Sunday, July 31, 2011

The Round up!!

This week’s Friday “Question of The Day!” was quite thought provoking. We got so many great comments that will be helpful to the reader that asked the question.

I took bits and pieces from different comments that summed up the general overall feeling of my readers. They are in no particular order. I just copy and paste from the comments……….

One suggestion is that we need to manage our desires better and make 'a plan' for purchases and projects. Maybe that 'delay' will help us manage our choices better and discover that we really don't need x and y and could probably make-do with z

I think we get tired of 'things' when we've accumulated too much or spent too much time thinking about "things.
The reader shouldn't feel too bad about her desire to always be improving her home. It is an occupational hazard!
She just needs to learn to sew, or paint her own walls and generally become a DIY-er in order to not end up in the poorhouse!

The trick of course is to only spend what you can afford. It's a different thresh hold for everyone
I love to change things out each season. I find that is often enough without breaking the bank. I stay away from fads and trends, so I don't get tempted there.Only buy what you really love and you will not tire of it!
NOW FOR AN ANSWER...well, me, the answer is quite simple. Be happy with what you have! MWAHHHHHH....I know that may not be what this person wants to hear! But be happy with whatcha got, take your time to figure out what you really want and then slowly take the steps towards the goal. That is what we did.....

fantastic question! I love traditional design, and usually go for neutral colors on larger surfaces like walls, rugs and upholstered furniture. I change the smaller decor elements like pillows, votives and even the "art" on my walls, regularly. Most of which I buy from flea markets. All investment pieces MUST be traditional

I change things up approximately every 5 years. I live in a townhouse and my mother told me my rooms must be smaller than everybody else's because there are so many layers of paint on them! I keep almost all of my furniture fabrics white and then just change out the paint color, pillows and window treatments.

Basically my readers feel we should all have a real plan in place before making a purchase for our homes. Once we have a plan in place then and only then should we buy what we truly love, not fad pieces. 

Sticking with classic, neutral pieces for our larger purchases such as sofas, chairs, carpets is a wise choice. Add color and trend pieces in pillows, mirrors, lamps etc.

A good way to save money is to re-purpose items with paint. Try learning some DIY skills to off-set the budget. These were all great suggestions and very practical.

I agree with every single suggestion. I never start a project without a plan of attack. I feel this is one of the most important aspects of designing a home that you will love.

Thank you to all of you that participated this week by leaving a comment. If any of you have any questions please email them to me and I will use them in one of my Friday’s post!! 

This is great fun! It is also a way of helping, and supporting each other.
I am looking forward to reading all of your helpful comments for next weeks, “ Question Of The Day!”


Email your questions to:
Subject: Question of the Day!


  1. Nice tips...

    I guess we all need to practice restraint when it comes to our spending, I know I have a hard time controlling my urge to spend, but hey maybe others can, they are the lucky one ♥

  2. Kathysue, I tried to comment Friday but I don't think it posted for some reason. Probably this new I-pad I'm trying to learn how to use. Anyway, I agree with the round-up and think this will be a fun series. Happy Sunday, dear friend. Mona

  3. Great tips! Like what you already said, one should always have a general idea about the basic layout before one even proceed to decorate. Then, find pieces you really, really love so you won't get tired of it so quickly. When I see something, I always ask myself, do I LIKE or LOVE it? If I only "liked" something, I will pass on it because I don't want to buy impulsively then get tired of it in a few months. Like what others have already mentioned, having restrain and good planning is the key to avoid draining your pocket.

    By the way, I am hosting a giveaway so stop by and enter for a chance to win a piece of fabulous jewelry of your choice!

    Have a wonderful day, Kathysue!


  4. Enjoyed this Kathysue. Great series idea.

    In keeping with these thoughts, I repurposed with paint last week. At the end of the day Thursday, I was bone tired...really actually bone tired. I was certainly reminded of my age!:-) But the results were worth it and so was the trip to the lake for r&r.

  5. Love that you started this and think its fantastic!! Enjoy your day.

  6. This was a great question of the week Kathysue. I enjoyed reading the responses.

  7. This was a good one. I agree with what you have recapped. I try not to buy until I am in love. You caught me trying to go against this with my guest room to "get it done" and (nicely) called me out on it. And I agree....I was rushing and not in love with what I was picking. On the other hand I waited a long time to do Harry's room and even my husband goes in there for no other reason than it is his favorite rooms in the house now. I want that feeling in every I must be sure before I buy/commit! And, in decorating and just about anything else, I don't buy unless I have the funds....a room won't be relaxing if you are worried about how to pay the credit card bill!

  8. I totally agree! Great advice... and doing a little DIY is a great way to learn, and to totally love what you have done... even if it doesn't come out the way a professional would do it!

    Tiffany {Living Savvy}


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue