Friday, April 22, 2011

I Have All My Elements Pulled Together!!!

One of the steps I do in planning a special Holiday table is to pull all the elements I plan on using together in order to make sure they give me the look and feel I have in mind.

It is very much like doing a story board for a client. It shows the client how all the fabrics and elements will work together. Doing this process shows me how all my elements relate to each other.

I thought I would give you all a sneak peek of the elements I am going to use on my table. I also want to show you how important it is too pull the elements together in order to see how it will possibly look.

Easter 2011 Prep 001 (800x600)
Yellow and white plates, white table cloth and napkins with pops of green brought in by my water pitcher, grosgrain ribbon and moss.

Easter 2011 Prep 002 (800x600)
This image shows the two types of moss I will be using.

Easter 2011 Prep 004 (800x600)
I am not sure I will be using the rick rack, it is looking a bit cutesy to me.  This is how it works sometimes. Often you will choose an element that looks perfect in your minds-eye. Once it is placed with the other elements it just seems off.  We shall see if I actually use it in the end?!! All through the process there will be tweaking along the way to get the look that I am happy with.  That is just how the creative process works.

Easter 2011 Prep 005 (600x800)
The center of my centerpiece will be a galvanized tray and a French flower bucket. This will be pretty tall so when we all get ready to sit down and eat I will remove it to the buffet table for better conversation.

Easter 2011 Prep 008 (800x600)

Easter 2011 Prep 009 (600x800)
The base is ready to go. I used Irish moss around the edge and the ring around the French flower bucket is baby tears. I am liking the way it looks so far. The tray is fairly large so it took four six-packs of moss and three six-packs of baby tears.

Tomorrow I will be setting the table and adding fresh flowers. I don’t like to do the flowers too far ahead in order to keep them fresh looking.

So stay tuned for the finished product!!



  1. Your table is going to look beautiful, Kathysue. I can't wait to see it!


  2. Hi Kathysue,
    What lovely elements you have gathered. I love the spring colors. It's going to look fabulous.
    Can't wait to see.


  3. The look you have pulled together is crisp, fresh, modern day yet classic and super striking! Can't wait to see your floral arrangement. The moss combination looks fabulous! Have a wonderful weekend and Happy Easter!

  4. The bright colors are beautiful and look so cherry! Can't wait to see the finished centerpiece!

  5. OMG, Kathysue! Your table is going to be stunning! Love the yellow, white and green! I can not wait to see the table! I'm so glad I was able to help you find the fabric girl:)

    Maybe I should start on mine, huh?!

  6. Beautiful plan! I am loving the color combo, so fresh and happy:) I laughed when you wrote that you would remove the bucket @meal time. For some reason I thought of the bunt cake seen in My Big Fat Greek Wedding, Lol! She put a plant in the center;)
    Come enter my giveaway , today is the last day.

    Happy Easter!

  7. Oh Kathysue, I can just imagine how beautiful it will look. I can't wait to see it all done. I love the pretty yellow and green. Gorgeous. The moss is beautiful. Hugs, Marty

  8. I love how your table is all coming together! Love the moss base and how that will showcase the bouquet. It's going to be fabulous! xo Delores

  9. Looks like fun. Love the yellow!

  10. You always keep us in suspense. Canpt wait to see the finished product. I did make 3 arrangements for my daughter's tables since we are going there for Easter. Forgot to take pic's, I will get them at Easter.


  11. I already love what you did with the tray. That idea would be pretty for a low centerpiece too. You could add votive candles and insert flowers with their stems cut short.

    Looking forward to seeing how it turns out for you.

  12. Great start. I always hate to remove my center piece but mine also goes on the buffet once dinner starts. The better to see one's guests.

  13. Looking good KathySue! Besides the fact that your table will be beautiful...I hope you have a great Easter with your family :)

  14. Yay! So fun to have these peeks into how things are going, everything looks so lovely! Now I just have to book my flight so I can come and join you :) Happy Easter my dear friend, hugs!!
    Nancy xo

  15. Oh, my goodness! This is going to look so beautiful. Can't wait to see how it all comes together! Happy Easter!

  16. It will all be fabulous! I know you will have a wonderful time with all of your family and they will be blessed to be in your home , where there is so much love. Happy Easter. Mona

  17. I am sure that this is going to be beautiful. Have a happy holiday.

  18. So pretty, Kathysue! I can't wait to see the finished table!! Happy Easter!

  19. How interesting! I love how this is coming together. I'm looking forward to find out exactly what you have planned for the bouquet.
    You are so creative!

  20. You are at it again, Kathysue, with another show stopper Easter table in the works. I can't hardly stand the suspense waiting to see the final outcome. Happy Easter, dear friend. Jeanette


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue