Tuesday, July 5, 2011

How Many is Too MANY?!

 First I have to admit I am a little obsessed, or should I say addicted to a few things in my life.

Today I am  only going to talk about one of them, “White Pants!”
Let me ask you all, how many white pants should a person have in their wardrobe?

I just got through purging and putting in my summer clothes since summer finally arrived here and there is no doubt it is hot weather for the next few months.

I actually did not realize I had so many until I finished my ironing.The frightening part is I can totally justify each and every pair!!! There in lies the problem. Intellectually I am almost sure I have too many, but I can seem to justify each and every pair. 

Let me show you what is in my closet......
Maui pancake 002 (600x800)
Isn’t that a danger zone?! You know what I mean? We are running out of room for more and yet we keep getting more. Omgosh, is this how hoarding begins.

Maui pancake 001 (600x800)
You tell me! How many pairs of white pants do you have, and how many do think is too many?
I have:
  • 2 pair of white jeans
  • 3 casual cotton
  • 2 linen
  • 2 crop
  • 2 Bermuda shorts
  • 3 walking shorts
  • 1 denim skirt
That equals= 15 white bottoms!!!

Maui pancake 003 (600x800)
I need to either feel totally exonerated, or totally guilt ridden into purging some more and not buying one more pair of white pants. The white walking shorts I bought on line today can’t count, Okay!!!

“Enjoy the Process” Of:

Collecting white pants!!!


Next post we are moving onto lip gloss!! Oh My!!!


  1. Hi Kathysue,
    Well, I've never really thought about it before but I think I might have too many pairs of tan colored pants. I know that I have way too many tops, some that haven't been worn but maybe once.
    Now I think it's time to purge!

    So, go put your white pants on and have a good day. I'll go pull up my big girl pants and deal with it! LOL.


  2. I suffer from the white shirt collection. A serious problem. My closet is too disorganized to photograph for you, but I am of the ilk that one can never have too many white shirts. Clean, white, crisp, or maybe a little ragged on the collar and cuffs from being worn and loved... there are just so many to choose from!

  3. I'm not going to say you have too much, because that would give you room to judge my shoe collection(over 80 pairs.) But here's my breakdown: 1 pair jeans, 1 casual cropped, 1 walking shorts, 1 gym shorts - that's it in white. I will say that with 2 messy boys, white doesn't feature much in my wardrobe. You may be past the messy jam faced, sticky fingered hugs stage of life.

  4. Kathysue, this is a funny post! Truthfully, if you wear them all, then so what?! I have 2 shorts, 2 crops and one long pair (1 of the shorts and 1 of the crops are off-white stone). Sometimes I'll get a fresh pair to "back up" a favorite pair in case they get a stubborn stain. Oh, well....Linda

  5. I have to admit I think I only have one pair....I do have a very pale pink pair that could possibly classify as being a second.....but if you regularly wear them all I think you are ok.....my obsession are casual dresses....I justify them by the fact that I live in them all summer long. Hope you had a great 4th

  6. I can be a bit OCD myself......white pants look great with basically everything! I also have collections of sizes in my closet which would explain the fact that I have A LOT of each color, especially tons in black white and khaki. To me summer dressing is its best with a white bottom, it can be pants, skirt, shorts, capris...but everything looks so crisp and chic when paired with white, so you go girl....summer is too short, wear all the white pants you want!

  7. I won't judge, I just bought a pair of black pants, brought them home and realized that I'd bought the same pair from the same store last summer. (But just like white pants, you can't have enough black pants either!)

  8. Now this has to be the most amazing thing I've seen in blogland today!! Ha, ha, ha!! I only have two pairs, but then again, I live in a climate where you get to wear them maybe two months of the year.


  9. Big goose egg here. I decided that the size of my backside didn't warrant that much attention! Now ask me how many pairs of black pants I have....

  10. I might add ... you're headed for the danger zone ...
    "she'll be comin' around the mountain when she comes
    she'll be wearing six pair of white pants when she comes... hahahaha

  11. I have 2 pair of white shorts - does that count for anything? No white pants though...I'm a jeans or black pants girl.

  12. I have only 2 pairs but I would love a few more. I don't think you have a problem... you just know what works for you :)
    I love all white clothes!

  13. I have two pairs...one which I should donate because I never wear them. My 16 year old son bought a pair of white athletic shorts this year and spends more time cleaning off the spots and worrying about whether they will stain, like yesterday when he got bbq sauce all over them!!! And seriously, does polyester actually stain? LOL


  14. Funny! I have the same problem with black.

  15. I don't have any white pants, or skirts. For some reason I don't care for them. I Probably do have too many assorted black tops though. It seems we all have our little obcessions when it comes to dressing.(-:

  16. This has me chuckling!!! I think we all have our favorite clothing items....and I certainly see that white pants are yours! :)

    I have one pair of white pants - that I never wear. And one pair of white jeans - that I never wear. I am literally in a little dress just about every day. So, guess what's lined up in my closet?!

    xoxo Elizabeth

  17. Bonjour!
    Wow that is too funny! We have never seen that many white pants in someone's closet :) Thanks for posting. Check us out sometime

    -Jessica & Holly

  18. Nope not too many at all Kathysue. Especially since you wear them all and live in the right climate for them. I'm a black pants and shoes kinda gal. Of the 180 pairs of shoes I have (yes mini Imelda here *winks*) about 80 of them are black.....So you must consider my opinion a little bit biased lol! Vanna

  19. HAHAHA! At least they are lined up and you are aware of your uh...little problem.:) Even if I thought I'd look good in white pants, I would no doublt spill something on them and never wear them again!

  20. You are very lucky you live in a climate where white pants can go almost.....all year long! I have one pair in linen, then got my favs in an almost velvet white corduroy.....love love love.
    Hey, we all have our little " problems" and if it does no one harm, then enjoy!

  21. I have a lot of blue jeans and can't even wear half of them. I need to purge for sure. I only have one pair of white jeans, 1 white casual cotton pants and 1 white shorts.

  22. Ha...this is hysterical. It could be me except my hoarding item would be khakis. I just don't think you can ever have too many khakis...like white they go with everything!

  23. I am right there with you! Short, long, jeans, linen....I wear them from May to September! And white shirts. I would be embarrassed to post my white shirts!!!

  24. Of course you need each and every pair! I'm thinking of the first time I me you Kathysue. Guess what you wore?
    White pants! And you rocked them too!
    I only have two pair of white jeans because I just purged my closet and out went two pair of white "capris." This time of year, white pants are a must. I might have to go shopping tomorrow--for more white pants! ~Delores

  25. I think for summer there is nothing better than white bottoms of some sort - be it jeans, pants, shorts, skirts whatever. They look fabulous and go with everything. Not necessarily the most forgiving colour to wear, but nothing says summer dressing to me like white. Don't worry about how many pairs, I have about 30 pairs of thongs including about 10 pairs of Havaianas and my husband just doesn't get that. He has two!

  26. PS and did I mention 27 pairs of blue jeans? I mean how many does a girl need? Yet I can justify each and every one!

  27. Had to laugh, as
    Hubby's clothes pole
    that holds his pants
    broke on the 4th and
    off he had to go to
    the hardware store!
    So, he purged at least
    10 pair in the whole
    process : ) I currently
    own only one pair of
    white bottoms, which
    are white linen trousers.
    I am on the hunt for a
    cute pair of white denim.
    The white season isn't
    that long in Minnesota,
    even if the fashionistas
    say white is now in all
    year long....it would just
    be plain weird here to wear
    white pants after Labor Day!
    xx Suzanne

  28. Kathysue, you are too funny. If you love white pants and love them, then buy away! xo

  29. Kathysue, this is a little funny, but I understand. Different fabric and style for different occasions. Your closet looks very neat.
    This is a great post. Now I don't feel as bad.

  30. too funny! as long as you can justify them in your mind then you can have as many as you would like (at least that's my motto in life :) I have zero!


  31. Preaching to the choir here! I LIVE in white pants all summer - I don't think I have quite as many as you, but I definitely have several - different weights, styles and lengths - and definitely all used!!

  32. Looks about right to me. My spouse says a guy can never have too many Kaki pants and I never saw a pair of black shoes I did not need.

    BTW- doing some homework for my blog is how I ENJOY THE PROCESS!

  33. Believe it or not, I only own one pair of white pants. Now black is a different story!

  34. now, that's a lot of white pants! I think you are giving me permission to add one more pr to my closet and that would make two pairs of white pants! Jeans, now that's another story. How many pr do I have . . . !

  35. Awww, that is too cute!! I say, if you wear them and love them keep them all and don't feel guilty!
    Nancy xo


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue