Thursday, July 28, 2011

I Am Feeling A Little BLUE!!

After working in my garage all week I needed a bit of a relief for my eyes. I needed to see some beauty, so I wanted  to talk about something that I love!! The color blue!!

When blue is mixed with white it becomes a crisp, fresh, classic. For today’s post I thought I would show you some of the images that draw me in because of “BLUE!”

I know not everyone loves blue as much as I do, but I am sure even those that don’t call it their favorite color will enjoy the view……

I love this large box pleated  table skirt, the large print is another show stopper.

I don’t know where to begin in this dining room, I love it all!!

I just had to take a little time today to enjoy looking at something that I love!! BLUE!

“Enjoy the Process” Of:

Looking at whatever color you love!!


BTW: come back tomorrow for the Question of the Day!! It is a really good one this week!


  1. You have a fellow blue fan in me, Kathy Sue as you know. One of my favorite colors to use in the home, if not my most favorite. Every shade is pretty spectacular from the palest baby blue to the darkest it all and love all the beautiful selections you have chosen here. Hope the garage endeavor was a success!

  2. I, too, love blue. Especially love that breasfast nook and the bed with the nailheads. Going right into my inspiration files!

  3. Blue is my friend, in all its shades. Love it paired with chartreuse. Falling in love with navy again and that one photo with shades of blue with navy just quiets me right down. I am putting on a dinner party tonight w/ lots to do but I'm feeling, ummm, maybe I'll sip another cup of tea first.

  4. I agree with you is a wonderful color and such a good one to decorate with because it wears so well on the eyes. I like all of the shades of blue that you included ~ very soothing, especially for these hot months.

  5. Loving all the blue inspiration - one of my all time favorite shades as well. I was in blueberry heaven this past weekend in Maine!!

  6. I'm loving blue these days too especially a turquoise blue and navy (not together though) - my favorite images are the last two. That bedroom is gorgeous and I could paint that turquoise on EVerything! Am currently painting it on my daughter's new baby's crib ;)

  7. I am just starting to love blue...I painted the master bedroom a soft blue to match the sky and lake outside and I am loving it. These living rooms are fabulous, I'd never tire of the blue!


  8. Those rooms look so calm and clean. I really like the yellow and blue dining room. We are doing a bedroom in those two colors. The blueberries look pretty good,too!

  9. Kathysue...I have been mia for a few I am back to play catchup!!! Lord knows I was happy when I saw all of this favorite of course!!! Might have to pin a few of these myself.

  10. Another great post, I love getting your delightful emails everyday. It's a nice pick me up! Love the blue :)

  11. Beautiful images and I want the hanging lantern in that dining room.

  12. I was literally feeling a little blue just a few moments ago...but this perked me up. Lovely images. I particularly love the soft blue in the kitchen and paired with the yellow. Thanks. Mona

  13. SO much to love
    here, but mainly
    I jumped over when
    I saw the title of
    your post on Delores's
    blog and was worried!
    Glad all is well. You
    inspired me long ago
    to begin bringing blue
    back into my interiors,
    as it both my and my
    husband's favorite color.
    Slowly but surely, it's
    happening : ) !!
    xx Suzanne

  14. The blue of the blueberries is hypnotic, love the intensity. When I painted the front of my house that colour I got an anonymous letter from a neighbour saying this was regarded as a 'good' neighbourhood and could I tone it down! We are now good friends (I tracked her down), it's still blue and she has learned to like it... and to sign her letters.

  15. Such beautiful images. The color blue has grown on me over the years. Up until now, I have left it for bedrooms, but I am loving the cobalt and ligther shades of blue mix with bolder colors in main living spaces. My new style update might include a touch of blue. Thanks for the inspiration.

  16. I know I am strange but blue is probably my least favorite color. However, I must admit that these are mighty pretty rooms. Maybe I can be converted over (nah!)

  17. As you know I'm as much a fan of blue and white as you, never tire of it or looking at these wonderful images and they are always a sight for sore and tired eyes. Thanks for the pretty inspiration.

  18. Oh my gosh I want to pin this whole post! One great pic after another. Sorry about all the time spent in your garage...I have been putting mine off. I keep telling myself I need to wait until the weather cools off!

  19. I just wrote a comment and sent it but I don't think it went to your blog...hopefully you won't get this twice. I want to basically pin this whole post! Wonderful pics. I just painted my kitchen walls blue and I love them. Sorry about all the time in your garage. I need to do that but I've been putting it off. I keep telling myself I'll do it when the weather cools off!

  20. Love the trim on the white drapes and the skirted table. I love blue surprises me, like today when a client said she hated blue. Really?

  21. So pretty. I wish my foyer was big enough for a table like that.... that table/table skirt is perfect!! xo

  22. Too many of my "favorites" to comment on one. Blue comes in so many shades that it can invoke many moods and reactions.


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue