Monday, August 8, 2011

Mint or Seafoam? What do you call it?

There is a color that seems to have reinvented itself from the late 80’s. Back then it was called sea foam green.

Remember peach and sea foam green of the late 80’s?

I was never a big fan, but I knew plenty of people that jumped on that Trend Train only to jump off after a short time.

Oh My Goodness! Seriously?!!

I think the picture says it all, don’t you?

All we have to do is change it up a bit, give it a new name, and it will become the new kid on the block. It now has a new name, MINT!!!
It has been darkened a bit, and now paired with a different partner.
This is what I have been noticing lately…….

Here you see a newer version with a pop of, not peach, but orange.

For those of you who have followed my blog for any length of time, you know I am not a big fan of orange. However, I am a fan of black and I have been seeing mint (as it is called now) paired beautifully with black……

I think it is the touch of black with the mint that seems to make it more current.

This lovely home is much more sophisticated in its appearance because of the addition of black.

Personally, I like the way the black seems to ground this color we now call mint.

It can look quite cool and relaxing when mixed with creams or whites.

Isn’t it amazing that when a color from our past comes back with new life it becomes more palatable?
I also think the more we see it in the marketplace, and in magazines or blogs, we gain a new appreciation for it.

This room shows mint mixed with turquoise and other greens. Very interesting. Let me show you mint paired with other colors……

A pop of turquoise and bright pink makes this a very cheerful and fun nursery.

I would have never thought of this combination, and yet, I find it quite appealing and sophisticated.

Are you ready for a  bit of preppy combination's. Nothing like pink and green!

I would not have thought of using this combination except for Christmas and yet it is fresh and crisp!!

A little dash of hot pink, bordering on almost red, with mint.

I adore this look and I would totally wear this minus the skinny jeans. In fact I use to have that jacket, but mine had the dynasty shoulder pads, remember those, Oh my!!

I am loving this combination. Navy with mint and that pop of cobalt as a back drop is wonderful!!

So there you have it!!! MINT! What do you think? Do you see yourself using the color in the future? It appears to be the new kid on the block. It has been showing up throughout blog land and magazines for awhile now.
I personally will not be jumping on this color phase, but it will be interesting to see how well it evolves in the design world. What is your opinion?

“Enjoy the Process” Of:

Looking at an old color in a new light!!



  1. Wow, you've really broadened my horizons! I would never have given this colour a second thought if I hadn't seen it used so beautifully in so many different settings. It is utterly gorgeous, particularly with white or black. Rachaelx

  2. I dont' think I will be using it personally but do think its pretty and obviously in a lot of the pictures you showed, it can be quite beautiful, very soft, crisp and fresh. Doesn't really fit into my scheme, but in the right house when paried apprpriately with the right other colors, its really pretty and I do remember seafoam, so funny how the new name 'mint" makes it seem so much more attractive. I had a touch of peach when I first got married almost 25 years I have to admit, I was 21 years old, thought I knew all there was to know about design, peach was in and the only saving grace is I only used it for a few accents, thankfully even I knew better than to do a "peach room"...ugh!!
    Have a great day.....

  3. I suppose the color we added to our front door, recently, could be called mint. We are still deciding whether we like our door in that color. Living with it awhile. I put that color on the back of the old cabinet I painted a couple of weeks ago. This color was around during the 20's and 30's, also. Wonder what it was called then.

    I never did jump on the seafoam/peach train, but I did have a tad bit of mauve, during the 80's.;-)

  4. Isn't it amazing how there is really nothing much new? It just has its Season, goes away and then re-invents itself with a new name and twist. lol

    I had a peach and mint patio when I lived in was perfect for down there;>) I do like it layered with the black..and the pictures I see show "this" mint with a bit more depth to the color than the one in the 80's. Looks like it might have a drop or two of blue in it?

    Great post- I'll be watching for those shoulder pads to come back too! lol xo Diana

  5. love the chaulky/smokey gray, mustard and teal inspiration board -- sophisticated, fresh, and maybe it's that touch of mustard I need in my master bedroom. would not have entertained that combo until I saw that picture. will do more research . . . . thanks for the jumpstart!

  6. Oh, that was so ugly from the 80's!!! ha ha. I remember the peach trend. I love that exterior.... love love love!! Hope your week gets off to a good start, Kathysue!! xo

  7. I do remember that era! I am not a big fan of peach and mint green together. Remember the whole Santa Fe look? Please- I hope that does not come back. My whole house was designed in that look. Yeeks! I am showing my age!
    Thanks Kathysue for visiting my blog.

  8. It was so associated with the Southwestern Style!

    I think those tones are great now, in the right colors to set off the room. I love the deep apricots and the green when they are grayed down some!

    Super examples Kathysue!


    Art by Karena

  9. Really, really interesting post, Kathysue!

    I'm not a huge fan of peach, but it does look pretty with "mint". Have that said, it's not really for me. I love the images you used here. They all look fresh and inviting, but I don't think they're timeless. I see most of these rooms will look outdated in a couple of years,mostly because of the color scheme.


    Luciane at

  10. That first picture? HAHAHA! I am pretty sure I stayed in this bad beach house in the late eighties!

    It takes a lot of skill and great light to pull a mint/seafoam(I don't care for either name)color in any room, but I think when it's done right, it's quite appealing.

  11. Well, you've surprised me. When I first started reading the post I literally thought, "omg" and not in a great way. But hello! An inspiring collection of rooms using these colors, it wouldn't have occurred to me that those dreadful colors, as they were used in the 80's, are really the colors used in this new and exciting way. Janell

  12. The peach and seafoam green remind me of a set of draperies I had back in the eighties!! I do like the colors it is being paired with now, especially black. Very nice!


  13. just as long as they dont bring back the Country Rose & Blue! *shudder*
    I do like the "mint" especially paired with black or orange. Makes me want some Sherbet!

  14. Kathysue,
    I love the mint jacket. I really like the mint with a little black. I like black and anything, lol.
    The 80's image was painful at least. Glass we REINVENTED it!
    Have a great day.

  15. Hi Kathysue...
    yea, I remember it from the 80's and it looks so dated in that pic..never liked that look to well..but I am liking the new look..only, I've been calling it aqua all this time..which I like better..and am thinking about how I might be able to use it after I move into the new place...
    love all the pics... :)

  16. Kathysue.....You made me fall in love with Mint all over again:) I love every picture you included! I think you are right, it especially looks good with black.

  17. OMG, I burst out laughing when I saw that first picture!!!! Mainly cause I jumped RIGHT onto the Southwest bandwagon back in the day!!!! Too funny! Thank God I have come to my senses:):) I do like the mint with black. I prefer a darker, sage like green though. Just for me, but I can see how this color can work in the right home. Thanks for the beautiful pics. XO, Pinky

  18. I need a little more blue in my mint, or a little less blue going the other direction. I guess I just don't like "mint". It reminds me of what pepto bismol would look like if it were green! Give me kelly green, aqua, even sage or olive, but I'm passing on the mint! Love ya!!

  19. OMG! that 80's picture is too funny. I knew I didnt like it then and I still dont like it. I am using a darker version, called spring or leaf green , in my new baby granddaughter's nursery paired with a hot pink ( new mom's choice) but that is probably as close as I would get to mint. Great photos though. Lot of hard work on your part.

  20. I say don't bring it back. I like greens that trend toward celadon with some blue in it or mossy tones with yellow in them, but mint??? No, thank you. As for the first image, never mind the 80's...I live in Florida and some folks down here still have that same living room "suite."

  21.'s happening again!! Look at my post today...I'm changing up my dinging room (for VERY little $ you'll be happy to hear :) and I have swatches in these exact colors!!! And I'm doing black and white curtains just like from your post a few days ago! Too weird

  22. Kathysue!!!!! This is similar to the colors I want to use in my family room! Picture this, cream, turquoise, light green, and coral! I added the coral for a little added something! I love these colors!

    Thanks for the inspiring post! And what about the mint cabinets? LOVE!!!

  23. Mauve and Teal were the variation on this theme in Kansas City and I have the basement to prove it. What a relief to know I can keep that carpet!!

  24. Doesn't the name mint just make it more appealing?! Love the combination of the mint and black, and the wonderful home showcases it beautifully!! Hope you've had a great Monday ~

  25. Oh my goodness all of these examples of mint are amazing!!! I love the combo with orange. And of course you know from my post today how much I adore a touch of black too! :) Thank you so much for your kind comments on my door!! Hugs to you,
    Nancy xo

  26. Depending on which of the images here I was looking at I was either on board or couldn't jump off the boat fast enough. I think the images I liked were the ones with touches of black to keep it from looking old-fashioned.

  27. It's funny when you mentioned mint, I didn't think I was going to go for it. But, with these images above....I'm on board!!!

    xo Elizabeth

  28. I think all these look very fresh. Not sure I'd do my kitchen cabinets in oil based enamel, but some latex on the walls might work. I have a minty green in my bedroom actually, I'm about to put Windsor Smith's "Riad" in Seafoam on the bedskirt and pillows. Guess I'm a kind of minty person!

  29. I love how this post ties in to your post from today....very thought provoking (if you're inclined to think about color, which we are!)

  30. I say let's call it mint! Love the photos, I really do! Not sure I would use that color again like i did when I first got know seafoam everything! that was instyle in the 90's! But I love the new mint color!


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue