Thursday, February 17, 2011

You Should Always Order A Sample!!!

I think most of us will agree that we should always get a sample whether it is paint, fabric or wall coverings.

Without a sample we will not be able to tell how it works in the room with lighting, and also, how it marries to other fabrics and colors in the room.

Believe it or not, a color or fabric you might love, just might not be good with the other elements in the room.

When it comes to fabric, what we see on the computer screen will not only vary in color and texture, but the pattern might also vary in size.

It is important to read all of the fine print in relation to the fabric or wallpaper. The design repeat is a pretty good clue on how large a print could possibly be.
I bring all of this up because I recently posted about the samples of fabric I was ordering.

It was fun getting everyone’s varying opinions on which fabrics to use for the cushions. I showed the samples that were on the website. Here is an example of one of the fabrics…………
1 (600x403)

playroom bed and samples 003 (800x600)
I think you can tell that the actual fabric samples stripe appears much wider than the on-line samples picture. The white is actually more white in person.

Let’s look at another sample…………………..
7 (600x423)

playroom bed and samples 004 (800x600)
Both of the samples I have shown are good examples of why one should order a sample!!! The actual size of the pattern is soooo much larger than is represented on-line!!

Whew!! I am sure glad I ordered samples! Now for the fun but hard part- choosing just the right one!!

I am really excited because I actually have three great options, but I will have to admit, I am leaning more towards one over the others. Don’t you just looooove getting samples in the mail?!

You will just have to stay tuned for the reveal of which fabric I am choosing!!!

Have you ever ordered anything without ordering a sample and been disappointed or shocked at how different it looked in person?

“ Enjoy the Process” Of:

Getting Samples in the mail!!



  1. Oh yes, I've made this mistake a few times. I once ordered panels from a catalog and they looked entirely different! Lesson learned!

    I like both fabrics that you have chosen. My favorite is the second one.

    Can't wait to see what you choose and how you use it.


  2. I always order a sample before ordering. Grabbing samples from the mail is always fun. I was absolutely giddy when my cork floor samples showed up. Not seeing a sample is the one thing that's holding me up from ordering a rug online. I won a CSN giveaway a little while ago and have been stuck. I really want one of their rugs, but I'm so afraid the color won't be right in my house. I'll probably just end up getting some accessories.

    It's amazing how different the samples are from their online representation. Thanks for sharing.

  3. I agree. Ordering samples is key if you are needing a particular type. I am still not sure as to way companies cant represent accurately online. If someone doesn't like it they wont order it or send it back and then they may never order again fro the company. woes.

    Mr. Goodwill Hunting

  4. I would never order a product without a CFA for the reasons you touched on, also the dye lot can vary from the sample to the production of what I'd be receiving. I'm a stickler for CFA's and my clients like that too! Did you use the Robert Allen on-line service? I don't use any of the services, I always go to the D & D as there always seems to be quite a difference and even then I still order a CFA (for dye lot purposes.) Great lesson to teach others who may not be aware of this happening. Off to the city now for meetings.

  5. This is so true Kathysue.

    Paint color, depending on monitor, can be so different, in real life. We have three computers. My blog posts look different on all of them! The SW Sticks and Stones we just finished in the kitchen area is a perfect example of differences. It is a warm gray, almost like taupe, with brown undertones.

    Depending on monitor it can even look purple, via computer. In real life it is a warm, almost taupe gray with no pink undertone at all, in the light of our home. Light is another tricky element to choosing colors and fabrics.

  6. totally agree on samples. I ordered samples of possible frames from Mirrormates to frame two bathroom mirrors. The finish I loved online was not the one I ended up choosing, thanks to seeing it 'in the flesh.' Much prefer shopping for fabrics in a store as opposed to online shopping but JoAnn's, as good as they can somestimes be, doesn't stock designer fabrics but they will order samples.

  7. I think sometimes we get so impatient to start a project that we don't take the time necessary to order samples, but it's a money saver in the long run. Your examples here illustrate that well.

    I like to go to the sample section of our fabric store and look at and touch the sample before ordering. (I usually try to find a better price online though!)

  8. It stretches the project out a little longer, but it's certainly worth the wait. I have fabric and wallpaper books in my studio, so I'm pretty sure about things, but having a real sample that you can take to a client's home is invaluable. Sometimes you just have to live with it for a while, and a memo sample is a great way to do that before you commit. Can't wait to see what you decide!

  9. Yes it is definately necessary to see things in person and not on a computer screen. Like your experience here many times when the sample arrives it is quite different from what you expected...and could be disasterous!

  10. I've only order fabric online once and yes, I did order a sample first. It really is so different when you actually get the piece. I much prefer to just go to the fabric store. Can't wait to see what you are doing. Hugs, Marty

  11. Great point...size, color, scale. How something looks in the home can look completely different than in a store, so it is always important to bring home samples before ordering. (Ha, this from the person who had a green table delivered to her door!)

  12. I agree that you should (and I encourage people to get samples of my fabrics as their computer screens could well be different) - but recently I ordered four fabrics 'cold' and I'm thrilled with - three of them...
    Never too old to learn.

  13. I always order a sample of either fabric or wallpaper. As for paint, I always paint a section of the wall or on a wall board first. Can't wait to see what fabric you decide!

  14. Great point (and illustration). Both looked a lot smaller in the images, it's definitly smart to note the pattern repeat. Love both choices though! I have never bought fabric online (yes I'm a chicken!) but I'm sure I will in the future. Great post as usual!

    xo Linda

  15. That is the truth as someone who has learned the hard way! xx

  16. Was sort of stuck with the "in-betweens" this week but am coming out of the slump... This is such great advice and the proof is with your examples!

  17. You are right! It is so hard for me to order fabric online...I really want to touch and feel!

  18. Your are so right...I've learned that the hard way!!

  19. Absolutely! They can give you all the dimensions in the world - but it's really hard to get a real sense of the scale..

  20. I always want a sample so I can not only see the fabric, but feel it. Texture is important to me. Scale is also important. ~ Sarah

  21. Loving the nautica! I'm pretty sure it looks so much better in real life. Have a beautiful weekend, Kellie xx


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue