Wednesday, April 27, 2011

A Quick Fix for “Spring!”

Spring is my favorite time of year!! My home’s color scheme is very spring-like all year long. Even though I have a spring-like color scheme in my home I still like to add pops of light and bright when the dreary days of winter leave.

I have found that adding color in my pillows is probably one of the least expensive, and most effective way to do that. It helps that I am also a self admitted “Pillow Addict!” That is a whole other show!!

While blog hopping the other day I ran upon a post that had some pillows from an Etsy seller that caught my eye. I thought if any of my readers are in need of a “POP” for their spring decor this would be the place to go.

They have all sizes, colors and designs for very reasonable prices. Here are just a few from Pillow-Throw-Decor………

This colorful Suzani at 18x18 is only $34

Bright yellow just sings Spring doesn’t it? You can purchase this here!

This pillow is called Berry Bright! What a perfect name and price at only $29 Here!!

This fun lime green pillow is only $19 Here

I love this hot pink Suzani and for only $19 what a great pop of color and design.

All of these fun colors and patterns just make me smile!! I hope this opens up new possibilities for Spring decor in your home!!

“Enjoy The Process” Of:

Adding pops of color and fun designs to your home for “Spring!”



  1. Beautiful home could use a touch of spring!!

  2. Beautiful pillows! I love the bright pops of color and so affordable, too! Thanks for sharing.

  3. Wow! I need to check these out. Every print is just beautiful. Thanks for sharing. Mona

  4. Gorgeous. You know that I am definitley a pillow addict. I just keep finding such beautiful fabrics and I can't stop. Hope you're having a super day. Hugs, Marty

  5. I love the colors...I want a day room someday with a blue sofa, light blue, and then some of the wild flower pillows you posted, then a white rattan chair with the pink and white pillow....and all white candles...when I get my own place again...I'm living with my dad right

  6. kathy, these are so bright and happy looking. They would put a spot of sunshine in any room on a cloudy day, and we've had a lot of those lately.
    hugs ~lynne~

  7. Cheerful just like you! I have several of these fabrics in my collections, and I'd even pulled out the suzani to do some thing fun. Great minds think alike!

  8. I too am a pillow addict and this post only fed my addiction.

  9. Charming!! I especially like the Suzani one and for these prices you could afford to like a few!

  10. Those are all so pretty and colorful. I love pillows and have so many, but can always use more.

  11. Love these pillows, especially the first Suzani--it's beautiful!


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue