Sunday, June 12, 2011

Just A Few Good Ideas!!

I love a good idea don’t you?!! Ever once-in-awhile I will run upon something and I  will say to my self, “That is a good idea!!”

Since it is the weekend, and hopefully you are able to relax a bit I thought it would be a good time to share a few of the ideas with you all…..

I don’t know about you all, but I think this is brilliant, and a great way to store ribbons. Can’t you just see yourself using this at Christmas time to wrap your gifts!! I am definitely going to do this one!!!

What a darling idea for your bathroom. You could use a pretty clear vase, or any clear container that you like. Using a votive holder as the stopper to hold cotton swabs is adorable. One container serving two purposes!!


I don’t know about you, but I always have something to go to the cleaners, a special gift that I buy ahead of time, and items to be donated. It would be great to have a designated station for all the items that I have shoved into my closet in various spots. Another idea I would like to do right away. I would put it right outside my family room door going out to the garage.

This is just too clever for words!! I am not a big fan of  metal hangers, but this would be a great way to hang your flip-flops for easy storage. 


This looks like a great idea to me. I am not sure it will work for me, but I am sure going to put some thought into it. It looks so organized, and pretty handy to grab and take to the counter.

I think a chair like this on your porch with your address numbers would be a nice touch for your porch.
These are just a few of the ideas that I have found. I love blog land, there are so many resources of wonderful ideas to make our homes look better and run more smoothly!!

Have a wonderful, restful Sunday,

“Enjoy the Process” Of:

Finding new ideas to make your life a little more enjoyable!



  1. Kathysue thanks for posting these awesome ideas.going to use the fridge one for sure!!!

  2. Kathysue, I love these wonderful ideas especially the basket with holes to store the ribbons. Thanks for sharing!


  3. Hello Kathysue:What great solutions to assist in organizing. I am particularly fond of Donate, Deliver, Gifts, Library and that chair on the porch is terrific with your house number repeated.

    I know this is not your fridge and I would not intentially ever offend you, however tell the owner to not store potatoes in the fridge, they will sprout and be watery. They are best stored in a dark area or drawer (I'm Irish born and from a farm too)
    Thanks for your interesting blog
    My best

  4. LOVE these..especially the first since I am a ribbon junkie and come Christmas it looks like a ribbon factory around here, thats sooo clever! Also love and am having a little fridge envy, but how clever to compartamentalize everything with the plastic this post!
    Stop by for my amazing new giveaway!

  5. Kathysue-
    I have got to use the ribbon idea. Genius! I also love the idea of having a place for things that usually clutter, and the refrigerator is great too! Thank you for shraing. I am going to arrange the first idea today!
    Have a great day.

  6. What fun ideas. The flip flop hangers - simply genius! And just look at that fridge! Great little tips. Hugs, Kat

  7. I think I've repinned most of these! Great minds think alike! I've been searching for organization ideas all's just a dream of mine!

  8. These are great ! I am not one to need a lot of storage because I don't keep things, but my daughters will be getting this link! Thanks for your sweet notes sorry it takes me forever to get back to you. vicky Room Service

  9. Oh I LOVE the first idea! Functional AND pretty, how could you go wrong with that?

  10. *** Such super, EASY-to-do & "fun" ideas, Ks! It's hard for me to "get started" ("in the mood"!), but once I DO, I go full throttle when organizing, & plan to take a "day off" JUST to "update" things... It's about TIME I did!!!

    Sooooo, THANKS!

    Linda in AZ *

  11. Hi Kathysue, those are great ideas. The only one that I have is some of those "grab and go" baskets in the fridge (from The Container Store". I have one for lunch meat and cheese - it is handy! I have several in the pantry, too, but seeing them in the fridge makes me think I should move them to the fridge! Linda

  12. Brilliant! I love bright ideas! Have a wonderful start of the week, Kellie xx

  13. So very clever ! Thanks for sharing

  14. Those are some great ideas. I had seen the cute flip flop idea before. That refrigerator is so organized.

  15. Hi Kathysue,
    they are all wonderful ideas. The first ribbon organizer is great. What's bad is that I just donated a stack of those containers the other day. Dang!


  16. I like the all white porch photo but the one that I have to try is the ribbon one for some of the bigger spools I have. Thank you for sharing!

  17. Lots of great ideas, especially the ribbon dispenser!! :)


  18. from the most disorganized person i YOU!

    such brilliance and it is usually the simple ideas that are the best.

  19. I always love a good idea. I'm going to have to try the ribbon basket. Mine is always a mess. The refrigerator with the baskets looks great, but I'm with you...not sure it will work for me. Thanks for all the great ideas. Mona

  20. Wish I'd known about that ribbon idea a few days earlier when I was sorting through the tangled mess of ribbon in my home office last week. I'll have to store that one away for future use.

  21. Kathysue, where did you find those great ideas? I loved all of them. I could really use a couple of them.
    Hope you had a good weekend!


  22. The ribbon basket is brilliant - and so simple!

  23. I have boxes and boxes of ribbons and ever since seeing how Martha organises her craft room I've been determined to have something orderly and organised, but that looks gorgeous too. These are great ideas. It's yet to happen but I'm promising myself that part of the renovation process includes my ribbons, wrapping and fabric collections!


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue