Thursday, May 5, 2011

Inside-Out Living

This time of year our hearts and minds are drawn to the outside. We as humans seem to have a need to connect to nature. I recently saw a picture that really brought this to my attention…..

Source: via Kathy on Pinterest

When I saw this image I was immediately drawn in or in this case, “out.”
With a view like this outside the window I can not imagine that anyone would not want to go outside and sit and absorb the view.

We all might not have such an amazing view from our window, but it is important to have something lovely to look at and a place to sit and enjoy our outdoor area.

My friend Delores at Vignette Design blog recently did a post on dining alfresco where she shows some lovely images of dining areas outside the home. In the collection of images she shows several of the areas at her own home. Delores is a master of connecting the inside of her home to her outdoor areas.

Shall We Begin?.......

This picture shows the inside of her kitchen in Asti, California. Notice the warm and rustic look of her inviting kitchen.

d6 (534x800)
Now let's go outside and take a look at the view!

Yes this is the view she has from her backyard!! Just look how she continues the warm and rustic feel out to her yard. I told you she was a master at bringing the outside in or is it bringing the inside out?!!
d2 (800x534)
d5 (800x534)

delores (800x534)
Absolutely seamless on every count!!!

This is her main home where she raised her family. Warm and inviting with a touch of rustic elegance. Now let’s go outside and see once again how she seamlessly marries the inside with her outdoor spaces……
kitchen eating area (800x534)
4d (800x534)
Amazing isn’t she?

untitled (800x534)
sunroom (534x800)
Such a lovely sunroom. This is one of my favorite rooms in her home. I could see myself sitting here for hours chatting and having tea.
To see more of what Delores has to offer be sure and visit her blog HERE!!

I could probably have ended my post right here since Delores has such wonderful examples of how to marry the outside with the inside, but I have more for you dear readers………

………..When you think of your own outdoor areas you need to think of how they will relate with your indoor atmosphere.
  • What style is your interior?
  • Try to co-ordinate style and the color scheme both inside and out.
  • What is your entertaining style (casual, formal or something in-between?)
  • Make areas for lounging as well as good conversation areas and a place for dining.
  • If privacy is needed arrange plantings or screens to accommodate that.
I am about to show you some outside areas, and I am going to pair them with images of rooms that I feel marry well to eachother..........
1 (400x400)
In this first  outdoor space  we see a very colorful transitional style with a casual feel.

red and turq2 (313x400)
I think this is what the inside of the home could possibly look like if it is to marry well to the above outdoor space…………….
red and turq3 (360x460)
A casual transitional space with pops of red and bright turquoise. This space marries well to the above outdoor space also. It has the same feel, style and colors. That is what will make a good marriage of spaces, or an easy flow from one space to the other.
Seeing the images side by side helps in seeing how easily the eye flows from one area to the other……
red and turq2 (313x400)  1 (400x400) red and turq3 (360x460)


2 cottage (300x422)
Next outdoor space has a very charming cottage style. It is casual, comfortable and inviting with a fresh color scheme. Let’s look at some indoor spaces that would be a good pairing with this charming outdoor space…..

cottage2 (400x400)
I could see myself walking out the back door of this kitchen right into the charming outdoor space pictured above. Casual, charming and inviting!! Are you starting to notice that the same adjectives are being used to describe the outdoor and indoor spaces that go together?

cottage1 (300x400)
Can’t you just see this living room being connected to the above outdoor space?
cottage1 (300x400) 2 cottage (300x422) cottage2 (400x400)


In this image we see neutrals being used and we see interesting pieces in the mix with a wonderfully comfortable and casual feel.

neutral bohemian (354x442)

neutral 1 (320x288)
I think this indoor space would go well with the above outdoor space. Notice the interesting accessories and the use of texture by using wood and baskets. There are even lanterns as in the outdoor space.

neutral 2 (497x447)
More wood and interesting elements are being used in this indoor space. This space will marry well to the above outdoor space.

neutral 2 (497x447)neutral 1 (320x288)neutral bohemian (354x442)

Last but not Least!........

In this last image we see a great use of a brightly colored backdrop with a very traditional look and feel to the elements being used. Symmetry gives this space an understated elegant feel.  I  have to mention the coffee table, what a fun use of plant material!

traditional blue (354x375)
suzanne Kasler Tria Giovan photography (381x400) 
Designed by Suzanne Kasler, photography by Tria Giovan
I can see stepping into this foyer and walking through the house to go to the above outdoor space. Clean traditional lines, bright pops of color and symmetry all are speaking the same language as the above outdoor space.
1 (360x460)
This dining room would also be a space that would look as if it belonged to the owner of the above foyer and outdoor spaces.

1 (360x460)suzanne Kasler Tria Giovan photography (381x400)traditional blue (354x375)

I hope you have had some fun with this little exercise in how important it is for your outdoor living areas to flow seamlessly with your interior spaces.


There needs to be continuity in color, style and feel.

You should be able to use the same adjectives to describe both your inside and outside spaces.

“Enjoy the Process” Of:
Blending your outdoor spaces seamlessly to your interior spaces.



  1. Delores is one lucky lady. I don't think I would ever come inside if that was my backyard view!!!

    I do love being outside and have 2 little andirondack chairs in my front yard so I can enjoy the garden and watch the boys playing. The back yard is a work in progress....once our renovation is complete, I hope to make it the charming garden/outdoor entertaining space I dream of.

    I'm always inspired by what others have done, so love all of these ideas!
    Happy Day!

    xo Elizabeth

  2. Hi Kathysue,
    Well, I'm quite honored! Thank you for such a wonderful post!
    Especially this time of year, it's fun to bring the outside in with cut flowers from the garden, found bird's nests, interesting rocks, etc. And it's also fun to bring the inside out with furniture, rugs and even a chandelier! The way the weather is right now, there is no difference inside or outside-- temperature wise! Enjoy your day, my friend! xoxo Delores

  3. Kathysue,
    This quite a thorough post. Also, so relavent with the warm weather now greeting us. I think it is so important to bridge the gap between the outside and inside with color schemes that keep the inside room moving to the outside space. Outdoor spaces should truly function as additional rooms in our homes. In the Hamptons our lifestyle is laid back entertaining...long maxi dress, hair in a pony and a table setting that is beautiful. I love setting the table for casual, yet chic al fresco dining. We rarely eat a single meal indoor during the summer months. Now you have me itching for my weekends on the Hamptons deck!

  4. What a great post Kathysue!! I of course love both Delores' blog and her fabulous homes!! We should all have that view!! Love your pairings as well - really getting me in the mood for outdoor entertaining!!

  5. Kathysue, you always have the greatest pictures! They are beautiful rooms, inside and out.


  6. i'm alllllll about using outdoors spaces to the MAX - and brining inside out and outside in!

  7. I LOVE Delores' home, KathySue. It is really gorgeous, inside out and she is an excellent decorator. Love all her accesoories too....Christine

  8. Gotta say I'd take Delores house over the others anyday of the week, and she did it all herself with no decorator help? Amazing!!

  9. Oh my goodness, that view from her backyard is absolutely amazing! It looks so much like Tuscany! Her sun room is a dream. Thanks for sharing the very inspiring pictures, Kathysue!

  10. Kathysue, I did not get any further than that home in Asti. Oh my!!!! The views and that patio for outdoor dining. Absolutely divine!

    A very fun and inspiration post!

    Warm hugs to you,


  11. Breathtaking...there is nothing like brining the outdoors in whenever possible. It just makes your mind, body and soul feel so much better, doesn't it? The views are amazing......and that view from her backyard OMG.....looks like the countryside in Europe. How lucky is she??? Are you sure its real and not a cardboard post up? LOL....its THAT amazing!~ Wow I can just see me having coffee, lunch, croissants, sandwiches, cake, afternoon tea, scones, dinner, tapas, margaritas, wine, etc out there...getting carried away you get the picture!! Everything.

  12. Another delightful post. I was a garden designer for 10 years. Many people never think to plan the view from their windows. Even in winter it is possible to design a stunning view with evergreen plant material , paths, and a focal point. And in California, every day can be flower filled.

  13. Kathysue, I would love to have Delores' view. I don't think I would move from that spot.

  14. Kathysue, you do find the most amazing pictures. However I think your outside is totally fantastic also. You manage to have all the same inviting spaces outside that you do inside, everything is always gorgeous. Thank you also for the most gracious of all comments on my guest post. You know I love you to pieces and I am so honored to call you my friend. Hugs, Marty

  15. Such beautiful rooms and views her, Kathysue.
    I am in love with the daybed in one of the last images and its outdoor image too.
    Have a nice weekend.

  16. Wonderful post, Kathysue. Delores' homes are stunning and the view in Asti is spectacular.
    I also love your home and the beautiful flow in your house which carries right outside. Lovely.
    This has been a breathtaking post and I hope Delores is prepared for all of us to visit her in Asti!!!

  17. The home you featured is just beautiful. One of my favorite garden designers P Allen Smith stresses the importance of the continuity of house and the garden. When it is done well it is very impressive.

  18. That house...oh no I NEED to move to California!! That's so so beautiful. Outdoor dining areas and outdoor rooms done well...nothing more magical!!

  19. Oh, my! What a fantastic post, Kathysue!

    I'm so happy you dropped by. It's always great to read your comments. Thank you!

    Have a blessed weekend!


    Luciane at

  20. Delores has the most amazing outdoor setting. Picture perfect!!!

  21. What a wonderful idea for a post! It's fun to think about this and will have me looking closely at our transition spaces. Delores has many fabulous options between two gorgeous homes. I so admire her style! ~ Sarah

  22. Delores' home is absolutely stunning. I can imagine that anyone visiting would feel so relaxed upon entering, it just has that welcoming feel to it. (Not to mention the views outdoors, I'm still swooning!)

  23. Excellent advice, and gorgeous images! I would love to have any of those 'views' from my town home!

  24. I love outdoor rooms...unfortunately by late is too dang hot here in Atlanta! You guys in California are really lucky with that!


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue