“Enjoy the Process” Of:

Adding a touch of teal and gold for your Fall look!



  1. Gorgeous... love that dining area and those chairs. Happy Friday to you Kathysue! xo

  2. Love the color combo and ready for warmer tones of the season. That bedroom with the grasscloth is one of my favorites...has been in my files forever. Love! Have a great weekend.

  3. This surely makes a beautiful argument for this color combination. I have yet to use teal in my home but think with the gold its quite fabulous looking!

  4. Beautiful, I love these colors together! Sorry I've been missing in action, had very little time for blog reading over the summer, now that the kids are back in school I'm catching up! Enjoy your weekend! Janell

  5. This color combination is so warm and vibrant. It's a bit unexpected, which I like.
    I'm usually not a fan of grasscloth, but I love the image you provided with the teal and gold wallpaper. It's absolutely stunning!
    Have a wonderful weekend, Kathysue!
    ~ Wendi ~

  6. Love the teal grasscloth (with gold too). I'm thinking about lining the back of my glass-fronted kitchen shelves with grasscloth -- easy to switch out with the seasons and will add some needed color in that spot of our home, plus texture. Teal . . . .

  7. What a fantastic post! I feel thoroughly ready for autumn now that I've read this - and devoured your scrumptious pictures!

    I love that gold coat with the teal hat. Gorgeous!


  8. Lots of inspiration her Kathysue. Nature is filled with colorful inspiration and I like the connections you made.

    Happy weekend to you!

  9. I absolutely LOVE your new colors and header!!! I would love to wear that coat and teal hat this fall. Or on second thought...recover a sofa and add teal pillows!

  10. Love combining deep teal with mustard color and a touch of brown. I'm really drawn to the 3rd to last image for fall..with the deep colors, and is so warm.

    Have a great weekend!

  11. Oooooh, I lOVE that turquoise and gold wallpaper in the office! Wall paper has come so far!! Have a great weekend,

  12. oh my goodness!! LOVE LOVE LOVE this color combo- its actually the colors I plan on using this Christmas! Thanks for sharing these!

  13. The painting in the first photo is so very beautiful. I saw these same colors used on a very old chateau ceiling in France ~ just wonderful.

  14. I really love the deep teal for any time of year - you could pair anything with it and it would look so pretty. I recently pinned an unexpected fall image to one of my boards - it was browns but then had some pretty soft peach/pinks and greens. REally pretty for fall but so different too.

  15. Hi Kathysue! I've been out of the loop for a while and wow what a gorgeous surprise when I came here and saw your beautiful new design! I'm sorry I didn't see it sooner, my friend! It really looks great. I just scrolled through your last several posts on fall color, all of them so inspiring. You have an image of a porch in the fall with yellow flowers at the bottom of the steps -- that says fall home to me for sure. I hope you are well and enjoying the change of season. Carol

  16. Lovely, Kathysue. In my September post for At Home in Arkansas I suggested the beautiful combination of adding mums and pumpkins... either orange or white with either turquoise or blue decor.l I love the combination. Have a great weekend. Mona

  17. Gorgeous color! It makes the room so fabulous! Have a lovely weekend, Kellie xx

  18. Beautiful combination - lovely fall inspiration.

  19. Teal and gold....very enticing.....So rich. Of course did you see the teal and gold on Sat. nights episode of Donna decorates dallas?????? Scary :) I'm not trying to be mean cause maybe that is the style in Dallas....but me no likey.


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue