Wednesday, June 8, 2011

What Does Your Entry Say To Visitors?

Paul Raeside Photography

What does your entry say about you and your home? I know this a question that has been written in many a magazine articles, but it is a question that should be given a great deal of thought.

I have a theory about entry halls/foyers.... It is the very first part of your house that your guests will see. I think that your guest should be thinking,"Oh, Wow! I wonder what the rest of the house looks like?" 

As I wrote that statement, I realized that they could be thinking in a bad way or in a good way. Of course I meant in a good way. Another thought they should have and is probably the most important is, "Aah! this house is so welcoming and inviting." 

Do you ever go outside and come in through your front door and look around as if you had never seen your home before?
I do this periodically in order to get a visitor's perspective. It helps me  to keep things looking fresh and welcoming. 

Your visitor's experience actually starts from the front porch as they go through the front door and into your entry. I realize that not all homes are designed with an entry hall. Some homes will spill you right into your living area. 
Even in your living area there will be one wall that becomes a focal point so it should read,"WELCOME!"
I have collected a group of pictures of entries and I am going to show them to you. When you look at each of them ask yourself, "What does this say to me, what kind of person lives here?"

I think this little exercise will help you start looking at your own home a little differently.

Phoebe Howard for Mrs. Howard
Notice the color of the wall, the lines of the furniture. the gorgeous marble floor. The stair case has a wonderful touch of leopard in the runner.  I think this entry shows the owner pays great attention to detail. They love fine furniture and they edit well. The leopard says  that they have a practical fun side also. What does this entry say to you?

Designer J. Randall
I love this entry. It is well lit and spacious. Obviously this belongs to a grand home. Notice the detail in the door and the ceiling. What a wonderful light fixture. It is made to look peaceful with its symmetry from one side to the other.

Although this entry is not large, it is still full of interest with the great glass door and the art on each side. It is made casual with the use of the cotton striped rug. They continued the welcoming sights with a sculpture at the top of the stairs. I like the use of a lamp and an overhead light fixture. At night there is nothing prettier than a soft glow from a table lamp in an entry.

Phoebe Howard
In this East Hampton home the entry is full of light, not only form the doors but from the two lamps and overhead bell fixture. It is soft and subtle in its colors and has interest to look at in the botanical's, and the great old chairs. This is a little bit of the old, and also some new with the glass pillar lights. Notice the greenery on the console table. I always like something green, or at least real flowers in an entry. Live greenery or flowers always says,"Welcome" to me. This home looks very warm and welcoming to me.

Again we have a wonderful French door entry. This is a home with character and patina . Notice the chevron patterned floor and the beautiful old French console. Lovely orchids are a welcoming site. I would imagine the homeowner is well traveled and has beautiful pieces throughout their home. I really want to see the rest of this lovely home.

Here is a very small entry and look at how much they were able to do in a small space. You have pattern, and color on the wall. Fresh flowers always say "Welcome!" An extra added feature is a storage ottoman to pull out and put on your shoes.  Since the umbrella stand is clear it is not taking up any visual space. They used a simple yet brightly colored striped rug that adds to this colorful and welcoming entry. This entry has everything one would need to enter or exit this home. Very well done! This goes to show us that an entry does not have to have be grand to be user friendly or appealing.

This homeowner is full of style. Notice the brightly colored turquoise color they used on the ornate antique mirror? I can tell this homeowner likes fun and has a great personality. The bright use of color and the textures used here are just fun.

This entry has lots of visual eye candy. The gorgeous marble floor is flanked by an older wood floor with lots of patina. Great wall paper for interest and color. A plant for life sitting on an acrylic cube therefore not taking up any visual space on the floor. The contemporary chair with a pop of red. This homeowner is going to have a very eclectic home with lots of interest. A small space done very well.

A very small entry, probably to a coastal beach house. The brightly colored door is just fun. The color is picked up again in the rug and the accessories on the table. Love the touch of the loosely arranged flowers in the vase. This home says, " Come in kick your shoes off and relax." I really like this feeling.

Windsor Smith

This is obviously a Grand home with its large marble entry. I love the way they used the black and also have carried it into the adjacent room. They added life by the pops of green. I love this entry. It is using my favorite colors and I always love a black and white checked floor. I would love to visit inside this home and see all of its decor. Lots of interesting pieces. The chairs and the wonderful round settee. Look at the industrial looking book shelves to display interesting objects. This is just a great big WONDERFUL!!!

This entry is just a total Wow! factor. The architecture to the zebra wall paper to the gallery wall. I love the sisal runners for texture and the sparkle of the mirror and lamps. I would really love to see what is in this house, wouldn't you?

Now that I have shown you several different types of entries, does it make you look at your entry a little differently? 

It does not have to be Grand to be inviting or interesting. You can add interest with a rug or an interesting table. Bring life by having a live plant or a bouquet of flowers. Add light with a great overhead lantern or even a lamp on the table. If you can not put a light at least have some candles. Get some reflection with a mirror. 

If space allows have a place to sit. Remember wallpaper is another simple way to bring pattern and color to an entry. I hope this opens your mind to thinking outside the box and helps you to try new ways of making your entry reflect you and your homes personality.

Last but not least, I leave you with my entry hall. It is a small area that measures 6ft wide by 12 ft long. I chose a carrara  marble and absolute black granite floor.(this was a dream come true for me).

 I have a more formal/traditional looking entry. I love lots of light so I have a full French door with sidelights. 

 I added the introduction of color by choosing an English wallpaper with soft sage, cream and watermelon pink in it. 

 The console table is an old French piece dating from the late 1800's It has lots of patina in the metal and the flowers have bits of old paint peeking out. The top is a black marble that is no longer quarried. 

I have an antique mirror with a simple frame with a bit of carving and gold gilding. I use candles and the overhead light that is on a dimmer for night time ambiance. 

 I can only hope that my entry evokes a welcoming sight to all who come to visit my home. 

What will you change about your entry? Is it saying what you want it to say? Let me know if you were inspired to make any changes. 

Come back for my next post and I will share one of my pet peeves  that I have seen in some homeowner's entries!!

"Enjoy the Process" Of: 

Making your entry a welcoming sight to all who enter.



  1. Hi Kathysue,
    Lovely entryways. Yes, I agree that the entry to our homes is the most important. From the moment you enter my home you see into the entire livingroom and the rest of the home. It's an open floor plan but very well designed.

    I love how you have designed your entry, especially the gorgeous wallpaper. Very pretty.

    I learn so much when I come here. You are like having my open personal designer.


  2. This was a great post and I enjoyed your take on each entry hall, they were spot on and so agree that entrance halls are the first chance to make a statement with your home!
    Now onto your entrance hall, Kathysue its gorgeous!!!! Of course I just love all the blue and white, but love your English paper, the floors, its just stunning!! What your entrance hall tells me about you, is that your home is elegant and sophisticated but very inviting!

  3. What incredible images! I'd like to say that my foyer makes a grand statement, but what it really says is, "The mom in this house can not keep up with her boys." The marble tile area rug that I showed off here is usually found somewhere beneath a pile of cleats/shoes/skates that all have a home either a few feet away in the front hall closet or in the garage. Don't even get me started on the lacrosse gear that gets dumped in the entryway.

    Someday, I'll have a beautiful entryway like the ones you've posted. Love your ginger jars! Your whole foyer vignette is so pretty! Thanks for sharing.

  4. You saved the best for last. I love your foyer. The blue and white and the candles are perfect. I also love the foyer with the tall French doors.
    Have a great day, Kathysue.

  5. My entry says, "Someone starts projects and doesn't complete them." It was fun looking at some beautiful inspiration entries.

  6. kathysue! My entranceway is HOT PINK ( 2 walls) are hot pink - the rest all bright white- and I lOVE it! Great post - as always!
    Have a pretty day!

  7. Great post - entries do indeed set the tone - as does your lovely foyer!!

  8. Kathysue, I love the foyer post. I have been working on mine. It is still not finished, but it does have a rug, a light on the table, it did have flowers, but now it has shells. I will post pic's when it is complete. I have always loved your foyer.
    Stop over and see my new blog design that I won from Posh Palm! I love it.


  9. First impressions and entryways: good point -- enter our own homes 'as a visitor'! One technique that has helped me gain perspective since it's so hard to see my own home through someone else's eyes is to take a series of pictures on entering. Love the wallpaper idea for an entryway wall and, yes, a touch of green promises 'life within.' I am posting as anonymous, only because Google seems to be having troubles lately in posting comments.

  10. So many gorgeous entry's. I love them all. Yours is my favorite. It just screams Kathysue and is gorgeous. I love everything about it. No entry here, you walk right into the living room. Wish I had one, but alas, this house is way too small. Hugs, Marty

  11. Great post Kathysue! I love the first image because that entry says to me, "come on in and relax." I hope my own entry says that too. I tried once to have a round center table with a huge bouquet of flowers in the middle, but it just didn't work. I love your entry because you have a place for your keys and a mirror. My entry is all doors--no place to put a welcome table. I guess that's what I would change if I could. Otherwise, I just want guests to feel that our home is not a formal home inside, even if it looks formal on the outside! ~Delores

  12. Your entry is warm and welcoming - just like you! Mine is an enclosed front porch where the former owners of our home left their dog all day. Needless to say, it needs a major makeover and we're starting with a new flagstone floor this year.

  13. Oh dear! My entry says"boring". It used to be pretty nice and then I started "stealing" things from it for other rooms. I think I need a small round table to offset the straight lines and some art on the walls. I have neglected my vertical spaces. Almost everyone enters from the back into the sunporch which says " come in, sit down and make yourself comfortable. Great post Kathy Sue.

  14. I am nuts over that zebra paper! I love it and would do that in seconds flat if given the opportunity! I love your blue plates, by the way, and I am a big fan of symmetry. I'm dying to know what your pet peeve is! Oh, and what does my entry say at the moment? "Work in progress!!"

  15. Love this post! The entry says it all. There's nothing worse than an entry filled with clutter, that ruins the entire feeling of the home. Your entry is so lovely, you have a great eye. Is think that is Laura Ashley wallpaper- I had chairs in that print. Thanks for the comments about the sweet little fawn.

  16. endless inspiration and so much to love and learn!

    i think the first image is my favorite........does that come down to 'first impression?'

  17. I agree a welcoming entry is so important. These were all so different, personal and beautiful. Love yours, Kathysue. Great details and I really love the candelabra. Mona

  18. These are gorgeous! The flowers really make a big difference. Have a lovely day, Kellie xx

  19. What a wonderful post. Thank you so much for taking the time to put this together. I have a very small entry and it was suggested that I shouldn't put anything in it. I'm so glad you've disagreed with that theory, as I did. You've certainly inspired me! Rachaelxx

  20. So many beautiful pictures! I only wish my foyer was larger :( Your is a good size and I love all the light from the door and the transoms. I got all my furniture moved back in today and now my mind is spinning! So much to do.

  21. Absolutely your entry way dictates the rest of the house and sets the tone. I hate when people come through my back door as I go to such an effort to make sure the entrance is a place of welcome and style and they get a sense of the home and what to expect.


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue