Friday, August 26, 2011

New Happenings

This week has been full of new things for me. If you look at the top of my page you will see a new header designed by the talented Elizabeth from The Mustard Ceiling blog. She did an amazing job and was so patient and kind. I highly recommend her wonderful services if you want a new look for your blog. I sent her a bunch of blog headers that I liked certain aspects and told her the colors I love and then she sent me five different choices. It was a tie between two designs,  but the Greek key won!! I hope you all enjoy it as much as I do.

I am the person  they wrote the book, "Computer skills for dummies!!" I would be the dummy in the title.

In the middle of Elizabeth helping with the final draft of the design my lovely computer developed a lovely, mean virus that we could not get rid of. We had to call in the geek squad and now my computer is out of commission for 10 days or so.

My sweet hubby did purchase the new lap top that I am using to do this post.
I only hope this post will actually post.

You all might have noticed my lack of post this week due to my computer's ailment. Please bare with me while I figure all of these new things out.

I am the girl that two years ago did not even know how to turn on a computer so most of what you see on my blog has been done with a lot of trial and error on my part. Hopefully I will be up and running at my normal pace very soon.

Thank you for your faithful reading of my blog and I promise I have more to write about, it just might be a bit slower getting done.

Kathysue Is trying to:

"Enjoy the Process!"Of:
Learning how to use a new computer!!


  1. Love your new header...very elegant!

    I am a computer "dummy" too, but I have learned so much through blogging. Hope that your technology problems are soon solved.(-:

    have a great weekend.(-:

  2. You are going to love blogging from a laptop Kathysue!
    I don't ever sit at a desk. Laptop in my lap as I speak!
    I love your new design. It looks so professional. If you need any help with this stuff, I have actually learned a lot since I started blogging. You and I both have the same template, so it's easy for me to help. Sounds and looks like you are in the hands of a professional though. I really like your header. It's so YOU!
    xo Delores

  3. Love your new blog header, Kathysue! It's so sophisticated, elegant and classic!

    I hope your computer is alright! Have a good weekend!


  4. I like your new header Kathysue. I think it well defines what your blog is about. Very nice.

    Sorry about your computer. But, hey a new laptop is good. I too, am illiterate when it comes to computers but my brainy sun is a computer scientist, so he's my go to guy.


  5. I was wondering where Kathy Sue was!! Glad to know you are fine and I can relate to your computer woes..have been there myself however ever since buying a Mac I am happy to problems (lets hope it stays that way) Love your new header and look...its good to change things up.
    Take care!

  6. Love your header! I am right there with you kathysue... I am so dumb at this computer stuff that whenever some kind person tries to help me I still can't figure it out. I would love to know how to do the larger pictures ect, but not goin to happen, what I have is what you get forever!

  7. Love your new header, Kathysue.

    For several years, I didn't have internet access at the lake. Finally, a couple of years ago the complex was set up with wifi. Yippee. That is when I bought my laptop. Love it!

    I use it quite a bit here at home, when I don't want to spend hours sitting at a desk editing photos and doing posts, etc. Kind of nice sitting in the hearth room computing.:-)

  8. I knew the minute I opened your blog that it was a Mustard Ceiling design. Love it. Good luck with the computer stuff. My laptop has become sort of like my 3rd child. I'm so protective and territorial! Have a good weekend...

  9. The new look is smashing! LOVE the blog header. I would never have known that you were as you say "a computer dummie" you do a great job and seem to have quickly figured it all out!

    Cathy @ Room Rx

  10. Hi Kathy, I've been wondering about you, I'm sorry you've been having computer problems, hope they are resolved soon. Love the new header! hugs ~lynne~

  11. love the new header, kathysue, noticed it right away. and you coulda fooled me. I would have never guessed you are a relatively newbie to the computer scene. glad to have you back...donna

  12. New header is fabulous KS! And so is a new laptop. Enjoy the weekend. XO

  13. Your new header is definitley you and so pretty. I still don't have a laptop. Got to join the next generation sooner or later. Love ya and have a super weekend. Hugs, Marty

  14. Love your new header! I'm in the same boat with you. I feel like I'm being dragged kicking and screaming into the age of all things technical. We have to pat ourselves on the back for what we've learned and put our nose to the grindstone to keep learning, don't we? Have a great weekend!

  15. I redid my header recently, too, and it was so hard! I should have just hired someone. Yours looks AMAZING!!!

  16. Kathysue, I love your new header. Fabulous! I'm the other dummy in the book. I have a love/hate relationship with my computer. Have a great weekend. Mona

  17. KATHYSUE!!!!! LOVE the new look. It is so you, I can hardly believe it. Bummer about the computer. I am also a "dummie" when it come to computers but I have a mac and they are pretty easy to use. I was wondering where you had been. I have you sent to me in my email and I had to check my spam [cause every now and then that is one of them will end up] to see if I had missed something. Hope it gets fixed real soon.

  18. love the new design! i want that section under the header like you have!!! i'm jealous!

    thanks for your kind comment today= much appreciated.


  19. Love the new header...very stylish!

  20. The new header looks great. I love anything greek key and black and white.
    I too just experienced a virus and was out of commission for a bit. It was a nice repreive and gave me time to come up with fresh topics for my blog. Enjoy a bit of the down time.

  21. Dearest Kathysue,

    I so hope you are no where near the storm or evacuation safe dearest. YOUR NEW HEADER IS STUNNING! AND...thank you. Your words are adequate to touch MY heart, in knowing that I did my job: to touch your heart.


  22. Love the new header and totally understand about the computer skills. Right there with you.

  23. kathysue your blog header is so stylin' what an attractive opening to your blog

    good luck with the new learning curve.....pssst.....keeps our minds from aging :-)

  24. Well, aren't you something! Love the new header, and it speaks to who you are. I'd recognize you anywhere! congrats on the new laptop. I know you're going to have a great time being more portable! I know enough about technology to be dangerous!! Glad to see you back.

  25. Kathysue - I love, love, love this new look! It fits you - elegant, creative, geometric, Greek Key, colorful,'s awesome!!! Love your blog!!!

  26. If everyone would buy an Apple Mac computer there would be no "my computer got a virus". That's the great perc about owning a Mac. This is my first, it's easier to learn to operate & 1 million times faster.
    Luv your new look!!!

  27. Kathysue- I could not agree more with Bliss Designs. I will never have anything other than Apple computers. I hate viruses and the people behind them are despicable. You know I love your header, it could not be a more perfect statement to your style - timeless and classic. Hope your computer woes are shortlived.

    Can you hardly believe that this time next month I will be just days away from coming out to Cali to see you!!!!! yoohoo

  28. Fron one dinosaur techie to another, hang in there. I am always so proud when I am able to solve a problem that the kids today would just laugh at. Love the new design

  29. Love your new header! I am a dinasour in a race horse world too! Hang on and you will learn everything you need to know! xo Diana

  30. Oh I bet you will end up loving your laptop and not miss your computer at all! I fantasize about having a laptop in bed... and traveling.. I have an iPad, but I feel like it's slower and I'm not getting the full impact of blogging or posting when I use it...
    Thanks for visiting and following !

  31. Stunning - love the new look. Very stylish and very you. It's always nice to freshen things up a bit. I liken it to having your car cleaned or detailed. It makes your drive more carefully, confidently and more efficiently. I imagine it's the same with blog redesign. Kind of like brushing away the cobwebs. Gives you a spring clean, a fresh start. Hope you feel renewed and motivated.

  32. Love your new chic!! Computers can be so aggravating, but what would we do without them?!! Hope you're having a wonderful weekend ~

  33. Kathysue,
    I love your new look over here! So stylish and eye catching. As for computers, there are days where I love my computer and days where I want to toss it out the window. I must say I'm impressed at how good you are with your computer, especially if you just learned to use it two years ago!

  34. Yuck on computer problems ... but I love your new look! Elizabeth is so talented!!

  35. That is just the WORST to have computer problems...that and car problems. Anyway, I am with you about the technical aspects. When I started my blog, I asked my nephew (a web site designer) to help me and he said "Women of your demographic age group are not known to be technologically savvy." Well, THAT FIRED ME UP. Your blog is wonderful.

  36. You are stylin' looking good!!! Header is very sharp!

  37. I'm loving the new sleek look!!!!

    My computer was gone for a week too due to a virus as well. Glad I have a old backup laptop I can use. Plus I have begun pre-scheduling posts so they then publish automatically which helps also.


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue