Sunday, April 3, 2011

What Is On The Other Side?

Do you ever feel as if  you are about to go through a new door in life and you are not sure what is on the other side?

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I look at my life as a journey and I have gone through many doors. I will have to admit I am always a bit hesitant to fully open the door and go through to the other side.

Sometimes I only open the door just a bit so I can peek in to make sure it is safe . The only problem with doing this is if I do not open the door completely I will be stuck where I am.

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When I change my focus from fear of the unknown, and put my focus on God and what he has for me, I willingly go through the door ready to experience what God has planned for me.

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At this stage of my life I feel as if I am about to embark on yet again a new journey through a new door. I will admit I am a bit reluctant and my fears crop up from time to time, but I am willing to refocus and walk through to see where life’s journey is about to take me.

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quote by William Blake

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I have so much to look forward too!!!!
Each day is a gift, ready to be opened and experienced.

“Enjoy the Process” Of:

Going through the doors of life’s journey.



  1. Awesome post and you are so right about focusing on God. He will open doors for us that we didn't even know were there.
    Thanks and have a good week.

  2. Oh Kathysue, I know you will open the door and walk right through with grace. Hugs, Marty

  3. Hi Kathysue! Wow. What a great nudge this is today. Or maybe as strong as a kick in the pants! Hanging out on the stoop waiting to go through the door, or perhaps procrastinating with one hand on the knob gets tiring. This post strikes a chord today. Than you. :)

  4. Hi Kathysue,
    Beautiful words to live by. Yes, there are many doors to walk through in our lives. I've walked through some good and some bad, but I always come out with new found knowledge.

    Which ever one you choose, I know it will be wonderful.


  5. So pretty and words we should all keep near and dear to our heart. Doors open and life, we have to know that when things dont' happen like we would like, another door will open with new beginnings down the road...I firmly believe that.

  6. Sounds like opportunity knocked! So glad you answered the door....keep us posted on the path you take!!!

    Good for you for being brave!
    xo Elizabeth

  7. I think I'd like a new door to walk through. I like change once in a while. Good luck with your choices!

  8. I hope that stepping through this new door brings you many positive things. I hope that this proves to be a wonderful new opportunity for you.

  9. Can't wait to hear about the door He's opening for you. Trust in HIM! Lisa ;-)

  10. Can't wait to hear about your new journey. It is always a little scary to head down a new path but you have wonderful experiences to give you confidence and knowledge and I'm sure you will forge your way successfully!

  11. What a lovely post, this sounds like an amazing new door you are about to walk through. It's wonderful that you are leaving it to Him and trusting in what He has for you Kathysue. I know there is nothing but good things to come :)
    Nancy xo

  12. I wish you every happiness on your new Path. You surely have the right attitude to accept whatever gifts are awaiting you there...


  13. Hi Kathysue, I always find when one door closes many others open. I thrive on adventure and the slight fear tingle so I love to jump through new doors. there's nothing more powerful than facing a fear. I have faith that all will work out fantastic for you!! If it's something that is daunting and scary and you don't want, know there's a reason for it that will show itself later on. Good luck with whatever is it is!

  14. Just remember if you don't care for what's behind one door or it doesn't work out, there will be another opportunity knocking, so just try and have some fun with the current experience!

  15. Great post... great words to live by! ;)

  16. Amen to this sister!!! I needed this, KathySue! I needed it weeks ago, but better now than never;)

  17. That's my girl... full of wisdom and faith!!
    Love you

  18. Kathysue!
    How exciting! A new page in your book!
    Not fear, but faith!
    Your Lord is already there and waiting!

  19. Great post, I want the specifics and all the best with whatever new doors you are walking through. Isn't it the only way to live a full life? But it can also be exhausting...:) Janell


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue