Saturday, June 25, 2011

Seeing Fashion Through Different Eyes!!

When you are young and thin it is so much easier to find clothing that fits, and looks good on you, than when you get my age and my size, ugh!!!

The other day I was looking at some fun fashion blogs and I found myself saying., "If I were thinner, If I were younger, If I were taller." You know those messages that play over and over in our heads, and either they paralyze us from moving forward or they stop us from even trying anymore.

Well, I don’t like being in that frame of mind so I made myself look at some cute young thing dressed in some very stylish outfits and I said to my self. “Self you should not wear a mini skirt, but what else could you substitute in its place?” I started looking at these darling fashions with optimism instead of a woe is me attitude. 

It was amazing how my attitude changed and how inspired I became.
I am going to show you a few of the images, and then I will tell you what I would change that would be more appropriate, and frankly just more, “ME!”

In fact over on my Pinterest boards I have a whole board for these types of looks that I call….. “Looks to make my way.”

I think it is probably pretty obvious I won’t be wearing a pair of white mini shorts!!!  However I will wear a pair of white walking shorts or a pair of white jeans. I love everything on the top half of this outfit. The flower is way to much for my taste, but the rest I could totally wear. I would have to go for a pair of  neutral flats instead of heels, but that is totally doable.

By looking at this outfit from a different perspective I can study it and see what can work for me.

I am hear to tell you that on another day with another mood I would have totally skipped over this because of the mini shorts and the heels alone.

That really goes to show me that perspective and attitude is key in my success to having fun with my wardrobe at my age.
Let’s look at some more……..

I think anyone could wear this outfit. What I liked about this outfit was the color combination. Since I am not tall I think I would probably have to wear  a more fitted open weave sweater, but other than that I think I could totally pull this off.
One of the outstanding elements in this outfit is the purse and the necklace. Love the strands of jumbled pearls and the bright clutch. I have plenty of pearls to work with. I now need to find a bright oversized clutch. I also love the large chain bracelet. Hmmmm? I wonder if I could wear turquoise nail polish? Maybe on my toes!!! See how this attitude works? I am on a roll.

When I look at this outfit with my new found attitude and perspective. I see that  I really love the brights with the neutral of the animal print. I also notice that she ties it together with a neutral bag. 
I could do this easily. I probably won’t be wearing tight skinny jeans, but I am sure I can wear a pair of colored jeans and a bright t-shirt with a touch of an animal print sweater with neutral shoes and purse. Why not?!!!

Shall we try one more outfit on for size and style??……

That is my JCrew navy checked shirt!!!! No red mini skirt in my future, but check out the cute trench-vest and red belt!! I would wear this with my white jeans or blue jeans in a heartbeat!!! In fact I can, because I ordered this trench vest from Urban outfitters. If I had looked at this with my old grumpy attitude I would have totally missed out on a fun and cute new piece to add to my wardrobe. Here are a couple of other looks with the same trench-vest.(Just found out this vest is on sale now!!! Was $79, I paid $59 now it is on sale for $39.99 HERE!!)

Switch it up and wear it with creams and neutrals. I have a leather belt! I can do this with a cream top and bottom. I could wear my leopard flats instead of the leopard clutch. I can totally get the same look with a touches of , “ME” in there.

There is a lot going on in this outfit. Let’s see which ones can I use.
A neutral striped tank with a denim blouse and a cute scarf that picks up the colors. I can totally do that. Darker khaki walking shorts, sure why not?!! Brown leather belt, I have one!! Stacked gold bracelets, I have plenty of those. I need that large bronze chain. I need to add that to my shopping list.
See how it all works?!!

Other than the heels in this image I can wear it all!!! It looks as if my new trench vest is going to be a fun new piece for me to wear.

One thing I am noticing in all of the above images is the great use of accessories. It is just like building a well designed room. Get a good base going and then add to it with accessories in varying shapes and textures.
I need to look for a few things to add to my wardrobe. Who knows maybe if I look in my existing jewelry box I might already have it!!!

Now I am totally inspired!! I am now on the hunt for:
  • brightly colored over sized clutch
  • large chain necklace and bracelet
  • medium width red belt.
  • blue denim shirt
  • neutral flats
These are just a few of the looks that inspired me when I started looking at fashion through more positive and creative eyes.

How about you all, do you find yourself discouraged by what you see out there in the market place? Try this little exercise and pick out an image of an outfit that you are attracted too and tweak it to fit your needs like I did.

“Enjoy the Process” Of:

Looking at clothing with a whole new mindset of being positive and creative. Tweak it to fit your needs and body type.


BTW: If you would like to see the other outfits that I am trying to make my way you can visit my Pinterest board HERE!


  1. Dearest Kathysue,

    I know your dilemma. I am still rather thin, young looking for 53, but.....THESE HIPS OF MINE WILL NOT STOP! I find things that enhance what I have and VOILĂ€! I look great in tulle skirts with leggings and great shoes. My upper body can take ANYTHING because I am small with tones arms. But my once great dancer legs are worn and shoe signs of my age, but just cover them up and walk tall, with a smile and the ensemble is complete. WE MUST GET CREATIVE, but that is just fine!

    HAPPY DRESS UP and you look beautiful, I am sure.....THANK YOU FOR COMING OVER! Anita

  2. This is my first visit by your blog and I had such fun. Love your attitude about us "older women" dressing. You have some great ideas.

    Have a wonderful weekend and I'll be back by for another visit. Blessings!

  3. This post made my morning. I even grabbed some perfume just because. Thanks!

  4. True one gets to a point in life lower the hem or lower the heels and it's well lower them both.

  5. I think this is the kind of post that most of us can relate. Before having my son, I am in a size 0 body, which means I can basically wear anything I like! Post pregnancy, I am stuck with a heavier body with a mommy tummy, thicker thighs and even thicker waist.

    Whenever I go shopping for outfits, I am reminded of how flabby and chubby my body looks. With a husband constantly reminding me that I am heavy and I need to go on a diet and start an exercise routine, it doesn't help at all. It makes me even more frustrated and miserable.

    With a bad body image, I don't feel good at all and really hated going shopping. Later, I came to realize that I can still look good but I have to try harder than before. I just need to find and wear clothes that flatter my new body.

    Once I know what kind of outfits works, I stop looking at clothes that makes me look fat.

    Thank you for another inspirational post, Kathysue! I love your positive attitude.


  6. What fun... I'm needing that vest so badly, just came from site and cannot locate it.. help girl.... I emailed you the other day about pinterest, and your mail came back, tried 3 times... going back to do a bit more shopping.. looking forward to hearing from you with numbers to find the vest.
    hugs ~lynne`

  7. Kathysue, I love that you did this post. I cannot wear shorts anymore, as you said though these great looks can all be incorporated with jeans or capris!!

    Love your attitude and I am embracing it!

    Art by Karena

    I have a New very fashionable Giveaway on my site!

  8. Great post, Kathysue. Yep I can pull things from each of those outfits. It would be a lot easier to just be young again, but I really don't want to start over.

  9. I zeroed right in on the comment about the turquoise nail polish! I wear, almost exclusively, an OPI blue on my toe it love it. Such a nice change from reds, and it really gets noticed (in the right way...)!

  10. Kathysue...I am always thinking age appropriate when I shop and all of the looks you posted I love. I don't wear miniskirts or short shorts either. But I do try to stay currant and add a few trendy pieces here and there. There is a fine line......:)

  11. Hi Kathysue,
    No more shorts or mini skirts for me, but I do love capris and the layered tops. I'm a big fan of Talbots and have many pieces from there.
    I love the outfits you've shown and would definitely pick and choose.


  12. well kathysue, this is a first for me; saving a fashion image.
    oh how i long for the days of carefree dressing. when young and slender anything works and you still look young and slender. shorts are history, and my thoughts mirror yours. i am in love with some of the looks you shared; esp. the "secret agent" layered look

    you always inspire!

  13. You are very clever to look at it that way KS, she does make you want to dress more creative! And make it more fun. XO

  14. ** TERRIFFIC posting, pics, thinking, process of elimination (n' solid solutions), from a very POSITIVE "UPPER" of a GAL!!! (WHEW!!!)..

    Gr888 "food for thought!"...
    You are just TOOOO DARLING n' PRECIOUS, Kathysue!!!

    I enjoyed it SO MUCH!!! THANK YOU!!!

    Linda in AZ *

  15. LOVE this, Kathysue! You have me looking at things differently now too. I love how your blog always makes me ponder something! Atlantic-Pacific is one of my favorite blogs and I love the outfit w/ the blush gingham shirt but would tone the whole look down a bit. I have a feeling you would be fun to go shopping with. xo

  16. Hello Kathysue
    Such a positive post. "If we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change" Wayne Dyer quote.
    You certainly have found the positive and used your creative thinking when viewing these fashions.
    It is the smile on ones face which will be remembered long after the fashion style has faded.
    To a great week
    Helen Tilston

  17. Agree with everything you have said here. I would not have worn the heels with the shorts because I just don't like that look, but this girl or girls are adorable.
    I think you have something here. Maybe I will read my Elle magazine.
    I was SO tiny until a couple of years ago. It just happens.
    Keep up the great attitude, Kathysue!

  18. Great post Kathysue. I am always very classic, but I try and throw in something trendy that is age appropriate just to mix things up a bit. I always try and be creative. Even though we are a little older doesn't mean we have to dress frumpy.


  19. GREAT post and great attitude! I'm 36 and feel like I struggle sometimes. Don't wanna dress too old or too young. It used to seem easy but now...not so much. :)

  20. Kathysue I can totally relate! I really hate shopping for clothes anymore!
    I love your positive attitude! If I wait until I'm a size 2 again to wear cute clothes it might never happen! *winks*
    I love the accessories to the outfits you chose. I think they really make the outfits. Vanna

  21. Kathysue~ This post was GREAT! I have put 30 pounds of the 32 I lost back on , and I have REALLY have lost interest in clothing because I just can't wear the clothes I want to. I NEED to get serious about this weight loss so I can dress in things that are ME. Not clothes that just "do"! Thank you for the motivation!
    Have a PRETTY day!!!!!

  22. Love your ideas and your attitude, Kathysue! I HATE to shop for much that if I find something I like, I buy it in every color! lol I need to adjust my attitude since it seems my size isn't adjusting! Happy weekend!...hugs...Debbie

  23. Excellent post. I totally want the trench vest. Is it available on the Urban Outfitters website? I don't mind shopping for clothes but where I struggle is in the shoe department. My feet are just not easy to fit. Every once in a while I get's time consuming to look though. Thank you for visiting my blog and all your nice comments. I am your happy newest follower. ~Ann

  24. How smart to take the elements you love and incoprorate them in a way that works for you!!!

    I think that if you feel good in it and it looks good on you, that is the key.

    Enjoy the process of accessorizing!!! It's always my favorite part of getting dressed!!

    xoxo Elizabeth

  25. Perfect post as usual! I so envy your spontaneous way of writing, you are one of my writing idols =D The outfits are all fabulous, and even though I'm still in my (late) twenties, I really agree with your suggestions. I would definitely need to tone down most of the outfits to wear them, but I would definitely keep the heels!! As for the nail polish -I say go for it! I literally use every color in the rainbow (and way beyond), it's such a subtle way to add a punch of color!!

    xoxx Linda =D

  26. Great photos, gorgeous outfits, terrific advice as usual. Am inspired to be a bit more creative and adventurous, rather than stick with the usual white, beige, grey, blue and black of my standard wardrobe. Summer is always a great time to be a bit more risky with colours and items that don't cost as much but add a bit of punch to your wardrobe. I think as long as you are fashionable rather than trendy and dress for your shape while making your outfit current with groovy accessories and colours you can't go wrong.

  27. I love this very smart post! Actually the top half of all of the outfits is fine - it's the shorts and miniskirts that pose a bit of a problem if you're over 30. But switching up the bottoms and some heels for flats totally makes these work and I agree, it's all about the accessories to finish things off :)

  28. Love your collection of outfits on Pinterest. You've been having fun over there! :)

  29. I love this post so much.
    There is a section I think in Bazaar that shows how to wear a look at every decade 20's, 30's, 40's, etc. with just a few tweaks here and there.
    It's wonderful to see the same concept through your wonderfully positive and affirming eyes.
    Your posts of late have been truly inspiring...


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue