Tuesday, May 17, 2011

My Colorful Window box and Shutters

My window box is in my backyard. I only have one and I love it!!
The image below is a picture from last year’s window box.  Although the front of my home is  painted yellow the back is painted in a  cooler color scheme. We live in a hot area during the summer months and I wanted it to appear cooler so I chose a soft sage green with bright cobalt shutters! Are you surprised!!!

It is funny how most visitors don’t even notice the transition so I guess that means it works!!!

The cobalt has allowed me to display many fun color combinations. Below is a display of cool blues and greens. Another year I had all white hydrangeas. This year I am still working on the display. I will give you a hint, the base color is bright pink!!! With all the helpful hints that Debra Phillips gave in her post, "Container Design in Three Steps!" I think I will have a lovely display when all the plant material fills in.(Click HERE to read article)

Backyard bubbler 010 (598x800) 

Backyard bubbler 008 (600x800)
The left of the window box.

Backyard bubbler 007 (800x600)

Backyard bubbler 012 (600x800) 

The right of the window box.

Backyard bubbler 017 (678x800)
The water feature right under the window box. You can’t tell in this image but in the center of the rocks is bubbling water that makes a wonderful sound.

Backyard bubbler 016 (800x600)

Backyard bubbler 010 (598x800) 

So there you have it!!! My brightly painted shutters and window box.

I will have to admit I don’t think I would be brave enough to have used this color combination in the front of my home, but it sure is fun for the backyard!! Could you use a bright colored window box somewhere on your home?



  1. I love it Kathysue. Everything in your garden looks so lush and healthy.


  2. I love this Kathysue!! I think it's brilliant that you have different colors in the back! The best of both worlds. I wish I had more time for my gardening. There was a time when I lived in the garden and now I can barely find time to plant! Looking forward to your display for this year...

  3. Your yard always looks wonderful and I love the windowbox and the shutters. Your little fountain is fabulous also. Your yard is stunning. Hugs, Marty

  4. It's such a fun and happy place to be. Your flowers are gorgeous and the window box is just down right fun. hugs ~lynne~

  5. I also love flower boxes and the total feel they give to the outside decor...great job!

  6. The blue and green of the plants is stunning! I wish I had the patience to water a flower box :)

  7. I love the bold use of color and that you used one color on the back of your house and a different one on the front! I'm longing to add window boxes to my house, I just haven't found the perfect ones yet!

    Kat :)

  8. hello again dear kathysue, love your color scheme it's both soothing and happy.
    and the garden is divine, you really concentrated on what i referred to; varying foliage shapes, and it works, beautifully! cannot wait to see what you do

  9. Oh it is so charming- the window box- the color , the sweet statue with water feature, the darling light. May I ask where you got that cute lantern?

    I would love to share you little space on my Discovering Beauty post which will be going up tomorrow. If you will agree would you let me know with a quick email- I will most certainly link back to your post.

    bee blessed

  10. Kathysue it looks great and I love the cool palette in the back. Don't you just adore window boxes!?

    Art by Karena

    Come and enter my New Giveaway from Serena & Lily! You will love it!

  11. Gorgeous! I love your window box, and everything around it too! Everything looks so lush and pretty! Thanks for sharing.

  12. I think that the two-colored idea is brilliant. And I love the color of your window box and shutters. Very pretty!

  13. Looks great!! I love cobalt blue. I have cobalt blue chairs and garden tables all over my terrace - looks so great with the green plants and grass.

  14. It sure does look calming in the backyard. I like the ironwork too.

  15. So colorful and charming and yes, I would keep the bright color scheme in the back yard - kind of a wimp that way!

  16. I love bold blues in a garden. It's such a great contrast to all the green. Lovely!

  17. Kathysue~ I can tell you have so much work into this!The only window boxes we will have willbe on the front of the new house and since the house is red and tan - I don't think a bright colored box would look good. I LOVE yours!!!
    We are still a ways away from planting flowers here in mi. It is still too cold . UGH!
    Have a pretty day!

  18. Oooh... I love getting to peek into your backyard, Kathysue! Everything is so pretty and perfect...of course! I am surprised at the two color schemes! It looks fabulous! I would never have thought of that! Happy week!...hugs...Debbie

  19. i just posted about gardening today (for the first time) your garden and windows look amazing!

    p.s. don't forget to check out this fabulous Love of Dresses giveaway on my blog. : http://onestylemile.blogspot.com/2011/05/for-love-of-dresses.html

  20. Hi Kathysue, Cobalt blue is one of my favorite colors so of course I love this! Your little fountain and window box are wonderful. Thanks for giving us a glimpse of your pretty back yard.

  21. The blue is gorgeous Kathysue!! I love this and it makes me feel so springy just looking at your photos. I can't wait till a bit more sun reaches us up here in Vancouver and I can spend more time outside :)
    Nancy xo

  22. The design and color of your window blends well with your plants and flowers. Your blue window does not only function as an opening of your wall that admits air and light, but also serves as a stunning ornamental piece of your garden. Even windows can add aesthetic significance to our gardens.

    Danielle Bailey


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue