Monday, April 25, 2011

My Easter Table!!

Yesterday was Easter, and we had a wonderful family day. We all sat around the table and ate as my  three boys told stories reminiscing about days gone by. We laughed so hard my head hurt!!

Seeing the Great grandparents, Grandparents, Parents and children all sitting together at the table, eating, laughing and joking gives me such joy.
Before we ate we all stood around the table as my Hubby said the prayer and thanking God for sending his son to be our Saviour. What a blessed family I have and I am so thankful for that.

My DIL’s were looking beautiful in their pretty Easter outfits and it was so fun to hear them talking about the best schools for their children and extra curricular activities. All the subjects I remember talking about when I was their age. Of course we girls ended up talking about skin care and make-up !!!
Watching the Grandkids hunt for eggs in the backyard was the highlight of the day.

I promised pictures of my completed Easter table and I ran out of time to have them posted before today. I had so much fun putting this table together. In fact this is my all time favorite Easter table to date.

Easter 2011 014 (600x800)
My oldest son said “the table looks like lemonade.”

Easter 2011 034 (800x600)

Easter 2011 025 (600x800)
My Mom made the napkin belts for me. I really love the way they turned out, and I can use them from year to year!

Easter 2011 046 (600x800)
I used some beautiful vintage napkins that a dear friend gave me as a gift.

Easter 2011 028 (600x800)
Irish moss in egg cups with yellow jelly belly's!

Easter 2011 013 (600x800)
I love the daisy dome!!!

Easter 2011 019 (600x800)
I hope all of you had a wonderful family day and a Blessed Easter.


I am joining Tablescape Thursday today at Between Naps On The Porch.
Thank you to our gracious hostes Susan!!


  1. Love it Kathysue-the napkin "belts" have to be my favorite thing. It sounds like you had a wonderful celebration with the family.

  2. Beautiful table, KS! Love the runner and the daisies!!!! The napkin belts are adorable!!! Neat idea! Come on over to see my table! XO, Pinky

  3. Hi Kathysue!
    Your tablesetting turned out so beautiful. I'm glad that you had such a wonderful day with your family.


  4. this is an amazing table!! it looks straight from a magazine! xox

  5. Such a beautiful table! I love the tales of reminiscing with your boys! We spent hours at the dinner table, just telling stories too. Thanks for sharing.

  6. BREATHTAKING! GORGEOUS! INSPIRATIONAL! IT'S BEAUTIFUL!!! Great idea on the napkin rings! I think I, with my challenged decorating abilities, could make those! Thanks for sharing your talents and inspiring us to make every day special.

  7. I kept thinking happy daisies last week when you gave a sneak peek ;) the napkin belts are my favorite ! I see the ric rac didn't make the cut ,ha. I am thinking your mom should open an easy shop "napkin belts" Lol! I am totally dating myself but that name won't work, conjures up the monthly visit, Lol!

  8. I think it's my favorite too! What a wonderful day you all had. Creating memories is what holidays are made for, and I know you have some lovely ones.
    Happy Easter!

  9. Kathysue, your son is right! Lemonade is the perfect descpription for the table. Reasons for that, lemonade is my favorite drink and this is my favorite Easter table! love the little jelly Belly's! they look just like little eggs:)

  10. Kathysue your table (and the WHOLE room for that matter) looks incredible!! Love it, the colors, the textures, everything works so well together! I am so happy to hear also that you had a wonderful time with family, cause that's what it is all about :) He is Risen!
    Nancy xo

  11. A fun and gorgeous table! Everything melds together so well..cute idea for the napkin rings and loved the little egg cups!

  12. Kathy....maybe you should do this for a living...:)
    Watch out Martha! favorite is the napkin belts and the centerpiece was to die!

  13. Sounds like you had a lovely family Easter celebration! Your table looks beautiful - I'd already admired the flowers - and the napkin belts (love that term) are adorable. I'm sure a good time was had by all!

  14. Kathysue~ What a beautiful and CHEERY Easter table! What a wonderful table to spend time with your family at. Good times.
    have a pretty day!

  15. so beautiful. I was loving yellow and green this year too.

  16. Love your zig-zag runner! So cute! (along with the rest of your table)

  17. Beautiful table thanks for sharing...Pat H

  18. Kathysue, your table is just lovely my friend. The pictures are just beautiful.
    Isn't it wonderful when everyone is together for holidays. I enjoyed Easter so much, like you said, you look around the table at these wonderful people and it brings such peace.

    Have a wonderful week!


  19. Its lovely. I am glad you had such a special day. I am sure everyone will remember that Mom made such an effort and all for them.

  20. Gorgeous my friend!!
    Absolutely gorgeous...
    Sounds like a wonderful Easter Sunday was had by all :)

  21. Love that yellow zig zag table runner! The perfect happy base for a special Easter lunch.

    All of your special touches surely made the day special for all your family!
    xo Elizabeth

  22. Absolutely beautiful. I love that it is such a cheery and happy looking table. It sounds like you had a very special Easter day with your family. Beautiful, Kathysue.

  23. Kathysue, your table looks like a breath of fresh air, I love sounds like you all had a really lovely day. Happy Easter!!!

  24. What a beautiful backyard! Also just love the chevron table runner, so pretty! Janell

  25. Oh Kathysue, your table is so beautiful. I love your centerpieces and your linens. Everything is stunning. So bright and cheery. Hugs, Marty

  26. Thank you for your nice comments on my spring birdhouse tablescape! I appreciate your visit! Yellow and green is one of my favorite color combos. Your tablescape is so pretty and cheery! I love the table runner and fresh flowers. Have a great night, Kristen

  27. Light, bright and so very Springtime themed...I love those colors and your table setting.

  28. CAAA-UUTE~ Love the chevron runner :) It has a happy sixties feel to it with the daisies....great job!

  29. Beautiful post! Loved all those bright yellows:)
    Lovely space you got..
    Hope to see you on my blog:)


  30. Oh, what a beautiful table and beautiful room. You've just thought of everything. Love your bright sunshine colors.
    I'm your newest follower!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  31. Love the yellow and green combination. Awesome table runner! Great idea for "belt napkin" rings! Found you from Between Naps on the Porch.

  32. Love the yellow/white table runner and the napkin belts are adorable.


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue