Tuesday, May 31, 2011

A Fun And Colorful Combination!!

Sometimes I come up with an idea that  I really love!!Recently while doing the playroom I had such an idea.
I love light!! Natural light and ambient light!! Even in the playroom I wanted some ambient light. It had to be fun and colorful, after all it is a playroom.
So I took this…………
ledberg-light-strip-white__0118366_PE273980_S4 14.99 for three (500x500)
Ikea’s ledberg-light strip, sold in a package of three for $14.99

I added it to the top of two of these………………..
billy-bookcase-white__80158_PE194633_S4 59.99 (500x500)
Ikea’s Billy bookcase $59.99 each
So far not too exciting until I found these……….

superfin-vase-assorted-colors__0114590_PE267139_S4 2.99 (500x500)
Superfin vase for $2.99 each. I purchased six of these fun and colorful vases in the cobalt, turquoise and lime green. I then placed them on top of the bookcase in front of the strip light and created this………

playroom progress 007 (600x800)
The above picture was taken during the day.

I love them the most at nighttime!!playroom progress 012 (800x600) (2)
Come by tomorrow and I will be showing the rest of the playroom!!!

“Enjoy the Process” Of:

Adding a fun element to create some ambiance!!


I am linking up to Kim's Party at Savvy Southern Style
Wow Us Wednesdays
Click here to join the party 


  1. Cool! Thumbs up to the vases. They enhanced the beauty of the ambient lights. I will definitely visit again tomorrow to see the rest of the playroom :)Thanks for sharing Madam!

  2. Oooh agreed, love them at night! Such a great idea.

    Just found your blog, would love it if you popped by mine sometime.

    Andrea x

  3. What a great idea. The light strips and bottles look wonderful and add such a colorful touch. I noticed the blue and white striped pillow on the floor...looking forward to seeing more of what you have created in the playroom. So far it's fabulous.
    Hope you had a great weekend.

  4. I love this idea, Kathysue! It adds such a festive touch to your already perfct playroom! Happy week!...hugs...Debbie

  5. What a great idea. And by the way when I was working on my post about our playroom yesterday I kept thinking of the great fabrics you are using in yours.....lots of inspiration there!

  6. I can't wait to see the finished space. I was already excited when I saw the blue and white cushion peeking out at the bottom of the image.

  7. fabulous idea to add a little extra lighting...fun and functional...


  8. What a great idea. I am getting these strips today!
    I love the look here, Kathysue. And the bottles, what a find for that price.
    Can't wait to see the rest.
    Have a great day.

  9. Just goes to show that creativity is more important than having a large budget. The bookcases look great....like they're ready for some little ones!

  10. I can't wait to see the finished product! I love the lighting idea!


  11. This was sent to me by a reader who is having trouble posting comments to my blog,Sorry Cheryl!!

    Posted or tried to post this a few seconds ago:

    oh, this is lovely. Your grandchildren are so lucky! I tried to post yesterday and I may have the same problem today. We'll see . . . .

    The main reason I’m a regular reader is that you do post your process and I learn so much from you. It’s not about posting eye-candy and leaving it at that or just saying enough so we’ll hire you as a designer. You are a teacher and you just can’t help it! Love that.

  12. You are a genius! Love using the lights on top of a bookcase and drawing attention up to something colorful rather than to the mess on the shelves - will have to do the same (though your shelves are very neat!)

  13. So clever you are!! What a simple ingenious touch!!

  14. Love the lights combined with the colorful bottles!

  15. This looks amazing Kathysue! Love how the lights are illuminating the bottles! Great idea. You are so creative my friend! ~Delores

  16. Kathysue it looks just beautiful! I love light shining thru glass.

    Come and enter my new Giveaway from Tracy Porter!

    Art by Karena

  17. * THANKS, girlfriend! ~ greaaat info to have!

    (I just spent WADS of $$$ having some small, similar lights like that installed... I could KICK MYSELF!!! (And I "KNEW" the cost was ridiculously high, but stupidly ASSUMED that it was "just the way the cookie crumbles"!!!! Aaaaargh!

    Linda in AZ *

  18. Look at all that bright cheery color. I bet your grands love this room.

  19. Love the lights and the bottles. They look fabulous. I know the children love it. Hugs, Marty

  20. Really charming. Love it...so cheerful and fresh.

  21. Looks great! Love the colors....the lighting through the colored glass bottles...wonderful!

  22. OMG you have to link this to as many parties as possible -- it's AMAZING! The bright green is my absolute favorite color. I adore the striped nook cushion...everything is perfect!!

  23. Wow. LOVE this room and the lights, can you tell me where you found them? A plus to you!!!


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue