Monday, April 11, 2011

My Cheap Spring Fix!!!!

I am like the rest of you when it comes to Spring I come up with all kinds of projects in my busy little mind. Some projects are big and some are just small weekend projects.

The only problem with projects is there never seems to be enough time and money at the same time.

There are other ways we can bring Spring into our homes with every day items we can pick up at the grocery store. Let’s face it if you have a family you area always at the grocery store.

There is nothing prettier than a bowl of produce on the counter. Look for your prettiest bowl in a pretty color or even in a cream or white and add produce and it will brighten your kitchen. Stylist do it all the time.

I took a trip to Trader Joe’s today and I bought some fresh produce and some flowers and I am one happy camper.

Fence Feb 2011 002 (600x800) 

labor day farmers mrkt 009 (800x600) 

Fence Feb 2011 001 (800x600) 

Have you ever purchased daffodils from Trader Joe’s? They are sold in rubber band bundles. The flowers are not even open, and they are not in water, they are just laying there actually looking quite limp. You snip off the ends and put them in water when you get home and Voila! tomorrow morning they will be all opened up just smiling at me!!! I love that!!

The smell of stock is heavenly and it makes my whole kitchen smell like Spring! Be sure to change the water daily the water tends to sour pretty quickly.

I just wanted to make you smile on Monday!!! I hope this did the trick~!!

Happy Monday!!



  1. Well you succeeded, I am definitely smiling. I also picked up a couple of bunches of daffodils at Trader Joe's this weekend. You are so right, they speak Spring!

    Kathysue, YOU won my giveaway! Be sure to send me your mailing information. Congratulations!

  2. very pretty ! I love Trader Joes for flowers !

  3. Beautiful, Kathysue.
    I like to do this too. When I finished the living room redo, Saturday, I wanted a tad bit of color thrown in with all the neutrals in the "new" living room. My solution was a white bowl with Granny Smith for me! Oh and we are loving the new neutral look. I think I am going to have fun accessorizing the room now. It was always a problem for me before.

  4. Wow...everything looks so fresh and perfect. I wish we had a Trader Joes closer..everyone I know that shops there swears by the store. Lovely buys....

  5. So pretty! I love having fresh flowers in the house. Thanks for sharing!!

    jenny @ Faith&Pearl

  6. Did you say flowers from TJ's and fresh grapes? I'll be right over! It all looks so fresh and springy!!!

  7. Nothing prettier than a fresh bouquet of flowers. I love TJ's daffodils, they are so much fun and they last a long time.

  8. I love Trader Joes. We have one around 20 minutes from us. They have beautiful flowers. Your fruit looks yummy.


  9. I'm smiling! See? Seriously, I love your TJ fruit and flowers. Still life with Kathysue's kitchen!
    My weekend project is to replant the window boxes. I need to get going with that this morning! Have a great week.

  10. Oh yes, it did the trick!
    Love all the fresh inspiration :)
    I'm going today.
    Shouldn't the peonies be out by now?
    I always associate Easter with peonies.

    Love you,

  11. I always have a big bowl of fruit on my counter top..., but it gets thinner as the week progresses since I only go shopping once a week (on Sunday). The cure for me of course is adding glass floats and shells!

    Happy Spring!!!

  12. I always have fresh produce on my counters, we eat a ton of fruit in our family and I'm always cooking with the veggies! I don't shop at Trader Joes, but have been a few times and yes, I always get flowers when I'm there! In the fall I put fresh picked apples on the counter and it smells so good!

  13. We always have a bowl of fruit and veggies on the counter....I need to be better about picking up fresh flowers!

  14. My brother gave me a beautiful gold rimmed glass bowl for Christmas one year and I love using it on my kitchen table as a fruit bowl. I am also a big fan of the grocery store bouquet and buy one at least 2-3 times each month. At this time of year I buy a pot of spring flowering bulbs to sit in my entry. This year it's coral and yellow tulips, they really do bring spring inside the house.

  15. Look at all those pretty flowers and fruit. Such an easy way to pretty things up.

  16. You definitely made me smile and I'm ready to go home and do some spring cleaning plant some new flowers. Beautiful pictures!

  17. I've been picking up stock from TJ's for weeks now: that and a few Oriental lillies and my kitchen always smells, and looks, so fresh! Yesterday I picked camellias out the front door: no scent, but oh so sweet all dressed in pink!

  18. Love your collection of pretty pitchers, especially that green and white striped one! It looks great with the red flowers tucked into it. And, yes, you did make me smile!

  19. I just popped a couple grapes in my mouth while I was headed to your dining room.
    No alarm.

    Rashon aka Mr. Goodwill Hunting

  20. I agree....nothing is more beautiful than nature :)

  21. I am SMILING, KS!!!!!!!!!! But also because I bought and planted FLOWERS today and spruced up the front of the house and the porch! It is 80 degrees here today!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHOO HOO!!!!!!!!! XO, Pinky

  22. Gorgeous Kathysue! Nothing makes me feel better than a trip to the market and fresh flowers and produce on the counter. Your kitchen is fabulous!!!

  23. You definitely made me smile. Just bought rubber band bundles of daffodils at Whole Foods and they are beautiful!!

  24. We are so on the same page here!!! Today I was out getting fresh flowers (tulips, quince, the small orchids) and fresh produce. There is something so comforting when everything is fragrant and clean and fresh. Even if no one sees it but you!!!

    xoxo Elizabeth

  25. *** You're a gal after my own heart, Ks!!!

    I've been having back problems (again, darn it!), so have been trying to fight off the "depression" that comes with it, & tonight my sweet Jim brought me home two beautiful bouquets of flowers... one for our bedroom, since I have to lay down most of the day for a few days, annnnd one for the study, where I "sneak off" to occassionally read a few blogs & watch TV, for a bedroom break...

    Can't IMAGINE N*O*T always having fresh flowers~~~ better than chocolate!!! (Well, mayyyybe.....)~~~ Happy smiles!

    Linda in AZ *

  26. Pretty flowers, KathySue!...Christine

  27. Just beautiful and you did make me smile ;) ...but on Friday! xo


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue