Monday, February 14, 2011

What is Love?

What is love? The answer comes to each of us in many different ways.

If we were to believe what we see on TV it would be a grand gesture of a spectacular gift of diamonds, flowers and chocolates all tied up in a pretty package.

Having been in love with the same man for over 44 years I know what love is in it’s truest form.
Doug&Kathy 002

Love is not the grand gestures as mentioned above , but it is the simple everyday things, the unspoken words, the little glance accompanied by a sweet grin and a twinkle in his blue eyes.

He shows me love every time he gets up from the table and does the dishes just because he knows I am a bit tired.

He shows me love when he goes to the grocery store because he knows I hate grocery shopping.

He shows me love when I get in my car and I notice it has been washed and polished and filled up with gas.

He shows me love when he goes to sleep in the other room because I am not sleeping well and  he does not want to disturb me because I  finally fell asleep.

He shows me love when he goes across town to buy the special humus I love even though he is not really sure what humus is.

He shows me love when after watching a sweet love story like the,”Notebook.” We sat in our seats until the theatre was empty, stood up to leave, took one look at each other and both started crying. You see, He is my Home!!!

He shows me he loves me when he paints a room three times to get the perfect green, just for me.
BLUE TAPE 005 (600x800)

He shows me love when he does all of these things and never mentions that he did them, he does not want accolades or anything in return, he just does these things because he loves me.

He loves me unselfishly and unconditionally. He loves me in the truest sense of the word. He is forever my love forever my valentine.

Happy Valentines Day to the Love of My Life!!


  1. Oh Kathysue! This is the sweetest post. I can just feel the special love that you have for your sweetie.
    You are so right, it is the little things that you mentioned that mean the most and show love.
    I've been married to my guy for over 36 years and he's the best.

    hugs and Happy Valentines Day.


  2. Kathysue, that is the perfect love letter to your husband! As they were saying on the Today Show, the love letter is almost a thing of the past due to texting, email etc.
    You just brought it back to light.
    Have a wonderful Valentines Day with your hubby!

  3. What a lovely Valentine for your sweet and thoughful.(-:

  4. Yes, dear friend,
    I know exactly what
    you's the
    little things, isn't
    it?? Happy, happy
    Valentines Day to you
    and your sweet hubby!
    xx Suzanne

  5. You are a lucky lady Kathysue. What a guy! Happy Valentine's Day my friend.

  6. What an absolutely beautiful post and what a lucky girl you are!! Wishing you and your fabulous man the LOVEliest of Valentine's Days!!

  7. That was so sweet! It got me all teary-eyed! I hope you and your husband have a wonderful Valentine's Day!~

  8. A Blessed marriage indeed! He's a gem, and so are you. I'm sure he would say the same thing about you. Happy Valentines' Day!

  9. This is beautiful! Wishing you and your husband a very Happy Valentine's Day!

  10. I am so happy that you found my blog. I can see from your pics that you too have a honey doer. I've known my husband since I was 15 and he is the love of my life. I hope you and yours have a Happy Valentine's day!

  11. Happy Valentine's Day!

  12. What a sweet tribute to your man. I remember when we were first married my father-in-law told me that it's not what your husband does for you on your anniversary or Valentine's Day that matters, it's how he treats you the other 364 days of the year, smart man!

  13. Happy Valentine's Day to you and your sweetie!!

  14. Happy Valentines Day. I stumbled across your blog site while searching in google and as I started reading I couldn't stop. The reason for that is because what you wrote reminds me so much of my husband and its great to know that I'm not the only one that has a great guy in my life and on Valentines Day. Hope you have a good day.

  15. This post made me cry!! I've had the privilege of knowing both of you for well over 40 years and what a blessing to see your love story unfold and grow and grow and grow and grow! What a precious testimony! I love you both!

  16. Aww i love it. many years as you both have together is hard to find these days. Thanks for sharing, happy vday!!

  17. Oh Kathysue this is the sweetest post!! By far the bestest Valentine one I've seen!
    Have to tell you my friend...for a moment I thought you'd married my husband *winks* It was only that 44 yr thing that made them different...And my hubbs is only 50. What a couple of lucky ladies we are!! God bless God! Vanna

  18. the most beautiful piece, ever, Kathysue. You allow us to love him a little, too, because he's so good to you...

    love to you! donna

  19. We are two peas in a pod, Kathsue! I agree. It is the simple everyday gestures that are important.
    Happy Valentine's Day!!!


  20. Okay, first I must say that the picture of the younger version of you two looks like a scene in a movie, honest to pete. Glamour girl! Now, about the love of your marriage and your man -- something to behold in person, I am sure of that. What a great gift that is to give your children and your grandchildren -- the gift of such example. Happy Valentine's to both of you!

  21. We did do similar posts, and I think it's because we each are truly are blessed with the kind of love that so many write about and dream of. You and your husband are truly soul mates, and love doesn't get any better than that does it?!

    Happy Valentine's Day!

    Kat :)

  22. well, you must have met each other when you were 2 because you couldn't be more than 46 in your photo on your sidebar!
    what a sweet, sweet husband!
    happy valentine's day everyday!!


    p.s. y'all are absolutely adorable in the top photo!

  23. What an amazing post, I just love your photo together!!! :) It's wonderful to read about your relationship, may God bless you guys. Happy V day to you sweet Kathysue!!
    Nancy xo

  24. I LOVE that photo...what a wonderful husband you have.......


I would love to hear from you, Kathysue