Friday, March 18, 2011

Spring On My Mind

Spring is in the air and it definitely is on my mind. I have thoughts of  my Spring wardrobe and my Easter table swirling around in my head.

It is actually fun having these swirling thoughts because they include a wonderful array of Spring colors and elements.

Since I am an analytical thinker and as one of my clients who happens to be a Dr. of Psychology for UCLA said, “ I know I mentioned this in a previous message, and apologies in advance for repeating myself, but seriously, you have an incredible gift for PROCEDURAL THINKING.”

Wow!!! Really?!!! I just thought I was a little obsessive with details and putting things in the right order, now I actually have a name for the way I think!! Procedural thinking, who would have thought? Apparently I would!!

Since I have to categorize first I thought I would start with Easter since it will be here before we know it.

calendar (180x180) 

When planning a table for a special occasion I usually start with an inspiration piece and/or I make a list of elements that I would like to use based on my inspiration.

Now stay with me on my thinking journey!! Here we go……

I went to an antique show in February in Hillsborough and I saw the most amazing display of antique chocolate molds. I had seen these molds before but never in such an abundant array of sizes and shapes all in one spot.

Play room and Hillsboroug 006 (800x600)

I quickly found out that I would not be able to purchase one large enough for my Easter table but it started the thinking process. I really liked the patina of the dull metal. So I went from here…….

Play room and Hillsboroug 004 (600x800)

To Here……….
5 (300x400)
Galvanized French Flower buckets!!  I just happen to have two in my garage, imagine that!!

So French galvanized containers it will be. Now I must think of colors that I would like to use. Since I have green and white striped wallpaper in my dining room……..

dining (478x640)

My colors will be green, white and silver metal. With such a neutral base there are so many directions  in colors that I can go. I just love Springtime colors, they make me smile just to think about them!!!

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Who knows maybe I will choose something a little more un-conventional?!!

Stay tuned for my next step in the thinking department where I will list elements and colors that are attractive to me in this design process.

“Enjoy the Process” Of:

Coming along with me on my journey of designing my Easter Table!!
(Here Comes Peter Cotton Tail ♪♫♪, Hop’in down the hmmm,hmmm♪♫♪♫ trail!)



  1. Your psychologist client hit the nail on the head! I am always amazed watching you process through a project. Just call me "Miss Random" because it takes real effort for me to plan like you do. It's a gift! As always, I know you will end up with an amazing display for the holiday, and I can't wait to see what you do. Me? I'll open up the cupboard and pull out some stuff....30 min...tops!!

  2. Excited to see your finished tablescape. Have a great weekend!


  3. Kathysue, you always amaze us! Truly, your creative process is always astonishing. I so envy you. I know you are going to be showing us a gorgeous tablescape for Easter. I, on the other hand, will wait until the last minute and remember that I had better hurry up and do something. Oh, how I envy you!

  4. From one procedural thinker to another, I can't wait to see what you come up with. Your dining room has a springlike feel already, whatever you add will only make it more special.

  5. Can't wait to see! Your dining room is meant to be decorated with an Easter table! No matter what you do, it will always look good with those green stripes.

  6. Oh, my! You've made me crave Spring even more!

    Have a great weekend!


    Luciane at

  7. Procedural Thinking...I'm liking that!!!

    And I love your ideas too. They look so lovely and Spring-like. It's going to be gorgeous!!


  8. Hi Kathysue!
    You are so helpful when it comes to giving advice for good design. I really enjoy your blog and gain so much inspiration whenever I visit. Thank you for sharing your professional insights and ideas. I feel lucky to be one of your followers.

    I also love your beautiful table centerpiece.


  9. I'm already thinking about Easter too. One of my favorite holidays and it's always at my house. I'm planning on shaking it up this year. Have a great weekend. Mona

  10. I can actually relate to your way of thinking. I get all nervous when things get chaotic (as they are at my house right now). I can't wait to see what you do for your table!

  11. Kathysue~ I love how you THINK! I can not wait to see what youdo with your Easter table!!!!! I know I am going to absolutely love it!
    Have a pretty day!

  12. Your dining room
    is SO pretty, Kathysue.
    I bought wheat grass
    yesterday and plan to
    plant it in a container
    for our table as the
    date for Easter draws
    a bit closer. Thank
    you for all of your
    xx Suzanne
    PS: I do think that
    you are cute.

  13. I can't wait to see what you do Kathysue, your tables are always so gorgeous. Everything is budding out here, spring has finally sprung! Have a wonderful weekend. Hugs, Kat

  14. So pretty Kathysue,you have such GREAT ideas, but I have to ask do you ever tire of that striped wallpaper?


  15. Hi Karen Anonymous!! I don't get tired of it at all, In my home it truly has become a neutral. I have had it up for almost 9 yrs and I still love it!!! Wallpaper is not for everyone but I do find stripes a pretty non-commital pattern to use in a home. I do tire of other patterns but never stripes. Thanks for asking!!!KS

  16. Right now I am getting the biggest kick out of hearing all of the secretaries in my office talk right outside my door about how they LOVE your Easter table post and how incredibly talented you are! They are all wanting to rush out and buy the ingredients for their own beautiful table based on your inspiration! What talent you have and what a blessing that you share that talent with others!


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue