Friday, March 4, 2011

Enough Already!!

Do you ever find yourself seeing a design element over and over in every magazine or every blog and you can’t help but say out loud, “Enough Already!”

There are several elements that I have this feeling about, but today I am going to talk about one.

 I have to say that I am not totally opposed to this particular element. I just think that it has been over used. I am beginning to think that people think if they add one of these to their home decor they will have a well decorated room and be on- trend.

I think this element is here to stay simply because it has been around forever, and I do mean forever. Just use a little logic and you will realize it was probably even used in the caves of the cave men. The Victorians like to use them to show their wealth and that they were well traveled.

So what am I talking about?…………
zebra (437x574)

cowhide (474x599)
Animal hide rugs!

Now if you have an animal hide rug, real or faux, I am not being critical of your choice to have one in your home.

The point I am trying to make is, to really evaluate whether you like a design trend before adding it to your room. Make sure this is something you truly love and have always loved before, during and after they are no longer popular.

I have just seen so many rooms with this rug that it makes me question how much longer this trend will be alive and well or in this case dead(sorry for the pun.)

The other day I was reading a blog post over at My Little Happy Place that really just about said it all and very simply. Be sure to hop on over to see what she did a post about that ties in perfectly with my post.

 She showed this rug………

flor tile (266x266)
You too can have this rug in any color of your choice through
 Flor Carpet tiles. Thank you but No thank you!!!

I will leave you with one more faux animal rug.....

 I love the nursery and I actually think the rug is a fun pop of color, but as I said in my title...........

“Enough Already!”

How do you all feel about the faux animal hide rugs? Have you seen enough to be tired of the look or has it always been a love of yours and a design element you will probably always have? Is there another element that you find yourself saying,"Enough Already!" about? I would love to hear from you!!
“Enjoy the Process” of:

Deciding on the design elements you love and will always love for your home.



  1. I can't say that I'm over it because I've never been interested in it! I've seen some spaces where it looks nice, but....

    You know what I am over? That spotted fabric! I mean seriously. Spotted fabric???!

    Happy Friday!

  2. LOVE the 1st photo!!!!

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    *kiss kiss*
    Happy Weekend
    ~Tiptoe Butterfly~

  3. I love animal hide rugs. I remember seeing a zebra rug in the home of my friend's parents in the early 1980's and ever since then I've been smitten.

  4. whoa, you are going to get some responses! I see the animal rug a lot online and those who have it often love it. I'm not one of those but then I like hides on animals. And if said animal died, one could say that the hide would just go to waste, I say let it decay in the soil. Even the faux-hides don't do much for me though I have seen one example I like online -- the hide was mostly tucked under the bed and maybe a 1/3 of it could be seen from the corner or bottom of the bed.

    Another item I see ALL over the place is the ceramic garden stool. And I have one of those but it's not very functional and I will probably part with it, one of these cleansing days. I do like the Wisteria stools with some design to them and a larger and flatter surface than some of the less expensive options. But those of us who read blogs see them all over the place, but those who don't maybe don't feel so inundated.

  5. I love that faux orange zebra rug in the nursery, but I hear you on overload sometimes. The funny thing of course is that while we see them all the time in the design mags & blogs, I've never seen one in anyone's actual home that I've ever been in.

    We often talk about white inset Something's Gotta Give overload over on the GardenWeb Kitchen forum, but the fact is in real life here in suburbia, wood is still king.

    So, yes, I do say, "Enough Already," but I know that some of these been there, done that trends have yet to even permeate the mainstream.

  6. I love these type of posts from you Kathysue! I adore the orange one in the nursery, the design just wouldn't be the same without it.

    I did have a hide rug until about 2 years ago when I decided I was over had been sitting in the garage anyway. Sold it on craigslist. It had been in our master in our previous home, and posted it on RMS. That crazy room ended up having over 300,000 hits until I finally couldn't take it any more and deleted the room. Half the comments were about the rug, it was a full time job to answer everyone! Anyway, I love them in some spaces but I'm pretty much over them. Janell

  7. I agree with you Kathysue, but I did love the orange one!


  8. I agree with you Kathysue, but I did love the orange one!


  9. In the right place, in the right design a wonderful traditional man's study or library, I the real ones but the faux ~ no.

  10. So TRUE! I remembering noticing that Elle Decor had it on their cover some 10/12 months a few years back... I love the look, but sheesh!

  11. Oh I do love the look of them, but up close it gives me the heeby jeebies! I don't mind them for others though, as they add a nice organic element to spaces.

  12. Ha, ha, you make me laugh! I've never really thought about the animal rugs, they aren't part of my decor so I've never given them much thought. The only one I liked in your pictures was the orange one in the nursery, that was cute. I'll stick with my oriental rugs ;-)

  13. I like them in the right space. And I do like how some animal prints are almost like neutrals. I was wondering the same thing about the clam shell...I've wanted one for a while and now Ballard has them....almost makes me not want one anymore.

  14. Hmmmm....I don't know Kathysue...I still like them...but in the right room. I actually put mine over my sofa in the LR because my dogs will not stay off it! They certainly can not hurt a hide! So it is coming in handy....

  15. I can go either way on the hide rugs....after all, I'm in Texas, and we've had them forever! There are things I am tired of....I'm sick of the "neutral-no-color-torn-up-to-look-old-and-ratty" look. I can only tolerate no color in very small doses, and I've really had enough of it. I'm also tired of every old piece of furniture being painted black or white with distressing!....hmmm perhaps I should do a post, so that I don't write a book on your comment page! LOL

  16. Your so funny. Kathysue. I love your passion. I'm a little afraid to admit we've had a zebra hide rug (the real thing) for probably 20 years. It was layered over a sisal rug in our living room in our last house and now resides in Don's study. I still like it. I didn't even know it was a trend. Actually I think they can be pretty timeless...that is if they're not died orange. Those images are just too funny. Don't think I could do that. Love you, Mona

  17. OH! Do you know that I want an animal hide rug? Teeeeheeee....I never knew I would, but I think that would look so stunning in my harp studio. 41 years of marriage for you dearest? CONGRATULATIONS!!!! Have a lovely day,and thank you for your kind visit!!! Anita

  18. Love this post. I don't have one , nor do I want one. But in the right space in the right state... I would like it. I love the orange one. LOL I came by today to ask you to go to my post please. I would love your input. thanks

  19. Animal hide rugs are the most durable rugs out there! Think about it, a cow (for example) is made to stand out in the elements. The high foot traffic on my animal hide rugs far out serves the other rugs I have had in that spot.
    On practicality alone, I'll keep using them.

  20. Faux rugs, NO! I want a zebra, but since a truly good zebra is 2000 and up, don't see one showing up any time soon!
    This post had me laughing. I know exactly what you mean.

  21. I love a black and white zebra print. but I don't like the rug that looks like the shape of the animal, that give me the creeps! I love the zebra print on a pillow or an accessory to add a little interest to the decor.

  22. I'm not a big fan of animal hide rugs. To be honest, I've only seen them in magazines but never in anyone's home. The orange faux in the nursery is cute but I'm still not a fan of animal hide rugs...faux or real.

  23. I just came back again because the more I have thought about it the more I dislike the idea of animal hide rugs. Thank you for a most thought provoking posts!!!

  24. So funny! I have a post that I've been working which (saved) that is about this very thing. I can appreciate the animal print in other people's houses, but it's definitely not for me. I just don't like animal print period.

  25. I've always wanted a large cowhide rug, but now that I see them everywhere I don't want one anymore. Go figure. Kat


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue